
时间:2020-12-24 20:03:56

I am about to create my first Android native (so not browser based) app and looking for some good practices regarding icon creating/provisioning. Since it should support multiple devices/resolutions I thought it is best to use SVG to create them. There is at least this lib: http://code.google.com/p/svg-android/ that promises to offer support for SVG on Android.


So far, I have not found resources describing the usage of this or another library as a means to render SVG Icons on the device, so I am a bit reluctant in using it. The best I have seen so far is using SVG as the source format for pre-rendering png based icons in different resolutions.


So my questions is: Are SVG icons a good option to use directly on the device without a png pre-rendering step (does it work at all), and if, why does nobody seem to use this approach?


12 个解决方案



For Android older than Lollipop, your best practice for SVG on Android is going to be to use a tool to convert your SVG to PNG at the size(s) you're interested in. Existing SVG support for Android is not comprehensive of what you're likely to find in an SVG file, and even if it were, the support is not built into the OS so using them directly for icons is definitely out.

对于比Lollipop更早的Android,您在Android上使用SVG的最佳做法是使用工具将您的SVG转换为您感兴趣的大小的PNG。现有的Android SVG支持并不全面。 '很可能在SVG文件中找到,即使它是,但是操作系统没有内置支持,因此直接使用它们来获取图标肯定是不合适的。

Beginning with Lollipop (API 21) see What are best practices for using SVG icons on Android?. Thanks to @MarkWhitaker @AustynMahoney for pointing this out.

从Lollipop(API 21)开始,请参阅在Android上使用SVG图标的最佳做法是什么?感谢@MarkWhitaker @AustynMahoney指出这一点。



From Lollipop (API 21) onwards, Android defines the VectorDrawable class, for defining drawables based on vector graphics. Android Studio 1.4 adds the "Vector Asset Studio" to make them easier to work with, including an SVG import feature and a new Gradle plugin that generates PNG versions of VectorDrawable icons at build time for API 20 and earlier. There's also a third-party tool for converting SVGs to VectorDrawables. Bear in mind that although vector drawables can be defined in XML, the file format is not SVG and not all SVG files can be successfully converted. Simple graphics like icons should work OK.

从Lollipop(API 21)开始,Android定义了VectorDrawable类,用于根据矢量图形定义drawable。 Android Studio 1.4添加了“Vector Asset Studio”以使其更易于使用,包括SVG导入功能和新的Gradle插件,可在构建时为API 20及更早版本生成VectorGrawable图标的PNG版本。还有一个用于将SVG转换为VectorDrawables的第三方工具。请记住,尽管可以使用XML定义矢量drawable,但文件格式不是SVG,并且并非所有SVG文件都可以成功转换。像图标这样的简单图形应该可以。

If you still need to generate PNGs yourself, you'll need to generate your icons at various resolutions. For ease of generating those PNGs I design icons as SVG and then export to the various sizes using Inkscape which is free and cross-platform. It's got some nice features for designing icons, including the Icon Preview view (see below), and it generates nice crisp PNGs.





This is what we are using to transform a SVG file into multiple resolutions. For example, to generate the launch icon: svg2png -w48 icon.svg

这就是我们用来将SVG文件转换为多种分辨率的方法。例如,要生成启动图标:svg2png -w48 icon.svg

#!/bin/bash -e
# Transforms a SVG into a PNG for each platform
# Sizes extracted from
# http://developer.android.com/design/style/iconography.html

[ -z $2 ] && echo -e "ERROR: filename and one dimension (-w or -h) is required, for example:\nsvg2png -w48 icon.svg\n" && exit 1;
DEST_FILENAME=`echo $2 | sed s/\.svg/\.png/`
FLAG=`echo $1 | cut -c1-2`
ORIGINAL_VALUE=`echo $1 | cut -c3-`

if [ "$FLAG" != "-w" ] && [ "$FLAG" != "-h" ]; then
    echo "Unknown parameter: $FLAG" 
    exit 1

