
时间:2021-02-24 20:09:21

After you start tracking the source of a bunch of open source software, how do you keep your code in sync? Run svn update every time you want to look at or play with the code?

在开始跟踪一堆开源软件的来源之后,如何让代码保持同步?每次要查看或使用代码时运行svn update?

It strikes me that it would be better to essentially start mirroring the code with (say) a cron job every night. Have people set up workflows to do this sort of thing? (With alerts when/if any changes you make to the code end up conflicting with the latest update?)

让我感到震惊的是,每天晚上用(例如)一个cron作业开始镜像代码会更好。让人们设置工作流来做这种事吗? (如果您对代码所做的任何更改最终与最新更新冲突,则会显示警报?)

Or am I on my own? (I'm running Mac OS X but interested in general as well as specific solutions.)

还是我靠自己? (我正在运行Mac OS X,但对一般以及特定解决方案感兴趣。)

4 个解决方案



The general workflow recommended by the Subversion book is to update your working copy often; at the start of every work-day is a good time. But you don't have to. Just update whenever you feel like seeing the latest changes.


I have a number of open source repositories checked out under a src/ directory. Every couple of days, I remember to run 'svn up *' from that directory, and it updates all the working copies contained there.

我在src /目录下检出了许多开源存储库。每隔几天,我记得从该目录运行'svn up *',并更新其中包含的所有工作副本。



If your repository sends you an email every time someone checks in, why not have a program that checks for those emails and then updates the working copy at that time? This way you're always up to date. Caveats include needlessly burning bandwidth and the possibility of getting odd conflicts when a file you're working on gets updated.


Just updating once a day, or once every few days, is only useful when there are a limited number of people working on a project, all in disparate areas of it. When you've got more than five people, and the possibility that they are working in similar parts of the code, updating once an hour, or more frequently, is much better.




I will update often really only when I use an open source library in my own application, the external repository will actually be part of my project tree, when I update my project it also updates the external repository. I think when you only look at code for research it will only make sense if you want to look at a new feature they released and then update.




You might want to look into using svn:externals: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.0/ch07s03.html




The general workflow recommended by the Subversion book is to update your working copy often; at the start of every work-day is a good time. But you don't have to. Just update whenever you feel like seeing the latest changes.


I have a number of open source repositories checked out under a src/ directory. Every couple of days, I remember to run 'svn up *' from that directory, and it updates all the working copies contained there.

我在src /目录下检出了许多开源存储库。每隔几天,我记得从该目录运行'svn up *',并更新其中包含的所有工作副本。



If your repository sends you an email every time someone checks in, why not have a program that checks for those emails and then updates the working copy at that time? This way you're always up to date. Caveats include needlessly burning bandwidth and the possibility of getting odd conflicts when a file you're working on gets updated.


Just updating once a day, or once every few days, is only useful when there are a limited number of people working on a project, all in disparate areas of it. When you've got more than five people, and the possibility that they are working in similar parts of the code, updating once an hour, or more frequently, is much better.




I will update often really only when I use an open source library in my own application, the external repository will actually be part of my project tree, when I update my project it also updates the external repository. I think when you only look at code for research it will only make sense if you want to look at a new feature they released and then update.




You might want to look into using svn:externals: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.0/ch07s03.html
