
时间:2021-11-04 20:10:01

The application I'm working on was started with Rails 3.0.6, I believe 3.0.7 is available and 3.1 is just around the corner.

我正在开发的应用程序是从Rails 3.0.6开始的,我相信3.0.7是可用的,3.1就在眼前。

I realise 3.1 will likely have some breaking changes, requiring a proper read through of release notes etc, before attempting to update the project.


My question though, is what is considered best practice for the x.x.x updates and the x.x updates? Should they be treated differently? Barring breaking changes, is it best to create a brand new project each time and drop in the changed files?




2 个解决方案



The best way is always to specify your Rails and other Gem Versions within your Gemfile.


gem 'rails', '3.0.7'

When a new version is released you simply bump the version, bundle and run your test suite. Following the change log will allow you to assess if any changes will be required. Rails is very good at providing Deprecation warning for your code segments so you should know about a change before it happens. Hope this helps, all the best.




I have a bit of a mixed opinion on this.


On one hand, you want to be pragmatic about your upgrades and assess whether taking the time to upgrade your version of Rails will bring about any benefits for you. Sometimes this is obvious--speed improvements to slow parts of your app, improved pipelines or workflows, etc. might bring obvious gains, and you can easily justify taking the time to upgrade the app. Sometimes, it's not so obvious, and there's certainly a great number of production apps, some very well known, still running 2.3 and Ruby 1.8.7.

一方面,您希望在升级时更加务实,并评估花时间升级Rails版本是否会给您带来任何好处。有时这是显而易见的,速度慢的部分应用程序的改进,提高了管道或工作流,等可能会带来明显的收益,你可以很容易地证明花时间升级应用。有时候,它不是那么明显,当然还有大量的生产应用,一些非常知名,仍在运行2.3和Ruby 1.8.7。

On the other hand, Rails is a fast-moving project, and I personally wouldn't want to sit around on a very old version. The longer you wait to upgrade, the more work you'll likely have to do to modify your app accordingly.


If you feel like it's time to upgrade, or that upgrading is a good idea, my advice to you is create a new branch in your version control system and test and profile the new version. That way, you and the rest of your team can continue working on the app in the old branches as normal, and you can get a good idea of how much work it'll take to upgrade Rails. Then, if everything goes horribly wrong, you can just delete the new branch and move on your merry way.




  • Be pragmatic about your upgrades--assess if the upgrade will bring any real, measurable benefit to your app or your team
  • 对你的升级要务实——评估升级是否会给你的应用或团队带来真正的、可衡量的好处
  • Always test and profile new versions of Rails (or any other dependency!)
  • 始终测试和分析Rails的新版本(或任何其他依赖项!)



The best way is always to specify your Rails and other Gem Versions within your Gemfile.


gem 'rails', '3.0.7'

When a new version is released you simply bump the version, bundle and run your test suite. Following the change log will allow you to assess if any changes will be required. Rails is very good at providing Deprecation warning for your code segments so you should know about a change before it happens. Hope this helps, all the best.




I have a bit of a mixed opinion on this.


On one hand, you want to be pragmatic about your upgrades and assess whether taking the time to upgrade your version of Rails will bring about any benefits for you. Sometimes this is obvious--speed improvements to slow parts of your app, improved pipelines or workflows, etc. might bring obvious gains, and you can easily justify taking the time to upgrade the app. Sometimes, it's not so obvious, and there's certainly a great number of production apps, some very well known, still running 2.3 and Ruby 1.8.7.

一方面,您希望在升级时更加务实,并评估花时间升级Rails版本是否会给您带来任何好处。有时这是显而易见的,速度慢的部分应用程序的改进,提高了管道或工作流,等可能会带来明显的收益,你可以很容易地证明花时间升级应用。有时候,它不是那么明显,当然还有大量的生产应用,一些非常知名,仍在运行2.3和Ruby 1.8.7。

On the other hand, Rails is a fast-moving project, and I personally wouldn't want to sit around on a very old version. The longer you wait to upgrade, the more work you'll likely have to do to modify your app accordingly.


If you feel like it's time to upgrade, or that upgrading is a good idea, my advice to you is create a new branch in your version control system and test and profile the new version. That way, you and the rest of your team can continue working on the app in the old branches as normal, and you can get a good idea of how much work it'll take to upgrade Rails. Then, if everything goes horribly wrong, you can just delete the new branch and move on your merry way.




  • Be pragmatic about your upgrades--assess if the upgrade will bring any real, measurable benefit to your app or your team
  • 对你的升级要务实——评估升级是否会给你的应用或团队带来真正的、可衡量的好处
  • Always test and profile new versions of Rails (or any other dependency!)
  • 始终测试和分析Rails的新版本(或任何其他依赖项!)