
时间:2021-01-04 20:06:02

I have a background image with many icons. I've implemented it usually match parents for height and width.


The original size is 562 (width) x 964 (height) = equivalent to an iPhone screen size.

原始尺寸为562(宽度)x 964(高度)=相当于iPhone屏幕尺寸。

I tested on a smaller device that has 480 (width) x 800 (height) screen size. The background image is distorted.


In best practices, what is the good approach to designing design on this? Scale from smaller devices to higher devices or the opposite which I am doing?


If I'm correct large vectored image I designed to prevent low/poor quality issues on smaller devices, which perfectly has no problems. But, its stretched.


2 个解决方案



You should start with smaller screens and scale up from there. This way you can add extra content when the screen is big enough. Use sw (smallest width) qualifiers to check when to apply different layouts, such as sw600 which is a popular one.


Then if you need to do different things in your code, you can set a boolean resource in say a "booleans.xml" file such as:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <bool name="large_layout">false</bool>

Also do this using the sw600 qualifier (for example) and then you can check this in the code to determine what layout to apply or whether to do something else only for large screens. It will only return true if the value in the sw qualifier version is true.


If you are using a vector drawable then the image will scale to any size without distortion. But it must be in xml for this to work (You can't export vector drawables to some other format like png) and then have it still stretch. It should look something like this: https://developer.android.com/training/material/drawables.html.


Use multiple sizes of images for non vector formats.


Some more guidance can be found here: https://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html


And here for the recommended breakpoints: https://material.io/guidelines/layout/responsive-ui.html


Although those break points are a guide. The actual content should determine the breakpoints. So you should set the breakpoints where the content literally breaks. But for a lot of apps the standard breakpoints should suffice.




(Posted on behalf of the OP).


Problem solved! (Currently working on it)

问题解决了! (目前正在努力)

I need to start small to big, re-save this in a vector format like .svg and somehow do designs for normal-layout, xl and so on.




You should start with smaller screens and scale up from there. This way you can add extra content when the screen is big enough. Use sw (smallest width) qualifiers to check when to apply different layouts, such as sw600 which is a popular one.


Then if you need to do different things in your code, you can set a boolean resource in say a "booleans.xml" file such as:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <bool name="large_layout">false</bool>

Also do this using the sw600 qualifier (for example) and then you can check this in the code to determine what layout to apply or whether to do something else only for large screens. It will only return true if the value in the sw qualifier version is true.


If you are using a vector drawable then the image will scale to any size without distortion. But it must be in xml for this to work (You can't export vector drawables to some other format like png) and then have it still stretch. It should look something like this: https://developer.android.com/training/material/drawables.html.


Use multiple sizes of images for non vector formats.


Some more guidance can be found here: https://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html


And here for the recommended breakpoints: https://material.io/guidelines/layout/responsive-ui.html


Although those break points are a guide. The actual content should determine the breakpoints. So you should set the breakpoints where the content literally breaks. But for a lot of apps the standard breakpoints should suffice.




(Posted on behalf of the OP).


Problem solved! (Currently working on it)

问题解决了! (目前正在努力)

I need to start small to big, re-save this in a vector format like .svg and somehow do designs for normal-layout, xl and so on.
