In my JSF 2 web application, I use the following code to display and switch the contents of a rich:dataTable according to the selectedStatus:
在我的JSF 2 web应用程序中,我使用以下代码显示和切换一个rich:dataTable,根据selectedStatus:
<h:selectOneRadio id="statusSelection" value="#{backingBean.selectedStatus}" style="width:auto; float:left;">
<f:selectItem itemValue="AVAILABLE" itemLabel="Available" />
<f:selectItem itemValue="INACTIVE" itemLabel="Inactive" />
<f:ajax render="itemsDataTable" execute="#{backingBean.sortByTitel('ascending')}" />
<f:ajax render="itemsDataTable" event="click" />
The dataTable contains a4j:commandLink s, which unintentionally need to be double clicked in some IE versions after changing table content - I found out, that executing the following Javascript code (on IE's debugging console, after table contents have changed) solves the issue:
dataTable包含a4j:commandLink s,在更改表内容后,在某些IE版本中无意中需要双击——我发现,执行以下Javascript代码(在IE的调试控制台,在表内容更改后)可以解决这个问题:
My question is: How can I achieve automatic execution of the javascript code after the table contents have changed?
1 个解决方案
In order to call a js code after the f:ajax
the following inline solution will do
<f:ajax render="itemsDataTable"
onevent="function(data) { if (data.status === 'success') {
document.getElementById('dataTableClientId').focus() } }"/>
also take a look at this answer: JSF and Jquery AJAX - How can I make them work together?
还要看一下这个答案:JSF和Jquery AJAX——我如何使它们协同工作?
Also, double check the need of the event="click"
in your f:ajax
, cause the default event in h:selectOneRadio
is change
which I think you better use...
In order to call a js code after the f:ajax
the following inline solution will do
<f:ajax render="itemsDataTable"
onevent="function(data) { if (data.status === 'success') {
document.getElementById('dataTableClientId').focus() } }"/>
also take a look at this answer: JSF and Jquery AJAX - How can I make them work together?
还要看一下这个答案:JSF和Jquery AJAX——我如何使它们协同工作?
Also, double check the need of the event="click"
in your f:ajax
, cause the default event in h:selectOneRadio
is change
which I think you better use...