
时间:2022-04-14 20:00:04

I need to validate two user input fields against each other in seam. Field1 must be greater than Field2 for each row in a ui:repeat tag. As of now, i have the two fields wrapped in an s:decorate tag that wraps all input in an s:validateAll tag. This allows me to float an error message out to the right of the fields if validation fails for any of them.


For example (i can't insert an image, so i have to use ascii picture, forgive the low-quality please, italics indicate red text):


Label: | Yellow | 0|% Red: | 0%| | Yellow and Red must be between 0 and 100, and Yellow must be greater than Red.

Label: | Yellow | 0|% Red: | 0%| | Yellow and Red must be between 0 and 100, and Yellow must be greater than Red.

标签:|黄色| 0 |%红色:| 0%| |黄色和红色必须介于0到100之间,黄色必须大于红色。标签:|黄色| 0 |%红色:| 0%| |黄色和红色必须介于0到100之间,黄色必须大于红色。

The two controls and the decorate xhtml are below. NOTE: The "value between 0 and 100" validation is already taken care of via hibernate annotation. I only need to know how to validate these 2 fields against each other to make sure yellow is greater than red, and still have the error message show up.


My desired solution would be to set the #{invalid} property for the corresponding s:decorate tag, so the error message will show up, but i'll take any ideas.


The inputs:

    <ui:repeat value="#{action.List}" var="var">
        <s:decorate template="/layout/decorateMultipleInputs.xhtml" >
            <ui:define name="label">
            <ui:define name="input">
                <h:panelGrid columns="8" frame="border">
                    <h:outputText value="Yellow:" />
                    <h:inputText value="#{var.yellow}" style="width:25px; text-align:right" maxlength="3"/>

                    <h:outputText value="Red:" />
                    <h:inputText value="#{var.red}" style="width:25px; text-align:right" maxlength="3"/>
            <ui:define name="message">Yellow and Red must be between 0 and 100, and Yellow must be greater than Red.

and the decorateMultipleInputs.xhtml:


<ui:composition  xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
    <s:label styleClass="#{invalid?'error':''}">
        <ui:insert name="label"/>
        <s:span styleClass="required" rendered="#{required}">*</s:span>
        <ui:insert name="input"/>
    <s:div styleClass="error" rendered="#{invalid}">
        <h:graphicImage value="/images/error.gif" />
    <s:div styleClass="error" rendered="#{invalid}">
        <ui:insert name="message"/>

2 个解决方案


I would attach your own custom JSF validator to the red <h:inputText/>


<h:inputText value="#{var.red}" style="width:25px; text-align:right" maxlength="3">
  <f:validator validatorId="rowValidator"/>

Implement a JSF validator (since you're using Seam you can use the @Validator annotation).


public class RowValidator implements javax.faces.validator.Validator
    public void validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value)
        throws ValidatorException 

The key here is the UIComponent object passed to the validate() method. This is the <h:inputText/> you've bound the validator to. From here you can call getParent() to get the <h:inputText/> parent (<h:panelGrid/>). You can now enumerate the <h:panelGrid/> children objects to find the yellow <h:inputText/>, retrieve the value passed in to it and compare with the value parameter passed to the validate() method.

这里的关键是传递给validate()方法的UIComponent对象。这是您将验证器绑定到的 。从这里你可以调用getParent()来获取 parent( )。您现在可以枚举 子对象以查找黄色 ,检索传入其中的值,并与传递给validate()方法的value参数进行比较。

If yellow is less than red you can do the following in your validate() method:


FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage();
message.setDetail("Yellow must be greater than red");
message.setSummary("Yellow must be greater than red");
throw new ValidatorException(message);


Seam does not currently have a way to do multi-field validation. This is currently on the docket for the JSR-299 WebBeans but there is not a clean nor clear cut way how to do this.

Seam目前没有办法进行多字段验证。这是目前JSR-299 WebBeans的备忘录,但是如何做到这一点还没有一个干净或明确的方法。

You can achieve this by validating after a form-submit as part of your usual action handler. ie.


public String processRedsAndYellows() {
   for(RedYellow var : ActionBean.getList()) {
      if(var.getYellow() <= var.getRed()) {
         messages.addMessage("All Yellows must be greater than Reds");
         return null;
   return "success";

Or something to that effect. :)

或者那种效果。 :)


I would attach your own custom JSF validator to the red <h:inputText/>


<h:inputText value="#{var.red}" style="width:25px; text-align:right" maxlength="3">
  <f:validator validatorId="rowValidator"/>

Implement a JSF validator (since you're using Seam you can use the @Validator annotation).


public class RowValidator implements javax.faces.validator.Validator
    public void validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value)
        throws ValidatorException 

The key here is the UIComponent object passed to the validate() method. This is the <h:inputText/> you've bound the validator to. From here you can call getParent() to get the <h:inputText/> parent (<h:panelGrid/>). You can now enumerate the <h:panelGrid/> children objects to find the yellow <h:inputText/>, retrieve the value passed in to it and compare with the value parameter passed to the validate() method.

这里的关键是传递给validate()方法的UIComponent对象。这是您将验证器绑定到的 。从这里你可以调用getParent()来获取 parent( )。您现在可以枚举 子对象以查找黄色 ,检索传入其中的值,并与传递给validate()方法的value参数进行比较。

If yellow is less than red you can do the following in your validate() method:


FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage();
message.setDetail("Yellow must be greater than red");
message.setSummary("Yellow must be greater than red");
throw new ValidatorException(message);


Seam does not currently have a way to do multi-field validation. This is currently on the docket for the JSR-299 WebBeans but there is not a clean nor clear cut way how to do this.

Seam目前没有办法进行多字段验证。这是目前JSR-299 WebBeans的备忘录,但是如何做到这一点还没有一个干净或明确的方法。

You can achieve this by validating after a form-submit as part of your usual action handler. ie.


public String processRedsAndYellows() {
   for(RedYellow var : ActionBean.getList()) {
      if(var.getYellow() <= var.getRed()) {
         messages.addMessage("All Yellows must be greater than Reds");
         return null;
   return "success";

Or something to that effect. :)

或者那种效果。 :)