如何知道在asp.net mvc中请求是否为ajax ?

时间:2022-04-14 09:14:40

anybody how can I know if the request is ajax ? (I'm using jquery for ajax)


3 个解决方案



All AJAX calls made by jQuery will have a header added to indicate it is AJAX. The header to check is X-Requested-With, and the value will be XMLHttpRequest when it is an AJAX call.

jQuery发出的所有AJAX调用都将添加一个头来表明它是AJAX。要检查的头是x - requestewith,当它是AJAX调用时,值将是XMLHttpRequest。

Note that AJAX requests are normal GETs or POSTs, so unless you (or your AJAX library like jQuery) are adding an additional header in the request, there is no way to know for certain whether it is AJAX or not.




There's also the Request.IsAjaxRequest if you're using a later version of MVC. I don't have version 1 anymore so I can't say if it's in version 1.


If you need this check in Global.asax.cs try this: new HttpRequestWrapper(Request).IsAjaxRequest()

如果你需要在Global.asax登记。cs试试这个:new HttpRequestWrapper(Request).IsAjaxRequest()



It works for me in ASP.NET MVC 3

它在ASP中对我很有用。净MVC 3

if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
     // ajax request handled



All AJAX calls made by jQuery will have a header added to indicate it is AJAX. The header to check is X-Requested-With, and the value will be XMLHttpRequest when it is an AJAX call.

jQuery发出的所有AJAX调用都将添加一个头来表明它是AJAX。要检查的头是x - requestewith,当它是AJAX调用时,值将是XMLHttpRequest。

Note that AJAX requests are normal GETs or POSTs, so unless you (or your AJAX library like jQuery) are adding an additional header in the request, there is no way to know for certain whether it is AJAX or not.




There's also the Request.IsAjaxRequest if you're using a later version of MVC. I don't have version 1 anymore so I can't say if it's in version 1.


If you need this check in Global.asax.cs try this: new HttpRequestWrapper(Request).IsAjaxRequest()

如果你需要在Global.asax登记。cs试试这个:new HttpRequestWrapper(Request).IsAjaxRequest()



It works for me in ASP.NET MVC 3

它在ASP中对我很有用。净MVC 3

if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
     // ajax request handled