
时间:2022-05-25 20:00:52

What is the best mechanism for preventing constraint violation checks before creation | modification of an entity?


Suppose if the 'User' entity has 'loginid' as the unique constraint, would it be wise to check if there is an user entry already with this loginid name before creation or modification.




Would you let the database throw an ConstraintViolationException and handle this message appropriately in the UI layer. Where should such checks be enforced in the jboss seam framework.

您是否允许数据库抛出ConstraintViolationException并在UI层中适当地处理此消息。应该在jboss seam框架中强制执行此类检查。

Note: Currently no such checks are enforced on the seam-gen code.


We currently use Seam 2.2, Richfaces with Hibernate.

我们目前使用Seam 2.2,Richfaces和Hibernate。

3 个解决方案



Even if you check the condition in your code before persisting the user object there is always a chance that someone will created a duplicate loginid between the time you check and when you persist the new User.


However it'll be easier to display an appropriate error message in the UI if you do an explicit check. If you have multiple contraints on the table catching the ConstraintViolationException won't allow you to easily determine which constraint has been violated.


So I would do both. Assuming you're extending from Seam's EntityHome:


  1. In the persist() method run a query to ensure that the loginid is unique. If it isn't add an error message to the appropriate control and return null.
  2. 在persist()方法中运行查询以确保loginid是唯一的。如果它没有向适当的控件添加错误消息并返回null。
  3. Wrap the call to super.persist() and catch the ConstraintViolationException, displaying a generic duplicate error message
  4. 将调用包装到super.persist()并捕获ConstraintViolationException,显示一般的重复错误消息



As Shervin mentioned creating a JSF Validator is a great idea (replacing) #1 above, but you should still expect the worst and catch ConstraintViolationException.

正如Shervin所说,创建一个JSF Validator是一个好主意(替换)#1,但你应该仍然期待最坏的并捕获ConstraintViolationException。



I disagree with handling ConstraintException. I have written a validator that checks duplicates before saving, and it works great.


Here is an example checking duplicate emails.


public class UniqueEmailValidator implements javax.faces.validator.Validator, Serializable {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 6086372792387091314L;

public void validate(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent component, Object value) throws ValidatorException {
    EntityManager entityManager = (EntityManager) Component.getInstance("entityManager");
    String newEmail = (String) value;
    String oldEmail = String.valueOf(component.getAttributes().get("oldEmail"));
    if (oldEmail != null && !oldEmail.equalsIgnoreCase(newEmail)) {
        List<User> users = entityManager.createQuery(
                "SELECT DISTINCT u FROM " + User.class.getName() + " p where lower(p.fromEmail) = :email").setParameter("email",
        if (!users.isEmpty()) {
            Map<String, String> messages = Messages.instance();
            throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, messages.get("admin.emailexists"), messages

And in your form (xhtml) you write:


<s:decorate template="/layout/definition.xhtml">
        <ui:define name="label">#{messages['processdata.email']}</ui:define>
        <h:inputText id="fromEmail" size="30" required="true" value="#  {userAdmin.existingUser.fromEmail}">
            <f:validator validatorId="emailValidator"/>
            <f:attribute name="oldEmail" value="#{userAdmin.existingUser.fromEmail}" />
            <s:validate />

This way it will always validate the field before saving. You can even put an a:support tag to validate when focus is changed.




My advice is that if you can check a condition then check it i.e. in your case a UserExists method call. Throwing exceptions is expensive and is intended for exceptional cases normally related to things outwith your control e.g. disc access etc


You would generally perform this check in your business logic before calling for the entity to be added to the database.




Even if you check the condition in your code before persisting the user object there is always a chance that someone will created a duplicate loginid between the time you check and when you persist the new User.


However it'll be easier to display an appropriate error message in the UI if you do an explicit check. If you have multiple contraints on the table catching the ConstraintViolationException won't allow you to easily determine which constraint has been violated.


So I would do both. Assuming you're extending from Seam's EntityHome:


  1. In the persist() method run a query to ensure that the loginid is unique. If it isn't add an error message to the appropriate control and return null.
  2. 在persist()方法中运行查询以确保loginid是唯一的。如果它没有向适当的控件添加错误消息并返回null。
  3. Wrap the call to super.persist() and catch the ConstraintViolationException, displaying a generic duplicate error message
  4. 将调用包装到super.persist()并捕获ConstraintViolationException,显示一般的重复错误消息



As Shervin mentioned creating a JSF Validator is a great idea (replacing) #1 above, but you should still expect the worst and catch ConstraintViolationException.

正如Shervin所说,创建一个JSF Validator是一个好主意(替换)#1,但你应该仍然期待最坏的并捕获ConstraintViolationException。



I disagree with handling ConstraintException. I have written a validator that checks duplicates before saving, and it works great.


Here is an example checking duplicate emails.


public class UniqueEmailValidator implements javax.faces.validator.Validator, Serializable {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 6086372792387091314L;

public void validate(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent component, Object value) throws ValidatorException {
    EntityManager entityManager = (EntityManager) Component.getInstance("entityManager");
    String newEmail = (String) value;
    String oldEmail = String.valueOf(component.getAttributes().get("oldEmail"));
    if (oldEmail != null && !oldEmail.equalsIgnoreCase(newEmail)) {
        List<User> users = entityManager.createQuery(
                "SELECT DISTINCT u FROM " + User.class.getName() + " p where lower(p.fromEmail) = :email").setParameter("email",
        if (!users.isEmpty()) {
            Map<String, String> messages = Messages.instance();
            throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, messages.get("admin.emailexists"), messages

And in your form (xhtml) you write:


<s:decorate template="/layout/definition.xhtml">
        <ui:define name="label">#{messages['processdata.email']}</ui:define>
        <h:inputText id="fromEmail" size="30" required="true" value="#  {userAdmin.existingUser.fromEmail}">
            <f:validator validatorId="emailValidator"/>
            <f:attribute name="oldEmail" value="#{userAdmin.existingUser.fromEmail}" />
            <s:validate />

This way it will always validate the field before saving. You can even put an a:support tag to validate when focus is changed.




My advice is that if you can check a condition then check it i.e. in your case a UserExists method call. Throwing exceptions is expensive and is intended for exceptional cases normally related to things outwith your control e.g. disc access etc


You would generally perform this check in your business logic before calling for the entity to be added to the database.