# PARAMETERS: {multiplier} {destination folder}
function export {
  VALUE=$(echo "scale=0; $ORIGINAL_VALUE*$1" | bc -l)
  CMD="inkscape $FLAG$VALUE --export-background-opacity=0 --export-png=src/main/res/$2/$DEST_FILENAME src/main/svg/$FILENAME > /dev/null"
  echo $CMD
  eval $CMD

export 1 drawable-mdpi
export 1.5 drawable-hdpi
export 2 drawable-xhdpi
export 3 drawable-xxhdpi
export 4 drawable-xxxhdpi



Good news everyone! Since android support library 23.2 we can use svg-s till back to API level 7!


If you wanna be compatible backwards only till Lollipop (API 21) check Mark Whitaker's answer, but if you want to go below you need to add these lines to your build.gradle:

如果你想向后兼容直到Lollipop(API 21)检查Mark Whitaker的答案,但如果你想要进入下面,你需要将这些行添加到你的build.gradle:

// Gradle Plugin 2.0+ (if you using older version check the library announcement link)
android {  
    defaultConfig {  
        vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true  

Also keep in mind that:


  • instead of android:src you need to use the app:srcCompat attribute in ImageViews.
  • 而不是android:src你需要在ImageViews中使用app:srcCompat属性。
  • you cannot use svg-s in StateListDrawables or other xml drawables, create them programmatically instead.
  • 你不能在StateListDrawables或其他xml drawables中使用svg-s,而是以编程方式创建它们。
  • you cannot use the android:background attribute or View.setBackgroundResource() function, use the View.setBackground() instead.
  • 你不能使用android:background属性或View.setBackgroundResource()函数,而是使用View.setBackground()。
  • you cannot use svg-s in case of Notifications.
  • 在通知的情况下,您不能使用svg-s。



Since nacho-coloma's answer helped me, I've taken his excellent script and made it slightly easier to use on a daily basis.




  1. Create directory drawable-svg next to your res directory.
  2. 在res目录旁边创建目录drawable-svg。
  3. Place your svg files and this script in drawable-svg.
  4. 将您的svg文件和此脚本放在drawable-svg中。
  5. Make the script executable.
  6. 使脚本可执行。
  7. Run it. In Ubuntu you can simply double-click it in Nautilus and make it run in a terminal.
  8. 运行。在Ubuntu中,您只需在Nautilus中双击它并使其在终端中运行即可。

And later when you get new svg files:


  1. Place new svg files in drawable-svg and run the script again.
  2. 将新的svg文件放在drawable-svg中并再次运行该脚本。

By default it will do what you want: Scale every svg file into png files and put them into ../res/drawable-mdpi, ../res/drawable-hdpi etc.


The script takes two parameters:


  1. The svg file pattern to scale, default: *.svg
  2. 要扩展的svg文件模式,默认值:* .svg
  3. The base directory for put, default ../res/ (i.e. your res directory with the above mentioned setup).
  4. put的基本目录,默认为../res/(即具有上述设置的res目录)。

You can experiment by scaling a single svg into pngs in the current directory like this:


$ ./svg2png test.svg .

Or simply process all images:


$ ./svg2png

I guess you could place the drawable-svg inside the res directory, but I haven't looked into what gets wrapped up in the final APK. Also, my svg files have - in their names, which Android doesn't like, and my script takes care of renaming the png files to something valid on Android.

我想你可以将drawable-svg放在res目录中,但我没有查看最终APK中包含的内容。此外,我的svg文件 - 在他们的名字中,Android不喜欢,并且我的脚本负责将png文件重命名为在Android上有效的东西。

I'm using ImageMagick for the conversion which is slightly more standard that Inkscape (though I liked the approach). Both methods are included in the script for reference.


