
时间:2022-05-15 20:03:08

I am trying to retrieve the client id of a h:panelGroup that is within a p:dataList.


I tried 2 approaches:


1.Using component.clientId e.g:


<h:panelGroup id="listItem">
    <h:outputText value="#{component.clientId}" />

2.Using p:component() e.g:


<h:panelGroup id="listItem">
    <h:outputText value="#{p:component('listItem')}" />

Please note that this panel group is within a datalist. Now, the client ids generates in both the cases is different. (1) does not have the value 'listItem' appended to the client id while (2) has the value 'listItem' in the generated clientId.


Also, the client id generated using (1) is different from that on the generated html component.


Could anyone shed some light on this issue as to why is this so ?


2 个解决方案



The implicit EL object #{component} refers to the current component, which is in the case of


<h:outputText value="#{component.clientId}" />

the <h:outputText> itself!

< h:outputText >本身!

If you intend to print the client ID of another component, then you need to bind the component instance to an unique variable in the view by binding, so that you can reference it anywhere else in the same view.


<h:panelGroup id="listItem" binding="#{listItem}">
    <h:outputText value="#{listItem.clientId}" />

See also:



There are two premises in my answer:


  1. UIPanel class doesn't implement NamingContainer interface, thus, id of <h:panelGroup> won't end up in client id of its children;
  2. UIPanel类没有实现NamingContainer接口,因此, 的id不会以其子的客户端id结束;
  3. #{component} resolves to the current component in which this variable is used.
  4. #{组件}解析到使用此变量的当前组件。

In this light in the first snippet you're outputting client id of an <h:outputText>, that is the id of its naming container plus separator plus its autogenerated id (note that you mispaced : that should be . in your #{component:clientId}), and in the second snippet you use EL function p:component of PrimeFaces that searches the whole component tree for the component with id as specified in its parameter and returns client id of the found component.

在第一个代码段中,您输出的是一个 的客户端id,这是它的命名容器加分隔符的id加上它的自动生成的id(注意,您的间隔是:应该是这样的)。在您的#{组件:clientId}中,在第二个代码段中,您使用EL函数p: PrimeFaces的组件,该组件通过在其参数中指定的id搜索整个组件树,并返回所找到组件的客户端id。

So, you look for different components: <h:outputText> in the first case and <h:panelGroup> in the second case, and that explains the difference in results.

因此,您需要寻找不同的组件: 在第一种情况下, 在第二种情况下,这解释了结果的差异。

Under current setup the following expressions will yield identical results:


  • #{component.parent.clientId} and
  • # { component.parent。clientId },
  • #{p:component('listItem')}.
  • # { p:组件(“列”)}。



The implicit EL object #{component} refers to the current component, which is in the case of


<h:outputText value="#{component.clientId}" />

the <h:outputText> itself!

< h:outputText >本身!

If you intend to print the client ID of another component, then you need to bind the component instance to an unique variable in the view by binding, so that you can reference it anywhere else in the same view.


<h:panelGroup id="listItem" binding="#{listItem}">
    <h:outputText value="#{listItem.clientId}" />

See also:



There are two premises in my answer:


  1. UIPanel class doesn't implement NamingContainer interface, thus, id of <h:panelGroup> won't end up in client id of its children;
  2. UIPanel类没有实现NamingContainer接口,因此, 的id不会以其子的客户端id结束;
  3. #{component} resolves to the current component in which this variable is used.
  4. #{组件}解析到使用此变量的当前组件。

In this light in the first snippet you're outputting client id of an <h:outputText>, that is the id of its naming container plus separator plus its autogenerated id (note that you mispaced : that should be . in your #{component:clientId}), and in the second snippet you use EL function p:component of PrimeFaces that searches the whole component tree for the component with id as specified in its parameter and returns client id of the found component.

在第一个代码段中,您输出的是一个 的客户端id,这是它的命名容器加分隔符的id加上它的自动生成的id(注意,您的间隔是:应该是这样的)。在您的#{组件:clientId}中,在第二个代码段中,您使用EL函数p: PrimeFaces的组件,该组件通过在其参数中指定的id搜索整个组件树,并返回所找到组件的客户端id。

So, you look for different components: <h:outputText> in the first case and <h:panelGroup> in the second case, and that explains the difference in results.

因此,您需要寻找不同的组件: 在第一种情况下, 在第二种情况下,这解释了结果的差异。

Under current setup the following expressions will yield identical results:


  • #{component.parent.clientId} and
  • # { component.parent。clientId },
  • #{p:component('listItem')}.
  • # { p:组件(“列”)}。