保存MVVM / Knockoutjs Web App更改的最佳方法?

时间:2022-12-27 20:10:05

I've been playing with KnockoutJS and absolutely love how much it simplifies the design from every angle by keeping stuff from falling through the cracks. My question is what is the recommended "best practice" for saving the data back to the server? My understanding is that in a connected MVVM, the first "M" is the data layer and so the dependency tracking and notifications in the ViewModel trigger saves directly back to the data layer. In a JavaScript app, we are disconnected and selectively save back to the server using AJAX.


The app I'm currently using it in is MVC3 and I absolutely get how to write a "Save" action on my controller, plop a "Save" button somewhere on my page, post the whole ViewModel to that Save action and then persist that to the database. But what about when you make a quick edit and then save it again? Or what if a save button doesn't fit the flow of the design? Instead, you want to post to the action every time a change is made on the form with no save button at all? The ideas that I've bounced around are:


  • Post the whole ViewModel every time any change is made and make the Action figure out what is new and what isn't (not ideal, especially for large models, if nothing else because the data transmitted on each save would be unnecessarily large).
  • 每次进行任何更改时都会发布整个ViewModel,并使Action确定新内容和非新内容(不理想,特别是对于大型模型,如果没有别的,因为每次保存时传输的数据会不必要地大)。
  • Add a property to each item in the ViewModel that tracks whether it is new and/or changed since the last save. Then, grep out those items and post only those to the server (I haven't tested this, but I assume this can be done using the _destroy property, as intended for a Rails app).
  • 向ViewModel中的每个项添加一个属性,用于跟踪自上次保存以来它是否是新的和/或已更改。然后,grep out那些项目并仅将这些项目发布到服务器(我没有测试过这个,但我认为这可以使用_destroy属性来完成,就像Rails应用程序一样)。
  • Separate into as many smaller ViewModels as is plausible so that any pain from the first two options is minimized (this should probably be done regardless).
  • 分成尽可能多的小型ViewModel,这样可以减少前两个选项的任何痛苦(无论如何都应该这样做)。
  • Some other better way?
  • 其他一些更好的方法?

I'm hopeful there are some good ideas out there that I haven't thought of. To be able to declaratively bind everything AND still save efficiently would be awesome.


3 个解决方案



The only other thing i could think of is subscribing. When i first started reading your post i was thinking flags w/grep though.

我唯一能想到的就是订阅。当我第一次开始阅读你的帖子时,我正在考虑用gre / grep标记。

Edit: Better yet, ko.utils.compareArrays looks promising.


Here's a working example..


The only thing left to do is detect changes to values of the 'retained' values. You're well on your way though.




I just got back from Mix11 where I attended this session about Knockout.js. It might be worth your while to watch Steve Sanderson crank out a full CRUD demo.




You might check out the Mapping plugin for Knockout, it lets you have load up Knockout from a JSON array. If it wasn't too big, you save that array down to server on a timer (or after a change). Hope this helps, sorry if you already knew this.








The only other thing i could think of is subscribing. When i first started reading your post i was thinking flags w/grep though.

我唯一能想到的就是订阅。当我第一次开始阅读你的帖子时,我正在考虑用gre / grep标记。

Edit: Better yet, ko.utils.compareArrays looks promising.


Here's a working example..


The only thing left to do is detect changes to values of the 'retained' values. You're well on your way though.




I just got back from Mix11 where I attended this session about Knockout.js. It might be worth your while to watch Steve Sanderson crank out a full CRUD demo.




You might check out the Mapping plugin for Knockout, it lets you have load up Knockout from a JSON array. If it wasn't too big, you save that array down to server on a timer (or after a change). Hope this helps, sorry if you already knew this.