Here's the script:



scalesvg ()

    svgwidthxheight=$(identify "$svgfile" | cut -d ' ' -f 3)

    pngfile="$(basename $svgfile)" # Strip path.
    pngfile="${pngfile/.svg/.png}" # Replace extension.
    pngfile="${pngfile/[^A-Za-z0-9._]/_}" # Replace invalid characters.
    pngfile="$pngdir/$qualifier/$pngfile" # Prepend output path.

    if [ ! -d $(dirname "$pngfile") ]; then
        echo "WARNING: Output directory does not exist: $(dirname "$pngfile")"
        #echo "Exiting"
        #exit 1
        echo "Outputting here instead: $pngfile"

    pngwidth=$(echo "scale=0; $svgwidth*$pngscale" | bc -l)
    pngheight=$(echo "scale=0; $svgheight*$pngscale" | bc -l)
    pngdensity=$(echo "scale=0; 72*$pngscale" | bc -l) # 72 is default, 

    echo "$svgfile ${svgwidth}×${svgheight}px -> $pngfile ${pngwidth}×${pngheight}px @ $pngdensity dpi"

    convert -background transparent -density $pngdensity "$svgfile" "$pngfile"
    #inkscape -w${pngwidth} --export-background-opacity=0 --export-png="$pngfile" "$svgfile" > /dev/null
    #convert "$svgfile" -background transparent -scale ${pngwidth}x${pngheight} "$pngfile"

svgfiles="${svgfiles:=*.svg}" # Default to input all *.svg in current dir.

pngdir="${pngdir:=../res}" # Default to place output pngs to ../res, ie. ../res/drawable-hdpi etc.

for svgfile in $svgfiles; do
    echo "Scaling $svgfile ..."
    scalesvg "$svgfile" "$pngdir" 0.75 drawable-ldpi
    scalesvg "$svgfile" "$pngdir" 1    drawable-mdpi
    scalesvg "$svgfile" "$pngdir" 1.5  drawable-hdpi
    scalesvg "$svgfile" "$pngdir" 2    drawable-xhdpi
    scalesvg "$svgfile" "$pngdir" 3    drawable-xxhdpi
    scalesvg "$svgfile" "$pngdir" 4    drawable-xxxhdpi

echo -n "Done."
read # I've made it wait for Enter -- convenient when run from Nautilus.



Another option is to convert your SVG assets into TTF font type. Include the font on your app and use it that way. This does the trick for monochromatic simple shapes.


There are several free conversion tools.




Android Support Library 23.2 Support Vector Drawables and Animated Vector Drawables


  1. add vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true to your build.gradle file.
  2. 将vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true添加到build.gradle文件中。
  3. Use app:srcCompat="@drawable/ic_add" instead of android:src="..." or setImageResource() for your ImageView
  4. 使用app:srcCompat =“@ drawable / ic_add”而不是android:src =“...”或setImageResource()为您的ImageView





SVG icons are not a good option to use directly on a device if they need to be scaled to many different sizes, which is usually why you'd want to use vector format in the first place. A large icon will never scale down gracefully because, well, computer displays are made out of pixels. So the lines of the vector image may get aligned "in between pixels", creating a blurry border. Moreover, large icons need more details than small icons, which need very few details. A detailed icon does not look good in very small size, and a simple icon does not look good when scaled into very large size. I recently read an excellent article on this by a professional UI designer: About those vector icons.




I've just posted a script for generating all the platform icons for PhoneGap apps that may be of value. Yet to add code for generating screens.




I've just started using Victor, an open source library by Trello, to convert SVG files to PNG files of the various required resolutions during build time.




