
时间:2021-04-01 20:04:46

I have seen these being used every which way, and have been accused of using them the wrong way (though in that case, I was using them that way to demonstrate a point).


So, what do you think are the best practices for employing Extension Methods?


Should development teams create a library of extension methods and deploy them across various projects?


Should there be a collection of common extension methods in the form of an open source project?


Update: have decided to create an organization wide extension methods library


6 个解决方案



The upcoming release of the Framework Design Guidelines, 2nd Edition will have some guidance for implementing extension methods, but in general:


You should only define extension methods "where they make semantic sense" and are providing helper functionality relevant to every implementation.


You also should avoid extending System.Object as not all .NET languages will be able to call the extension method as an extension. (VB.NET for instance would need to call it as a regular static method on the static extension class.)


Don't define an extension method in the same namespace as the extended type unless you're extending an interface.


Don't define an extension method with the same signature as a "real" method since it will never be called.




you might want to take a look at http://www.codeplex.com/nxl and http://www.codeplex.com/umbrella which are both extension method libraries. I personally haven't had a look at the source code but I'm sure the guys there would be able to give you some good pointers.




I've been including my extension methods in with my Core libraries in the Utils class because people who are working with my framework are likely to find the methods useful, but for mass deployment where the end developer might have a choice of extension method libraries, I would advise putting all of your extensions into their own namespace, even their own project file, so that people can choose to add a reference or a using statement or simply where required, like so:



My Utils class is my bestest friend in the whole world, it was before extension methods came along and they have only helped to strengthen our relationship. The biggest rule I would go by is to give people choice over what extension framework they are using where possible.




The Objective-C language has had "Categories" since the early 1990s; these are essentially the same thing as .NET Extension Methods. When looking for best practices you might want to see what rules of thumb Objective-C (Cocoa & NeXT) developers have come up with around them.

自20世纪90年代初以来,Objective-C语言就有了“范畴”;它们本质上与。net扩展方法相同。在寻找最佳实践时,您可能想看看Objective-C (Cocoa & NeXT)开发人员围绕它们提出了哪些规则。

Brent Simmons (the author of the NetNewsWire RSS reader for Mac OS X and iPhone) just posted today about his new style rules for the use of categories and there's been a bit of discussion in the Cocoa community around that post.

布伦特·西蒙斯(Brent Simmons, Mac OS X和iPhone的NetNewsWire RSS阅读器的作者)今天刚刚发布了他的关于分类使用的新风格规则,关于这篇文章在可可社区有一些讨论。



I think that it depends on what purpose the Extension methods serve.


  • Extension methods that relate to specific business needs of a project (whether they are connected to basic data types or custom objects) should not be included in a library that would be distributed across multiple projects.
  • 与项目的特定业务需求相关的扩展方法(无论它们是连接到基本数据类型还是自定义对象)不应该包含在跨多个项目分布的库中。
  • Extension methods that relate to basic data types (int, string, etc) or generics that have a wider application could be packaged and distributed across projects.
  • 与基本数据类型(int、string等)或具有更广泛应用程序的泛型相关的扩展方法可以打包并跨项目分布。

Take care not to globally include Extension methods that have little application, as they just clog up intellisense and can lead to confusion and/or misuse.




When I first found out about Extensions I really overused and abused them.


For the most part I have started to get away from using any Extension Methods for a number of reasons.


Some of the reasons I stopped using them are noted in Scott's blog link above, such as "Think twice before extending types you don't own". If you have no control over the source for the types you are extending, you may encounter issues/collisions in the future if the source type has some additions/changes, such as moving your project to a newer .NET version. If the newer .NET version includes a method on the type of the same name as your extension, someone is going to get clobbered.

上面Scott的博客链接中提到了我停止使用它们的一些原因,比如“在扩展你不拥有的类型之前要三思”。如果您无法控制正在扩展的类型的源,那么如果源类型有一些添加/更改(例如将项目移动到新的. net版本),您将来可能会遇到问题/冲突。如果新的。net版本包含与扩展名类型相同的方法,那么将会有人遭受失败。

The main reason why I stopped using Extension Methods is that you can't quickly tell from reading the code where the source of the method is and who "owns" it.


