
时间:2021-06-24 20:08:56

Are there any tools you would recommend for site architecture design and analysis? I've checked out several such as Poseidon UML, Adalon and FuseBuilder for ColdFusion, Mindmapper and a few others but have yet to find anything that seems to strike the right balance between allowing for quick high-level planning (as can be accomplished with mind mapping) to more detailed architecture and analysis. UML seems to be the ultimate for application design but I don't consider tools such as Poseidon UML to be particularly adept when creating quick initial designs. Is there anything else out there that can be applied to any programming language, from CF to C#. Perhaps a combination of tools?

您是否建议使用任何工具进行站点架构设计和分析?我已经检查了几个如Poseidon UML,Adalon和FuseBuilder for ColdFusion,Mindmapper和其他几个但是还没有找到任何似乎在允许快速高级规划之间取得适当平衡的东西(可以用心灵完成)映射)到更详细的架构和分析。 UML似乎是应用程序设计的终极产品,但我不认为Poseidon UML等工具在创建快速初始设计时特别擅长。还有什么可以应用于任何编程语言,从CF到C#。也许是工具的组合?

5 个解决方案



My fantasy modeling tool would


  • Be 'smart board' enabled
    • Recording White Board
    • 录制白板

    • Act as a "pointing device" for whatever software is behind it to allow drawing/highlighting
    • 充当其背后的任何软件的“指点设备”以允许绘图/突出显示

    • OCR
  • 启用“智能板”录制白板法作为“指点设备”,用于支持绘制/突出显示OCR的任何软件

  • Record Stories, as easily as 3x5 cards
  • 记录故事,就像3x5卡一样容易

  • Allow Use Case walk-throughs with storyboard UI screens (just named pages at first)
  • 允许使用带有故事板UI屏幕的用例演练(首先只是命名页面)

  • Support Quick & Dirty Class or E/R Diagramming
  • 支持Quick&Dirty Class或E / R Diagramming

  • Export to a neutral format for import to more formal Modeling tools.
  • 导出为中性格式以导入更正式的建模工具。

Unfortunately, I can't afford the hardware and I don't think the software exists in a seamless fashion.



I use white boards, digital cameras, "sticky-notes', recordings, lap-top for work with analysis or story recording.


I use Poseidon for lack of a better [affordable] tool


A wiki is useful for posting documents/content where users/customers can review and comment.


I've also used Visio when someone else is paying for it.


I can't wait to see the other responses to this post, hoping to find some better answers!




I don't code in C but, for my money, I like Visio.




Anne, as of right now, I typically use Visio, althought that is not a great tool for doing things quick and easy, as it is a pain to use for the most part.


I dont know if you are interested but there is a preview coming out soon for Visual Studio 2010 that should contain some "Oslo" bits that will help in building your User stories, UML Diagrams, etc. all within the same tool, and allow you to map several ideas together in interesting ways.

我不知道你是否感兴趣但是很快就会出现Visual Studio 2010的预览,它应该包含一些“奥斯陆”位,它们将有助于在同一个工具中构建你的用户故事,UML图等,并允许你以有趣的方式将几个想法映射到一起。

I have read up from the PDC 2008 docs/casts about using their new Domain Language "M" for defining Models for your domain and allowing you to build out SQL to support your models etc. It seems from at least what I can tell a full fledged Architecting set of tools.It seems you really dont need to use .NET to take advantage of it, its just the code that could be generated will not do you much good if its not for .NET, but the Use Case Diagrams,Activity Diagrams, User Stories, Flowcharting, Process Diagrams, aspects could still be very usable for any project. The "M" DSL could also help you model out your entities and get SQL to use from one tool.

我从PDC 2008 docs / casts中读到了关于使用他们的新域语言“M”为您的域定义模型并允许您构建SQL以支持您的模型等的看法。至少从我能说的全部内容看来成熟的Architecting工具集。看起来你真的不需要使用.NET来利用它,它只是可以生成的代码,如果它不是用于.NET,而是用例图,活动对你不会有多大好处图表,用户故事,流程图,流程图,方面仍然可以用于任何项目。 “M”DSL还可以帮助您模拟实体并从一个工具中使用SQL。

As I said earlier, I dont know how useful this information is to you for several reasons. 1) Its not out yet, 2) Its a Visual Studio thing (as far as I know), 3) some of its advantages are fully realized in a .NET Framework.

正如我之前所说,由于多种原因,我不知道这些信息对你有多大帮助。 1)它还没有出来,2)它是一个Visual Studio的东西(据我所知),3)它的一些优点在.NET Framework中完全实现。

However, that being said, there is still tons of things it can do even if you dont use .NET and the Preview of this stuff should all be coming out soon (which should be free). Unfortunately, this doesnt do you any good right now.But if you are like me, you are constantly looking to see what is coming out, to see how it will impact what you do today and what you could do tomorrow. So at least its useful in that regard :).