  • You won't have to run a script or tool to create various PNG files every time you change or add an icon. (You do need to hit Rebuild in Android Studio when you've added a new svg file or renamed an existing one)
  • 每次更改或添加图标时,您都不必运行脚本或工具来创建各种PNG文件。 (当您添加新的svg文件或重命名现有文件时,您需要在Android Studio中点击Rebuild)
  • No PNG's in your source, so there's less clutter.
  • 您的来源中没有PNG,因此杂乱程度较低。



  • The only downside I've seen so far is that Android Studio doesn't yet recognize generated resources in XML, so you'll get some red warnings in your XML files and you don't have autocomplete for your SVG based drawables. It builds fine though, and this issue should be fixed in a future version of Android Studio.
  • 到目前为止我唯一看到的缺点是Android Studio尚未识别XML中生成的资源,因此您会在XML文件中收到一些红色警告,并且您没有基于SVG的drawable的自动完成功能。它构建得很好,这个问题应该在Android Studio的未来版本中修复。

If you use SVG generated by http://materialdesignicons.com/ be sure to either download the whole file, or copy from the 'SVG File'-tab when choosing 'View SVG'




I've never had much luck running Linux shell scripts in Cygwin on Windows. So here is a batch file that does what Nacho Coloma's bash script does. One small difference, is that this batch file requires both an input and an output file name, as in "svg2png -w24 input.svg output.png".

我在Windows上运行Cygwin中的Linux shell脚本时从来没有太多运气。所以这是一个批处理文件,它可以完成Nacho Coloma的bash脚本所做的工作。一个小的区别是,这个批处理文件需要输入和输出文件名,如“svg2png -w24 input.svg output.png”。

Set up an "svg" folder in your project's src/main directory and copy your SVG files and this batch file to that folder, per Stephan's instructions. Run the batch file from the svg folder. If you're on 32-bit Windows, then you will likely need to change the path to Inkscape to use "Program Files (x86)".

在项目的src / main目录中设置“svg”文件夹,并根据Stephan的说明将SVG文件和此批处理文件复制到该文件夹​​。从svg文件夹运行批处理文件。如果您使用的是32位Windows,则可能需要更改Inkscape的路径以使用“Program Files(x86)”。

@echo off
echo Convert an SVG file to a PNG resource file with multiple resolutions.

rem Check the arguments
set temp=%1
set switch=%temp:~0,2%
set pixels=%temp:~2%
if not "%switch%"=="-w" (
if not "%switch%"=="-h" (
echo Error:  Invalid image width or height switch.  Use -w or -h, with target image size in dp appended.
goto :error
echo %pixels%| findstr /r /c:"^[1-9][0-9]*$" >nul
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Error:  Invalid numeric image size.  Image size must be a positive integer.
goto :error
if "%3"=="" (
echo Error:  Not enough arguments.
goto :error
if not "%4"=="" (
echo Error:  Too many arguments.
goto :error

call :export %1 %2 %3 mdpi
call :export %1 %2 %3 hdpi
call :export %1 %2 %3 xhdpi
call :export %1 %2 %3 xxhdpi
call :export %1 %2 %3 xxxhdpi
exit /b

rem parameters: <width/height> <input-file> <output-file> <density>

set temp=%1
set switch=%temp:~0,2%
set pixels=%temp:~2%

if %4==mdpi set /a size=%pixels%
if %4==hdpi set /a size=%pixels%*3/2
if %4==xhdpi set /a size=%pixels%*2
if %4==xxhdpi set /a size=%pixels%*3
if %4==xxxhdpi set /a size=%pixels%*4

echo %size% pixels ../res/drawable-%4/%3
"C:\Program Files\Inkscape\inkscape.exe" %switch%%size% --export-background-opacity=0 --export-png=../res/drawable-%4/%3 %2
exit /b

echo Synopsis: svg2png -w^<width-pixels^>^|-h^<height-pixels^> ^<input-file^> ^<output-file^>
echo Example:  svg2png -w24 "wifi white.svg" wifi_connect_24dp.png
exit /b



svg is awesome. who want use svg:


right click on drawable "new/Vector Asset" choose "material icon" for default icons and "locale SVG file" for your file in your computer hard drive and in "resource name" type name for svg file then click on "next" button and "finish"

右键单击drawable“new / Vector Asset”为您的计算机硬盘驱动器中的文件选择“material icon”作为默认图标和“locale SVG file”,在svg文件的“resource name”类型名称中单击“next”按钮和“完成”

and you can use that in drawable. fillcolor must be hard code.

