
时间:2021-09-03 20:08:11

I am using:


  • Asp.net MVC3
  • Asp.net MVC3
  • Ninject
  • Ninject
  • Repository pattern with Entity Framework 4.0
  • 具有实体框架4.0的存储库模式

On an admin page there is a select where the user can choose a product group. The dropdown is in a partial view in EditorTemplates. The partial view today handles the data access itself. My question is, what is the best practice for this partial view?


Is it:


  1. Keep it as it is
  2. 保持原样
  3. Move the select to a view that is rendered by an Action, so that the Controller can get its dependencies from Ninject
  4. 将select移动到由操作呈现的视图中,这样控制器就可以从Ninject中获得它的依赖项
  5. The Partial View gets both the ID of the product group selected AND all the groups from the view that invokes it.
  6. 分部视图从调用它的视图中获取所选产品组的ID和所有组。
  7. ?
  8. 吗?

Above i described a specific scenario, but I guess that it is a common problem, and I haven't found a good way of doing it on SO.


2 个解决方案



As long as the partial view is called once, I'd go with option 2. I'd look into MiniProfiler to see all the calls to the database. You shouldn't be doing much of that if any in your views. If it's being called for each item in the select or if you have the data already, it would be faster to pass that data directly to the view.




I don't know, how much this answers you question, but I would go with option 2 :)




As long as the partial view is called once, I'd go with option 2. I'd look into MiniProfiler to see all the calls to the database. You shouldn't be doing much of that if any in your views. If it's being called for each item in the select or if you have the data already, it would be faster to pass that data directly to the view.




I don't know, how much this answers you question, but I would go with option 2 :)
