
时间:2021-06-24 20:10:08

I'm styling a form by using a table with fixed-width columns and I want the input elements inside the <td> to fill the container. I know the CSS box model and I know the elements would bleed through with width: 100%, but the problem is with its consistency.

我使用具有固定宽度列的表来样式化表单,我希望中的输入元素填充容器。我知道CSS box模型,我知道元素的宽度是100%,但问题在于它的一致性。

<input> elements bleed through as expected but <select> elements don’t. This results in making my fields not line up properly. I've tried all properties like overflow, display, whitespace... it doesn’t make any difference. What’s with the <select> element? I can see in Firebug that they have the same box model properties with the input element, but they don’t render the same.

<输入> 元素按预期流血,但 <选择> 元素不流血。这导致我的字段不能正确排列。我尝试了所有的属性,比如溢出,显示,空格…没什么区别。

I’m using HTML 5 doctype and this happens both in Firefox and Chrome.

我正在使用HTML 5 doctype,这在Firefox和Chrome中都有发生。

Right now, I’m fixing this using a JS function which selects all elements with class stretch and computes and sets the static width to make it fit inside the container. This perfectly lines up the elements of the form. (I had to exclude <select> elements because their widths were already okay... weird quirk.)


Is there a pure CSS solution to this? I wouldn’t want to run this function everytime a part of the page is updated, like on AJAX calls...


6 个解决方案



Not the most helpful answer, but CSS styling of form elements is pretty unreliable between browsers. A JavaScript solution like yours is the best bet.


Two reasons for the unreliability:


  1. Some features of form elements can’t be described by CSS. The <select> element is a good example: there aren’t any CSS properties that can describe the different ways a <select> element looks on different operating systems.


    Trying to work out which CSS properties should affect form elements, and how, is a rat’s nest for browser makers, so they’ve mostly left it alone. Safari is a notable exception; see e.g. http://webkit.org/blog/17/the-new-form-controls-checkbox-2/


  2. You can argue that form elements should look the same between sites regardless of the site owners’ intentions, so that users know what they’re clicking on.


See http://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2007/05/15/formal-weirdness/ for a deeper examination.

请参阅http://meyerweb.com/eric/thinkts/2007/05/15/formal -weirdness/以获得更深入的研究。



You could use box-sizing: border-box; on textfields and textarea's. It solves te difference with the selectbox.

您可以使用box- size: border-box;textfields字段和文本区域。它解决了与selectbox的不同之处。



The best way is to fake the borders of the elements with a div.


<div class="formholder>

With this CSS:


.formholder {padding:10px;background:white;border:1px solid #ccc}
.formholder textarea {width:100%;padding:0;margin:0;background:white;border:0}

Of course, you can expand that for other fields. Some browsers might give you issues. Chrome and webkit allow you to resize textareas but if you add resize: none; to your CSS, it should disable it but YMMV.




It may help you to know the following results from various usability studies.


1) For most forms, people prefer to see the label just above the form element:


2) People find it useful if the form elements are sized appropriately to help suggest how much information is expected.



    <li><label for="firstname">First Name</label><br>
        <input type="text" id="firstname" name="firstname" size="15"></li>

    <li><label for="age">Age</label><br>
        <input type="text" id="age" name="age" size="3"></li>

    <!-- ... more list items -->


Note: the list in this example would be styled so that it doesn't appear as a bullet-point list. Using lists in this way helps with accessibility as screen readers will tell the user how many items are contained in the list.


I thought this might be useful as it suggests that your efforts may be a bit wasted trying to layout the form in a table and stretch all inputs to the same length.






Say your html looks somewhat like this:


 <td><input type="text" /></td>
 <td><select><option /><option /></select></td>

How about just using the input and select for setting the width?


td { width: auto; }
input[type=text] { width: 100px; }
select { width: 100px; }

Or did I get your problem wrong?




The following CSS works for Moz Firefox, for html input elements (submit, button, text), textarea elements, and even select elements. The select elements are nearly equal length in the browser I'm trying.

下面的CSS适用于Moz Firefox,适用于html输入元素(提交、按钮、文本)、textarea元素,甚至选择元素。在我正在尝试的浏览器中,select元素的长度几乎相等。

table {width:100%;}
form input { width: 100%; }
form textarea { width: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; resize: vertical; }
form select { width: 100%; }



Not the most helpful answer, but CSS styling of form elements is pretty unreliable between browsers. A JavaScript solution like yours is the best bet.


Two reasons for the unreliability:


  1. Some features of form elements can’t be described by CSS. The <select> element is a good example: there aren’t any CSS properties that can describe the different ways a <select> element looks on different operating systems.


    Trying to work out which CSS properties should affect form elements, and how, is a rat’s nest for browser makers, so they’ve mostly left it alone. Safari is a notable exception; see e.g. http://webkit.org/blog/17/the-new-form-controls-checkbox-2/


  2. You can argue that form elements should look the same between sites regardless of the site owners’ intentions, so that users know what they’re clicking on.


See http://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2007/05/15/formal-weirdness/ for a deeper examination.

请参阅http://meyerweb.com/eric/thinkts/2007/05/15/formal -weirdness/以获得更深入的研究。



You could use box-sizing: border-box; on textfields and textarea's. It solves te difference with the selectbox.

您可以使用box- size: border-box;textfields字段和文本区域。它解决了与selectbox的不同之处。



The best way is to fake the borders of the elements with a div.


<div class="formholder>

With this CSS:


.formholder {padding:10px;background:white;border:1px solid #ccc}
.formholder textarea {width:100%;padding:0;margin:0;background:white;border:0}

Of course, you can expand that for other fields. Some browsers might give you issues. Chrome and webkit allow you to resize textareas but if you add resize: none; to your CSS, it should disable it but YMMV.




It may help you to know the following results from various usability studies.


1) For most forms, people prefer to see the label just above the form element:


2) People find it useful if the form elements are sized appropriately to help suggest how much information is expected.



    <li><label for="firstname">First Name</label><br>
        <input type="text" id="firstname" name="firstname" size="15"></li>

    <li><label for="age">Age</label><br>
        <input type="text" id="age" name="age" size="3"></li>

    <!-- ... more list items -->


Note: the list in this example would be styled so that it doesn't appear as a bullet-point list. Using lists in this way helps with accessibility as screen readers will tell the user how many items are contained in the list.


I thought this might be useful as it suggests that your efforts may be a bit wasted trying to layout the form in a table and stretch all inputs to the same length.






Say your html looks somewhat like this:


 <td><input type="text" /></td>
 <td><select><option /><option /></select></td>

How about just using the input and select for setting the width?


td { width: auto; }
input[type=text] { width: 100px; }
select { width: 100px; }

Or did I get your problem wrong?




The following CSS works for Moz Firefox, for html input elements (submit, button, text), textarea elements, and even select elements. The select elements are nearly equal length in the browser I'm trying.

下面的CSS适用于Moz Firefox,适用于html输入元素(提交、按钮、文本)、textarea元素,甚至选择元素。在我正在尝试的浏览器中,select元素的长度几乎相等。

table {width:100%;}
form input { width: 100%; }
form textarea { width: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; resize: vertical; }
form select { width: 100%; }