你可以在drawable中使用它。 fillcolor必须是硬代码。

simple example




<vector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"



For Android older than Lollipop, your best practice for SVG on Android is going to be to use a tool to convert your SVG to PNG at the size(s) you're interested in. Existing SVG support for Android is not comprehensive of what you're likely to find in an SVG file, and even if it were, the support is not built into the OS so using them directly for icons is definitely out.

对于比Lollipop更早的Android,您在Android上使用SVG的最佳做法是使用工具将您的SVG转换为您感兴趣的大小的PNG。现有的Android SVG支持并不全面。 '很可能在SVG文件中找到,即使它是,但是操作系统没有内置支持,因此直接使用它们来获取图标肯定是不合适的。

Beginning with Lollipop (API 21) see What are best practices for using SVG icons on Android?. Thanks to @MarkWhitaker @AustynMahoney for pointing this out.

从Lollipop(API 21)开始,请参阅在Android上使用SVG图标的最佳做法是什么?感谢@MarkWhitaker @AustynMahoney指出这一点。



From Lollipop (API 21) onwards, Android defines the VectorDrawable class, for defining drawables based on vector graphics. Android Studio 1.4 adds the "Vector Asset Studio" to make them easier to work with, including an SVG import feature and a new Gradle plugin that generates PNG versions of VectorDrawable icons at build time for API 20 and earlier. There's also a third-party tool for converting SVGs to VectorDrawables. Bear in mind that although vector drawables can be defined in XML, the file format is not SVG and not all SVG files can be successfully converted. Simple graphics like icons should work OK.

从Lollipop(API 21)开始,Android定义了VectorDrawable类,用于根据矢量图形定义drawable。 Android Studio 1.4添加了“Vector Asset Studio”以使其更易于使用,包括SVG导入功能和新的Gradle插件,可在构建时为API 20及更早版本生成VectorGrawable图标的PNG版本。还有一个用于将SVG转换为VectorDrawables的第三方工具。请记住,尽管可以使用XML定义矢量drawable,但文件格式不是SVG,并且并非所有SVG文件都可以成功转换。像图标这样的简单图形应该可以。

If you still need to generate PNGs yourself, you'll need to generate your icons at various resolutions. For ease of generating those PNGs I design icons as SVG and then export to the various sizes using Inkscape which is free and cross-platform. It's got some nice features for designing icons, including the Icon Preview view (see below), and it generates nice crisp PNGs.





This is what we are using to transform a SVG file into multiple resolutions. For example, to generate the launch icon: svg2png -w48 icon.svg

这就是我们用来将SVG文件转换为多种分辨率的方法。例如,要生成启动图标:svg2png -w48 icon.svg

#!/bin/bash -e
# Transforms a SVG into a PNG for each platform
# Sizes extracted from
# http://developer.android.com/design/style/iconography.html

[ -z $2 ] && echo -e "ERROR: filename and one dimension (-w or -h) is required, for example:\nsvg2png -w48 icon.svg\n" && exit 1;
DEST_FILENAME=`echo $2 | sed s/\.svg/\.png/`
FLAG=`echo $1 | cut -c1-2`
ORIGINAL_VALUE=`echo $1 | cut -c3-`

if [ "$FLAG" != "-w" ] && [ "$FLAG" != "-h" ]; then
    echo "Unknown parameter: $FLAG" 
    exit 1

# PARAMETERS: {multiplier} {destination folder}
function export {
  VALUE=$(echo "scale=0; $ORIGINAL_VALUE*$1" | bc -l)
  CMD="inkscape $FLAG$VALUE --export-background-opacity=0 --export-png=src/main/res/$2/$DEST_FILENAME src/main/svg/$FILENAME > /dev/null"
  echo $CMD
  eval $CMD

export 1 drawable-mdpi
export 1.5 drawable-hdpi
export 2 drawable-xhdpi
export 3 drawable-xxhdpi
export 4 drawable-xxxhdpi



Good news everyone! Since android support library 23.2 we can use svg-s till back to API level 7!


