I know, I am the only living person, still writing software for OS/2, but maybe someone can give me a hint:
我知道,我是唯一一个仍在为OS / 2编写软件的人,但也许有人可以给我一个提示:
For a customer I need to print a lot of different Reports on many pre-printed papers, some one-side, some double-sided, orientation landscaped or portrait (so, there are many different combinations)
the option i use now is to assign every possible report to its own printer-driver and let the user set the apropriate settings once for those drivers.
what i need is a more generic way. I want the user just to provide the driver, and I myself want to set Orientation and Sideness (and even the paper feed) programatically.
我需要的是一种更通用的方式。我希望用户只是提供驱动程序,我自己想要以编程方式设置Orientation和Sideness(甚至是paper feed)。
Any suggestions if this is possible? And how?
Thanks, Peter
2 个解决方案
okay, just to close this and give a solution for anyone beaten with the same problem.
i installed pmpdfwriter, installed a postscript printer driver associated with this output device and replaced the gsos2.exe (which is called by the printersystem) with a small selfwritten program, that analyses the filename. If there are my special "parameters" in the name, i copy the generated PostScript file (from the printer driver) to a network device, alongside with a small shell script "lpr -P printer -other options for duplex and orientation and paper feed" which i get from a database and a small selfwritten "printer configuration application", else i call the original gsos2.exe. On the network side there is a unix server, that looks for the scripts and calls those scripts ("on UNIX all is text, on OS/2 most is binary"). With this technique, i have the option to print stacks of different reports on different papers (if they are fed in the same printer) together without mixing them with other print requests.
我安装了pmpdfwriter,安装了与此输出设备关联的postscript打印机驱动程序,并用一个小的自写程序替换了gsos2.exe(由打印机系统调用),该程序分析文件名。如果名称中有我的特殊“参数”,我将生成的PostScript文件(从打印机驱动程序)复制到网络设备,以及一个小的shell脚本“lpr -P printer - 其他选项,用于双面打印和方向和纸张输入“我从数据库和一个小的自写”打印机配置应用程序“获得,否则我称之为原始gsos2.exe。在网络方面,有一个unix服务器,它查找脚本并调用这些脚本(“在UNIX上,所有文本都是文本,在OS / 2上最多是二进制文件”)。使用这种技术,我可以选择在不同的纸张上打印不同报告的堆栈(如果它们在同一台打印机中送入),而不会将它们与其他打印请求混合在一起。
Though it's been 17 years since I was an OS/2 developer, I recall that around 1.3 - 2.0 the printing API operated in a similar manner to Win3.1/WinNT 3.51.
虽然我是OS / 2开发人员已经17年了,但我记得大约1.3 - 2.0的打印API以类似于Win3.1 / WinNT 3.51的方式运行。
Your question has kindled a quest for me to hunt through SO for unanswered OS/2 questions, brb !
你的问题点燃了我寻求通过SO寻找未回答的OS / 2问题,brb!
okay, just to close this and give a solution for anyone beaten with the same problem.
i installed pmpdfwriter, installed a postscript printer driver associated with this output device and replaced the gsos2.exe (which is called by the printersystem) with a small selfwritten program, that analyses the filename. If there are my special "parameters" in the name, i copy the generated PostScript file (from the printer driver) to a network device, alongside with a small shell script "lpr -P printer -other options for duplex and orientation and paper feed" which i get from a database and a small selfwritten "printer configuration application", else i call the original gsos2.exe. On the network side there is a unix server, that looks for the scripts and calls those scripts ("on UNIX all is text, on OS/2 most is binary"). With this technique, i have the option to print stacks of different reports on different papers (if they are fed in the same printer) together without mixing them with other print requests.
我安装了pmpdfwriter,安装了与此输出设备关联的postscript打印机驱动程序,并用一个小的自写程序替换了gsos2.exe(由打印机系统调用),该程序分析文件名。如果名称中有我的特殊“参数”,我将生成的PostScript文件(从打印机驱动程序)复制到网络设备,以及一个小的shell脚本“lpr -P printer - 其他选项,用于双面打印和方向和纸张输入“我从数据库和一个小的自写”打印机配置应用程序“获得,否则我称之为原始gsos2.exe。在网络方面,有一个unix服务器,它查找脚本并调用这些脚本(“在UNIX上,所有文本都是文本,在OS / 2上最多是二进制文件”)。使用这种技术,我可以选择在不同的纸张上打印不同报告的堆栈(如果它们在同一台打印机中送入),而不会将它们与其他打印请求混合在一起。
Though it's been 17 years since I was an OS/2 developer, I recall that around 1.3 - 2.0 the printing API operated in a similar manner to Win3.1/WinNT 3.51.
虽然我是OS / 2开发人员已经17年了,但我记得大约1.3 - 2.0的打印API以类似于Win3.1 / WinNT 3.51的方式运行。
Your question has kindled a quest for me to hunt through SO for unanswered OS/2 questions, brb !
你的问题点燃了我寻求通过SO寻找未回答的OS / 2问题,brb!