ASP.NET - 让jquery混乱我的ASPX文件的最佳方法是什么?

时间:2021-10-25 20:08:57

I'm starting to use more and more jquery. I'm working with dialogs, and each dialog (including javascript) is taking upwards of 20-30 lines of code. There's a few pages where I'll have over 5 dialogs. This gets ugly fast. I haven't even begun to get into sliding interfaces or calendar controls yet.


I have more of a PHP background... and in these situations i'd be moving things to an "include" file. I can see that working for items such as jquery-dialogs in ASP.NET, but when I start adding jquery features to actual ASP.NET form items.. that won't be an option (as far as I know).


How can I keep the extra javascript and extra floating divs from cluttering up my ASPX files too bad?


I'm prepared to partition the ASPX file into well documented, distinct sections... this just results in a very "tall" file. Any better solutions?



3 个解决方案


Let's see...

  1. Since you are using jQuery, you must know the script src syntax already to include javascript files, so I assume this is not the problem :).


  2. For those pesky crazy looking control ID that ASP.NET create... cache them in a JavaScript global variable at the end of the page... like:

    对于ASP.NET创建的那些讨厌的疯狂外观控件ID ...将它们缓存在页面末尾的JavaScript全局变量中......如:

      ControlIDs = {
        SaveButton = '<%=SaveButton.ClientID%>',
        BlahTextBox = '<%=BlahTextBox.ClientID%>'

And in your separate jQuery code file, do...



3. Instead of using the ASP.NET control ID, maybe you want to try using the CSS Class Name as selector in jQuery to get to a particular control (treat class name as control Id), might not be an ideal idea, but it could work.

3.而不是使用ASP.NET控件ID,也许你想尝试在jQuery中使用CSS Class Name作为选择器来获取特定控件(将类名称视为控件ID),可能不是一个理想的想法,但它可以工作。

Any of these should allow you to do some degree of Javascript separation.



You could put the javascript code into separate js file(s). You then reference the js file(s) in your page.



I'm not sure how you're structuring your .NET and your markup, but I'd be using external JavaScript files to handle all of that, no inline JavaScript. That's how we work in here, and no issues so far, with a nice separation of markup, CSS, JavaScript, and .NET.


If you have specific types of dialogs, then use classnames on your markup, then in the JavaScript include files use classes as your selectors to create the dialogs.



Let's see...

  1. Since you are using jQuery, you must know the script src syntax already to include javascript files, so I assume this is not the problem :).


  2. For those pesky crazy looking control ID that ASP.NET create... cache them in a JavaScript global variable at the end of the page... like:

    对于ASP.NET创建的那些讨厌的疯狂外观控件ID ...将它们缓存在页面末尾的JavaScript全局变量中......如:

      ControlIDs = {
        SaveButton = '<%=SaveButton.ClientID%>',
        BlahTextBox = '<%=BlahTextBox.ClientID%>'

And in your separate jQuery code file, do...



3. Instead of using the ASP.NET control ID, maybe you want to try using the CSS Class Name as selector in jQuery to get to a particular control (treat class name as control Id), might not be an ideal idea, but it could work.

3.而不是使用ASP.NET控件ID,也许你想尝试在jQuery中使用CSS Class Name作为选择器来获取特定控件(将类名称视为控件ID),可能不是一个理想的想法,但它可以工作。

Any of these should allow you to do some degree of Javascript separation.



You could put the javascript code into separate js file(s). You then reference the js file(s) in your page.



I'm not sure how you're structuring your .NET and your markup, but I'd be using external JavaScript files to handle all of that, no inline JavaScript. That's how we work in here, and no issues so far, with a nice separation of markup, CSS, JavaScript, and .NET.


If you have specific types of dialogs, then use classnames on your markup, then in the JavaScript include files use classes as your selectors to create the dialogs.