If you wanna be compatible backwards only till Lollipop (API 21) check Mark Whitaker's answer, but if you want to go below you need to add these lines to your build.gradle:

如果你想向后兼容直到Lollipop(API 21)检查Mark Whitaker的答案,但如果你想要进入下面,你需要将这些行添加到你的build.gradle:

// Gradle Plugin 2.0+ (if you using older version check the library announcement link)
android {  
    defaultConfig {  
        vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true  

Also keep in mind that:


  • instead of android:src you need to use the app:srcCompat attribute in ImageViews.
  • 而不是android:src你需要在ImageViews中使用app:srcCompat属性。
  • you cannot use svg-s in StateListDrawables or other xml drawables, create them programmatically instead.
  • 你不能在StateListDrawables或其他xml drawables中使用svg-s,而是以编程方式创建它们。
  • you cannot use the android:background attribute or View.setBackgroundResource() function, use the View.setBackground() instead.
  • 你不能使用android:background属性或View.setBackgroundResource()函数,而是使用View.setBackground()。
  • you cannot use svg-s in case of Notifications.
  • 在通知的情况下,您不能使用svg-s。



Since nacho-coloma's answer helped me, I've taken his excellent script and made it slightly easier to use on a daily basis.




  1. Create directory drawable-svg next to your res directory.
  2. 在res目录旁边创建目录drawable-svg。
  3. Place your svg files and this script in drawable-svg.
  4. 将您的svg文件和此脚本放在drawable-svg中。
  5. Make the script executable.
  6. 使脚本可执行。
  7. Run it. In Ubuntu you can simply double-click it in Nautilus and make it run in a terminal.
  8. 运行。在Ubuntu中,您只需在Nautilus中双击它并使其在终端中运行即可。

And later when you get new svg files:


  1. Place new svg files in drawable-svg and run the script again.
  2. 将新的svg文件放在drawable-svg中并再次运行该脚本。

By default it will do what you want: Scale every svg file into png files and put them into ../res/drawable-mdpi, ../res/drawable-hdpi etc.


The script takes two parameters:


  1. The svg file pattern to scale, default: *.svg
  2. 要扩展的svg文件模式,默认值:* .svg
  3. The base directory for put, default ../res/ (i.e. your res directory with the above mentioned setup).
  4. put的基本目录,默认为../res/(即具有上述设置的res目录)。

You can experiment by scaling a single svg into pngs in the current directory like this:


$ ./svg2png test.svg .

Or simply process all images:


$ ./svg2png

I guess you could place the drawable-svg inside the res directory, but I haven't looked into what gets wrapped up in the final APK. Also, my svg files have - in their names, which Android doesn't like, and my script takes care of renaming the png files to something valid on Android.

我想你可以将drawable-svg放在res目录中,但我没有查看最终APK中包含的内容。此外,我的svg文件 - 在他们的名字中,Android不喜欢,并且我的脚本负责将png文件重命名为在Android上有效的东西。

I'm using ImageMagick for the conversion which is slightly more standard that Inkscape (though I liked the approach). Both methods are included in the script for reference.