Magic Draw is nice. You might also have a look at sybase UML solutions.

魔术抽奖很好。您还可以查看sybase UML解决方案。

Talking about the future you might look at the the modeling possibilities in VS2010. But this is all just Pre-Alpha-State. You should also follow up on what's happening with Oslo, M and Quadrant...




You may be interested in using ForeUI, it's a tool to create mockup of website / software architecture.




My fantasy modeling tool would


  • Be 'smart board' enabled
    • Recording White Board
    • 录制白板

    • Act as a "pointing device" for whatever software is behind it to allow drawing/highlighting
    • 充当其背后的任何软件的“指点设备”以允许绘图/突出显示

    • OCR
  • 启用“智能板”录制白板法作为“指点设备”,用于支持绘制/突出显示OCR的任何软件

  • Record Stories, as easily as 3x5 cards
  • 记录故事,就像3x5卡一样容易

  • Allow Use Case walk-throughs with storyboard UI screens (just named pages at first)
  • 允许使用带有故事板UI屏幕的用例演练(首先只是命名页面)

  • Support Quick & Dirty Class or E/R Diagramming
  • 支持Quick&Dirty Class或E / R Diagramming

  • Export to a neutral format for import to more formal Modeling tools.
  • 导出为中性格式以导入更正式的建模工具。

Unfortunately, I can't afford the hardware and I don't think the software exists in a seamless fashion.



I use white boards, digital cameras, "sticky-notes', recordings, lap-top for work with analysis or story recording.


I use Poseidon for lack of a better [affordable] tool


A wiki is useful for posting documents/content where users/customers can review and comment.


I've also used Visio when someone else is paying for it.


I can't wait to see the other responses to this post, hoping to find some better answers!




I don't code in C but, for my money, I like Visio.




Anne, as of right now, I typically use Visio, althought that is not a great tool for doing things quick and easy, as it is a pain to use for the most part.


I dont know if you are interested but there is a preview coming out soon for Visual Studio 2010 that should contain some "Oslo" bits that will help in building your User stories, UML Diagrams, etc. all within the same tool, and allow you to map several ideas together in interesting ways.

我不知道你是否感兴趣但是很快就会出现Visual Studio 2010的预览,它应该包含一些“奥斯陆”位,它们将有助于在同一个工具中构建你的用户故事,UML图等,并允许你以有趣的方式将几个想法映射到一起。

I have read up from the PDC 2008 docs/casts about using their new Domain Language "M" for defining Models for your domain and allowing you to build out SQL to support your models etc. It seems from at least what I can tell a full fledged Architecting set of tools.It seems you really dont need to use .NET to take advantage of it, its just the code that could be generated will not do you much good if its not for .NET, but the Use Case Diagrams,Activity Diagrams, User Stories, Flowcharting, Process Diagrams, aspects could still be very usable for any project. The "M" DSL could also help you model out your entities and get SQL to use from one tool.

我从PDC 2008 docs / casts中读到了关于使用他们的新域语言“M”为您的域定义模型并允许您构建SQL以支持您的模型等的看法。至少从我能说的全部内容看来成熟的Architecting工具集。看起来你真的不需要使用.NET来利用它,它只是可以生成的代码,如果它不是用于.NET,而是用例图,活动对你不会有多大好处图表,用户故事,流程图,流程图,方面仍然可以用于任何项目。 “M”DSL还可以帮助您模拟实体并从一个工具中使用SQL。

As I said earlier, I dont know how useful this information is to you for several reasons. 1) Its not out yet, 2) Its a Visual Studio thing (as far as I know), 3) some of its advantages are fully realized in a .NET Framework.

正如我之前所说,由于多种原因,我不知道这些信息对你有多大帮助。 1)它还没有出来,2)它是一个Visual Studio的东西(据我所知),3)它的一些优点在.NET Framework中完全实现。

However, that being said, there is still tons of things it can do even if you dont use .NET and the Preview of this stuff should all be coming out soon (which should be free). Unfortunately, this doesnt do you any good right now.But if you are like me, you are constantly looking to see what is coming out, to see how it will impact what you do today and what you could do tomorrow. So at least its useful in that regard :).




Magic Draw is nice. You might also have a look at sybase UML solutions.

魔术抽奖很好。您还可以查看sybase UML解决方案。

Talking about the future you might look at the the modeling possibilities in VS2010. But this is all just Pre-Alpha-State. You should also follow up on what's happening with Oslo, M and Quadrant...




You may be interested in using ForeUI, it's a tool to create mockup of website / software architecture.