When just reading through the code you can't tell whether the method is an extension or just a standard NET API method on the type.

在读取代码时,您无法判断该方法是否为扩展,或者只是类型上的标准NET API方法。

The intellisense menu can get really messy really fast.




The upcoming release of the Framework Design Guidelines, 2nd Edition will have some guidance for implementing extension methods, but in general:


You should only define extension methods "where they make semantic sense" and are providing helper functionality relevant to every implementation.


You also should avoid extending System.Object as not all .NET languages will be able to call the extension method as an extension. (VB.NET for instance would need to call it as a regular static method on the static extension class.)


Don't define an extension method in the same namespace as the extended type unless you're extending an interface.


Don't define an extension method with the same signature as a "real" method since it will never be called.




you might want to take a look at http://www.codeplex.com/nxl and http://www.codeplex.com/umbrella which are both extension method libraries. I personally haven't had a look at the source code but I'm sure the guys there would be able to give you some good pointers.




I've been including my extension methods in with my Core libraries in the Utils class because people who are working with my framework are likely to find the methods useful, but for mass deployment where the end developer might have a choice of extension method libraries, I would advise putting all of your extensions into their own namespace, even their own project file, so that people can choose to add a reference or a using statement or simply where required, like so:



My Utils class is my bestest friend in the whole world, it was before extension methods came along and they have only helped to strengthen our relationship. The biggest rule I would go by is to give people choice over what extension framework they are using where possible.




The Objective-C language has had "Categories" since the early 1990s; these are essentially the same thing as .NET Extension Methods. When looking for best practices you might want to see what rules of thumb Objective-C (Cocoa & NeXT) developers have come up with around them.

自20世纪90年代初以来,Objective-C语言就有了“范畴”;它们本质上与。net扩展方法相同。在寻找最佳实践时,您可能想看看Objective-C (Cocoa & NeXT)开发人员围绕它们提出了哪些规则。

Brent Simmons (the author of the NetNewsWire RSS reader for Mac OS X and iPhone) just posted today about his new style rules for the use of categories and there's been a bit of discussion in the Cocoa community around that post.

布伦特·西蒙斯(Brent Simmons, Mac OS X和iPhone的NetNewsWire RSS阅读器的作者)今天刚刚发布了他的关于分类使用的新风格规则,关于这篇文章在可可社区有一些讨论。



I think that it depends on what purpose the Extension methods serve.


  • Extension methods that relate to specific business needs of a project (whether they are connected to basic data types or custom objects) should not be included in a library that would be distributed across multiple projects.
  • 与项目的特定业务需求相关的扩展方法(无论它们是连接到基本数据类型还是自定义对象)不应该包含在跨多个项目分布的库中。
  • Extension methods that relate to basic data types (int, string, etc) or generics that have a wider application could be packaged and distributed across projects.
  • 与基本数据类型(int、string等)或具有更广泛应用程序的泛型相关的扩展方法可以打包并跨项目分布。

Take care not to globally include Extension methods that have little application, as they just clog up intellisense and can lead to confusion and/or misuse.




When I first found out about Extensions I really overused and abused them.


For the most part I have started to get away from using any Extension Methods for a number of reasons.


Some of the reasons I stopped using them are noted in Scott's blog link above, such as "Think twice before extending types you don't own". If you have no control over the source for the types you are extending, you may encounter issues/collisions in the future if the source type has some additions/changes, such as moving your project to a newer .NET version. If the newer .NET version includes a method on the type of the same name as your extension, someone is going to get clobbered.

上面Scott的博客链接中提到了我停止使用它们的一些原因,比如“在扩展你不拥有的类型之前要三思”。如果您无法控制正在扩展的类型的源,那么如果源类型有一些添加/更改(例如将项目移动到新的. net版本),您将来可能会遇到问题/冲突。如果新的。net版本包含与扩展名类型相同的方法,那么将会有人遭受失败。

The main reason why I stopped using Extension Methods is that you can't quickly tell from reading the code where the source of the method is and who "owns" it.


When just reading through the code you can't tell whether the method is an extension or just a standard NET API method on the type.

在读取代码时,您无法判断该方法是否为扩展,或者只是类型上的标准NET API方法。

The intellisense menu can get really messy really fast.
