从menubar primefaces 3和jsf 2 ajax更新内容页面

时间:2021-06-07 20:02:03

well first ill explain what im tryng to do, i have a index.xhtml page where i include menu.xhtml with a menubar of primefaces, in menu.xhtml in have a panel id=contenido where i want to update depending of the menuitem clicked, i already get update that panel but the problem is when i update to another page for example in default is home.xhtml and i update to enviarsol.xhtml then the command button from enviarsol.xhtml is not working, im new at this and i already tried some different ways of updating the panel, im thinking that the problem is that the bean of enviarsol.xhtml is not managed or something like that,also im doing this way because i want to refresh only that panel and not all the page, someone help me please.

首先生病解释我尝试做什么,我有一个index.xhtml页面,其中我包含menu.xhtml与菜单的菜单,在menu.xhtml中有一个面板id = contenido,我想根据menuitem点击更新,我已经获得更新该面板,但问题是,当我更新到另一个页面,例如在默认情况下是home.xhtml和我更新到enviarsol.xhtml然后enviarsol.xhtml的命令按钮不起作用,我新的在这和我已经尝试了一些不同的更新面板的方法,我认为问题是enviarsol.xhtml的bean没有被管理或类似的东西,我也这样做,因为我想只刷新那个面板,而不是所有的页面,有人帮我请。


    <img src="resources/homeheader.jpg" width="300" height="113" alt="homeheader"/>
    <div style="background-color: white">
    <img src="resources/Logos.jpg" width="1024" height="166" alt="homeheader"/>
     <p:panel id="centerpage" >
        <ui:include src="WEB-INF/menu.xhtml"/>


<p:menuitem value="Contactos" icon="ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-w" actionListener="#{bnmenu.btnEditarContacto(e)}" update="contenido"/>  
<p:panel id="contenido" >
    <ui:include  src="#{bnmenu.url}"/>


private String url;

public bnmenu() {

 public void btnEditarContacto(ActionEvent e)


<p:panelGrid columns="2" style="border-width: 0px">
        <p:commandButton  value="Consultar" actionListener="#{bnhome.btnlogin(e)}" update="txt1"/>
    <p:inputText id="txt1" value="#{bnhome.txtUsuario}"/>


<p:panelGrid columns="2" style="border-width: 0px">
        <p:outputLabel for="txtcorreo" value="Correo: "/>
        <p:inputText id="txtcorreo" value="#{bnSolicitud.correo}"/>
         <p:outputLabel for="txtmensaje" value="Mensaje: "/>
         <p:inputText id="txtmensaje" value="#{bnSolicitud.mensaje}"/>
         <p:commandButton  value="Enviar" actionListener="#{bnSolicitud.btnSolicitar(e)}" update="messages"/>        

i included this:



and now it is working but i dont know what more effects will this cause well now it works but only once when i click in commandbutton from enviarsol.xhtml Finally it appears working fine, i changed @RequestScoped by @SessionScoped in bnmenu


1 个解决方案



Are you sure that you really want ajax navigation? It is very frustrating for a user not being able to use the browsers urlfield or navigation buttons, and it will be harder for you to code aswell. Consider transforming index.xhtml into a template file as described at http://www.mkyong.com/jsf2/jsf-2-templating-with-facelets-example and using normal navigation.




Are you sure that you really want ajax navigation? It is very frustrating for a user not being able to use the browsers urlfield or navigation buttons, and it will be harder for you to code aswell. Consider transforming index.xhtml into a template file as described at http://www.mkyong.com/jsf2/jsf-2-templating-with-facelets-example and using normal navigation.