Here's the script:



scalesvg ()

    svgwidthxheight=$(identify "$svgfile" | cut -d ' ' -f 3)

    pngfile="$(basename $svgfile)" # Strip path.
    pngfile="${pngfile/.svg/.png}" # Replace extension.
    pngfile="${pngfile/[^A-Za-z0-9._]/_}" # Replace invalid characters.
    pngfile="$pngdir/$qualifier/$pngfile" # Prepend output path.

    if [ ! -d $(dirname "$pngfile") ]; then
        echo "WARNING: Output directory does not exist: $(dirname "$pngfile")"
        #echo "Exiting"
        #exit 1
        echo "Outputting here instead: $pngfile"

    pngwidth=$(echo "scale=0; $svgwidth*$pngscale" | bc -l)
    pngheight=$(echo "scale=0; $svgheight*$pngscale" | bc -l)
    pngdensity=$(echo "scale=0; 72*$pngscale" | bc -l) # 72 is default, 

    echo "$svgfile ${svgwidth}×${svgheight}px -> $pngfile ${pngwidth}×${pngheight}px @ $pngdensity dpi"

    convert -background transparent -density $pngdensity "$svgfile" "$pngfile"
    #inkscape -w${pngwidth} --export-background-opacity=0 --export-png="$pngfile" "$svgfile" > /dev/null
    #convert "$svgfile" -background transparent -scale ${pngwidth}x${pngheight} "$pngfile"

svgfiles="${svgfiles:=*.svg}" # Default to input all *.svg in current dir.

pngdir="${pngdir:=../res}" # Default to place output pngs to ../res, ie. ../res/drawable-hdpi etc.

for svgfile in $svgfiles; do
    echo "Scaling $svgfile ..."
    scalesvg "$svgfile" "$pngdir" 0.75 drawable-ldpi
    scalesvg "$svgfile" "$pngdir" 1    drawable-mdpi
    scalesvg "$svgfile" "$pngdir" 1.5  drawable-hdpi
    scalesvg "$svgfile" "$pngdir" 2    drawable-xhdpi
    scalesvg "$svgfile" "$pngdir" 3    drawable-xxhdpi
    scalesvg "$svgfile" "$pngdir" 4    drawable-xxxhdpi

echo -n "Done."
read # I've made it wait for Enter -- convenient when run from Nautilus.



Another option is to convert your SVG assets into TTF font type. Include the font on your app and use it that way. This does the trick for monochromatic simple shapes.


There are several free conversion tools.




Android Support Library 23.2 Support Vector Drawables and Animated Vector Drawables


  1. add vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true to your build.gradle file.
  2. 将vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true添加到build.gradle文件中。
  3. Use app:srcCompat="@drawable/ic_add" instead of android:src="..." or setImageResource() for your ImageView
  4. 使用app:srcCompat =“@ drawable / ic_add”而不是android:src =“...”或setImageResource()为您的ImageView





SVG icons are not a good option to use directly on a device if they need to be scaled to many different sizes, which is usually why you'd want to use vector format in the first place. A large icon will never scale down gracefully because, well, computer displays are made out of pixels. So the lines of the vector image may get aligned "in between pixels", creating a blurry border. Moreover, large icons need more details than small icons, which need very few details. A detailed icon does not look good in very small size, and a simple icon does not look good when scaled into very large size. I recently read an excellent article on this by a professional UI designer: About those vector icons.




I've just posted a script for generating all the platform icons for PhoneGap apps that may be of value. Yet to add code for generating screens.




I've just started using Victor, an open source library by Trello, to convert SVG files to PNG files of the various required resolutions during build time.




  • You won't have to run a script or tool to create various PNG files every time you change or add an icon. (You do need to hit Rebuild in Android Studio when you've added a new svg file or renamed an existing one)
  • 每次更改或添加图标时,您都不必运行脚本或工具来创建各种PNG文件。 (当您添加新的svg文件或重命名现有文件时,您需要在Android Studio中点击Rebuild)
  • No PNG's in your source, so there's less clutter.
  • 您的来源中没有PNG,因此杂乱程度较低。



