I'm looking for the best solution to adding both "doubletap" and "longtap" events for use with jQuery's live(), bind() and trigger(). I rolled my own quick solution, but it's a little buggy. Does anyone have plugins they would recommend, or implentations of their own they'd like to share?
7 个解决方案
It has been reported to jQuery as a bug, but as doubletapping isn't the same as doubleclicking, it does not have a high priority. However, mastermind Raul Sanchez coded a jquery solution for doubletap which you can probably use!Here's the link, works on mobile Safari.
据报道jQuery是一个bug,但由于doubletapping与doubleclicking不同,因此它没有高优先级。然而,主谋Raul Sanchez编写了一个jquery解决方案,你可以使用双击!这是链接,适用于移动Safari。
It's easy to use:
$('selector').doubletap(function() {});
And there's a longtap plugin here! You can see a demo on your iPad or iPhone here.
rsplak's answer is good. I checked out that link and it does work well.
However, it only implements a doubletap jQuery function
但是,它只实现了一个doubletap jQuery函数
I needed a custom doubletap event that I could bind/delegate to. i.e.
$('.myelement').bind('doubletap', function(event){ //...});
This is more important if you're writing a backbone.js style app, where there is a lot of event binding going on.
So I took Raul Sanchez's work, and turned it into a "jQuery special event".
所以我接受了Raul Sanchez的工作,并把它变成了一个“jQuery特别活动”。
Have a look here: https://gist.github.com/1652946 Might be useful to someone.
Just use a multitouch JavaScript library like Hammer.js. Then you can write code like:
canvas .hammer({prevent_default: true}) .bind('doubletap', function(e) { // Also fires on double click // Generate a pony }) .bind('hold', function(e) { // Generate a unicorn });
It supports tap, double tap, swipe, hold, transform (i.e., pinch) and drag. The touch events also fire when equivalent mouse actions happen, so you don't need to write two sets of event handlers. Oh, and you need the jQuery plugin if you want to be able to write in the jQueryish way as I did.
I wrote a very similar answer to this question because it's also very popular but not very well answered.
You can also use jQuery Finger which also supports event delegation:
您还可以使用jQuery Finger,它也支持事件委派:
For longtap:
// direct event$('selector').on('press', function() { /* handle event */ });// delegated event$('ancestor').on('press', 'selector', function() { /* handle event */ });
For double tap:
// direct event$('selector').on('doubletap', function() { /* handle event */ });// delegated event$('ancestor').on('doubletap', 'selector', function() { /* handle event */ });
Here's a pretty basic outline of a function you can extend upon for the longtap:
$('#myDiv').mousedown(function() { var d = new Date; a = d.getTime();});$('#myDiv').mouseup(function() { var d = new Date; b = d.getTime(); if (b-a > 500) { alert('This has been a longtouch!'); }});
The length of time can be defined by the if
block in the mouseup function. This probably could be beefed up upon a good deal. I have a jsFiddle set up for those who want to play with it.
EDIT: I just realized that this depends on mousedown
and mouseup
being fired with finger touches. If that isn't the case, then substitute whatever the appropriate method is... I'm not that familiar with mobile development.
based on latest jquery docs i've written doubletap event
function itemTapEvent(event) { if (event.type == 'touchend') { var lastTouch = $(this).data('lastTouch') || {lastTime: 0}, now = event.timeStamp, delta = now - lastTouch.lastTime; if ( delta > 20 && delta < 250 ) { if (lastTouch.timerEv) clearTimeout(lastTouch.timerEv); return; } else $(this).data('lastTouch', {lastTime: now}); $(this).data('lastTouch')['timerEv'] = setTimeout(function() { $(this).trigger('touchend'); }, 250); } } $('selector').bind('touchend', itemTapEvent);
It has been reported to jQuery as a bug, but as doubletapping isn't the same as doubleclicking, it does not have a high priority. However, mastermind Raul Sanchez coded a jquery solution for doubletap which you can probably use!Here's the link, works on mobile Safari.
据报道jQuery是一个bug,但由于doubletapping与doubleclicking不同,因此它没有高优先级。然而,主谋Raul Sanchez编写了一个jquery解决方案,你可以使用双击!这是链接,适用于移动Safari。
It's easy to use:
$('selector').doubletap(function() {});
And there's a longtap plugin here! You can see a demo on your iPad or iPhone here.
rsplak's answer is good. I checked out that link and it does work well.
However, it only implements a doubletap jQuery function
但是,它只实现了一个doubletap jQuery函数
I needed a custom doubletap event that I could bind/delegate to. i.e.
$('.myelement').bind('doubletap', function(event){ //...});
This is more important if you're writing a backbone.js style app, where there is a lot of event binding going on.
So I took Raul Sanchez's work, and turned it into a "jQuery special event".
所以我接受了Raul Sanchez的工作,并把它变成了一个“jQuery特别活动”。
Have a look here: https://gist.github.com/1652946 Might be useful to someone.
Just use a multitouch JavaScript library like Hammer.js. Then you can write code like:
canvas .hammer({prevent_default: true}) .bind('doubletap', function(e) { // Also fires on double click // Generate a pony }) .bind('hold', function(e) { // Generate a unicorn });
It supports tap, double tap, swipe, hold, transform (i.e., pinch) and drag. The touch events also fire when equivalent mouse actions happen, so you don't need to write two sets of event handlers. Oh, and you need the jQuery plugin if you want to be able to write in the jQueryish way as I did.
I wrote a very similar answer to this question because it's also very popular but not very well answered.
You can also use jQuery Finger which also supports event delegation:
您还可以使用jQuery Finger,它也支持事件委派:
For longtap:
// direct event$('selector').on('press', function() { /* handle event */ });// delegated event$('ancestor').on('press', 'selector', function() { /* handle event */ });
For double tap:
// direct event$('selector').on('doubletap', function() { /* handle event */ });// delegated event$('ancestor').on('doubletap', 'selector', function() { /* handle event */ });
Here's a pretty basic outline of a function you can extend upon for the longtap:
$('#myDiv').mousedown(function() { var d = new Date; a = d.getTime();});$('#myDiv').mouseup(function() { var d = new Date; b = d.getTime(); if (b-a > 500) { alert('This has been a longtouch!'); }});
The length of time can be defined by the if
block in the mouseup function. This probably could be beefed up upon a good deal. I have a jsFiddle set up for those who want to play with it.
EDIT: I just realized that this depends on mousedown
and mouseup
being fired with finger touches. If that isn't the case, then substitute whatever the appropriate method is... I'm not that familiar with mobile development.
based on latest jquery docs i've written doubletap event
function itemTapEvent(event) { if (event.type == 'touchend') { var lastTouch = $(this).data('lastTouch') || {lastTime: 0}, now = event.timeStamp, delta = now - lastTouch.lastTime; if ( delta > 20 && delta < 250 ) { if (lastTouch.timerEv) clearTimeout(lastTouch.timerEv); return; } else $(this).data('lastTouch', {lastTime: now}); $(this).data('lastTouch')['timerEv'] = setTimeout(function() { $(this).trigger('touchend'); }, 250); } } $('selector').bind('touchend', itemTapEvent);