MVC框架 - 服务器端DOM操作

时间:2022-11-22 20:02:12

I'm building an MVC framework, and I'm looking for native solutions / frameworks / tag libraries to draw from or to replace my framework entirely.


I'm interested in the following features specifically:


  • server-side DOM manipulation
  • 服务器端DOM操作

  • server-side events (page reload, form submit, node insertion, etc.)
  • 服务器端事件(页面重新加载,表单提交,节点插入等)

  • traversing the DOM tree using css selectors
  • 使用css选择器遍历DOM树

  • validation of html nodes nesting
  • 验证html节点嵌套

  • validation of html nodes allowed attributes
  • 验证html节点允许的属性

  • support for tag libraries / user controls
  • 支持标记库/用户控件

Pretty much what you get with JavaScript, but on the server-side and with some little extras.


Any solution will do (even if partial), any language will do, any pointers are appreaciated (even from client-side languages, as long as it's possible to check the source code). Dealing with malformed html is not a prerequisite. Outputting valid markup is a big plus.


Please offer practical solutions by pointing the language/framework that is being discussed and, if possible, what features it provides.


6 个解决方案


If you load your page into a DOM-parser you would be able to modify it from there. Then outputting it to the output buffer seems trivial.


But you would need to store the entire document in memory, which will inflict on the performance.



have you checked out aptana jaxer?

你检查了aptana jaxer吗?


So, jQuery has a sort of selectors API implemented, I guess I can take a look at their source code. Also, PHP has support for XPath, this could help too.



Found a php html dom parser that also implements some html selectors here:

找到一个php html dom解析器,它也在这里实现了一些html选择器:


Fizzler uses HTMLAgility pack and adds a server side queryselectorall to provide css selection:



Maybe you are looking for ItsNat



If you load your page into a DOM-parser you would be able to modify it from there. Then outputting it to the output buffer seems trivial.


But you would need to store the entire document in memory, which will inflict on the performance.



have you checked out aptana jaxer?

你检查了aptana jaxer吗?


So, jQuery has a sort of selectors API implemented, I guess I can take a look at their source code. Also, PHP has support for XPath, this could help too.



Found a php html dom parser that also implements some html selectors here:

找到一个php html dom解析器,它也在这里实现了一些html选择器:


Fizzler uses HTMLAgility pack and adds a server side queryselectorall to provide css selection:



Maybe you are looking for ItsNat