  • The only downside I've seen so far is that Android Studio doesn't yet recognize generated resources in XML, so you'll get some red warnings in your XML files and you don't have autocomplete for your SVG based drawables. It builds fine though, and this issue should be fixed in a future version of Android Studio.
  • 到目前为止我唯一看到的缺点是Android Studio尚未识别XML中生成的资源,因此您会在XML文件中收到一些红色警告,并且您没有基于SVG的drawable的自动完成功能。它构建得很好,这个问题应该在Android Studio的未来版本中修复。

If you use SVG generated by http://materialdesignicons.com/ be sure to either download the whole file, or copy from the 'SVG File'-tab when choosing 'View SVG'




I've never had much luck running Linux shell scripts in Cygwin on Windows. So here is a batch file that does what Nacho Coloma's bash script does. One small difference, is that this batch file requires both an input and an output file name, as in "svg2png -w24 input.svg output.png".

我在Windows上运行Cygwin中的Linux shell脚本时从来没有太多运气。所以这是一个批处理文件,它可以完成Nacho Coloma的bash脚本所做的工作。一个小的区别是,这个批处理文件需要输入和输出文件名,如“svg2png -w24 input.svg output.png”。

Set up an "svg" folder in your project's src/main directory and copy your SVG files and this batch file to that folder, per Stephan's instructions. Run the batch file from the svg folder. If you're on 32-bit Windows, then you will likely need to change the path to Inkscape to use "Program Files (x86)".

在项目的src / main目录中设置“svg”文件夹,并根据Stephan的说明将SVG文件和此批处理文件复制到该文件夹​​。从svg文件夹运行批处理文件。如果您使用的是32位Windows,则可能需要更改Inkscape的路径以使用“Program Files(x86)”。

@echo off
echo Convert an SVG file to a PNG resource file with multiple resolutions.

rem Check the arguments
set temp=%1
set switch=%temp:~0,2%
set pixels=%temp:~2%
if not "%switch%"=="-w" (
if not "%switch%"=="-h" (
echo Error:  Invalid image width or height switch.  Use -w or -h, with target image size in dp appended.
goto :error
echo %pixels%| findstr /r /c:"^[1-9][0-9]*$" >nul
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Error:  Invalid numeric image size.  Image size must be a positive integer.
goto :error
if "%3"=="" (
echo Error:  Not enough arguments.
goto :error
if not "%4"=="" (
echo Error:  Too many arguments.
goto :error

call :export %1 %2 %3 mdpi
call :export %1 %2 %3 hdpi
call :export %1 %2 %3 xhdpi
call :export %1 %2 %3 xxhdpi
call :export %1 %2 %3 xxxhdpi
exit /b

rem parameters: <width/height> <input-file> <output-file> <density>

set temp=%1
set switch=%temp:~0,2%
set pixels=%temp:~2%

if %4==mdpi set /a size=%pixels%
if %4==hdpi set /a size=%pixels%*3/2
if %4==xhdpi set /a size=%pixels%*2
if %4==xxhdpi set /a size=%pixels%*3
if %4==xxxhdpi set /a size=%pixels%*4

echo %size% pixels ../res/drawable-%4/%3
"C:\Program Files\Inkscape\inkscape.exe" %switch%%size% --export-background-opacity=0 --export-png=../res/drawable-%4/%3 %2
exit /b

echo Synopsis: svg2png -w^<width-pixels^>^|-h^<height-pixels^> ^<input-file^> ^<output-file^>
echo Example:  svg2png -w24 "wifi white.svg" wifi_connect_24dp.png
exit /b



svg is awesome. who want use svg:


right click on drawable "new/Vector Asset" choose "material icon" for default icons and "locale SVG file" for your file in your computer hard drive and in "resource name" type name for svg file then click on "next" button and "finish"

右键单击drawable“new / Vector Asset”为您的计算机硬盘驱动器中的文件选择“material icon”作为默认图标和“locale SVG file”,在svg文件的“resource name”类型名称中单击“next”按钮和“完成”

and you can use that in drawable. fillcolor must be hard code.

你可以在drawable中使用它。 fillcolor必须是硬代码。

simple example




<vector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"