
时间:2021-11-15 20:07:43

This question is about the App development/testing process. I've an app on the App Store (say ABC); now I added some features on a separate git code branch and want to show these to my teammates.

这个问题是关于App开发/测试过程。我在App Store上有一个应用程序(比如ABC);现在我在一个单独的git代码分支上添加了一些功能,并希望向我的队友展示这些功能。

I can use TestFlight to install it on their iPhones, although that overwrites my original app on the phone.


I'm looking for the best way to get a new App, say ABC Demo, installed on their iPhones.

我正在寻找最好的方式来获得一个新的应用程序,比如在他们的iPhone上安装ABC Demo。

2 个解决方案



If you want the "new" version of the app to work alongside the old version on the same device then each app will have to have different Bundle Ids. You can achieve this by creating a new Target in Xcode

如果您希望应用程序的“新”版本与同一设备上的旧版本一起使用,那么每个应用程序都必须具有不同的Bundle ID。您可以通过在Xcode中创建新的Target来实现此目的




two finger click the existing target and select Duplicate


Then under the new target change the Bundle Identifier to something different

然后在新目标下将Bundle Identifier更改为不同的东西



  1. Go to Targets in Xcode
  2. 转到Xcode中的目标
  3. Get Info on your project's target
  4. 获取有关项目目标的信息
  5. Search for Product Name under Packaging. Change it to ABC Demo
  6. 在包装下搜索产品名称。将其更改为ABC Demo
  7. Press Enter
  8. 按Enter键



If you want the "new" version of the app to work alongside the old version on the same device then each app will have to have different Bundle Ids. You can achieve this by creating a new Target in Xcode

如果您希望应用程序的“新”版本与同一设备上的旧版本一起使用,那么每个应用程序都必须具有不同的Bundle ID。您可以通过在Xcode中创建新的Target来实现此目的




two finger click the existing target and select Duplicate


Then under the new target change the Bundle Identifier to something different

然后在新目标下将Bundle Identifier更改为不同的东西



  1. Go to Targets in Xcode
  2. 转到Xcode中的目标
  3. Get Info on your project's target
  4. 获取有关项目目标的信息
  5. Search for Product Name under Packaging. Change it to ABC Demo
  6. 在包装下搜索产品名称。将其更改为ABC Demo
  7. Press Enter
  8. 按Enter键