
时间:2021-12-08 19:57:43

I have simple question. How to create user role in Django without creating it in DB manually ?


EDIT: I need to create specific permission. So only users with this permission can change specific field of model. I just need make one field 'readonly' for some users. Is it possible in django?

编辑:我需要创建特定权限。因此,只有拥有此权限的用户才能更改模型的特定字段。我只需要为某些用户创建一个“readonly”字段。 django有可能吗?

2 个解决方案



Creating a perm without using DB means you do not want to use django permission system. In that point, I would ask why you do not want to use it?


If it is ok to use django permission sywstem, you can create a permission and check it by overrriding admin save method... Like:


in your models.py


class SomeModel(Model):
    your_spec_field = FieldType(...)
    class Meta:
        permissions = (
            ("some_perm", u"A name for your default permission"),

In your related admin.py


class SomeModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
        if change:
            curr_value = SomeModel.objects.get(pk=obj.id)
            if not request.user.has_perm('<your_app>.some_perm'):
                obj.your_spec_field = curr_value.your_spec_field
            if not request.user.has_perm('<your_app>.some_perm')
                obj.your_spec_field = '' # or the default value according to your field type

In this approach, you get the state of related record before you save it and check for related permission. If the user do not have required perm. then you replace your field's value with the previous one. If this is a new record, then you set that field to any value you want.




You could check out django-authority. It lets you implement object level permissions, and even logical checks. Logical checks are not stored in the database, but are functions that can be passed values and return True or False. Shameless plug: my fork implements the django 1.2 object permission backend, so you could use it like: userA.hasperm("see_xyz")

你可以查看django-authority。它允许您实现对象级权限,甚至逻辑检查。逻辑检查不存储在数据库中,但是可以传递值并返回True或False的函数。无耻的插件:我的fork实现了django 1.2对象权限后端,所以你可以使用它:userA.hasperm(“see_xyz”)



Creating a perm without using DB means you do not want to use django permission system. In that point, I would ask why you do not want to use it?


If it is ok to use django permission sywstem, you can create a permission and check it by overrriding admin save method... Like:


in your models.py


class SomeModel(Model):
    your_spec_field = FieldType(...)
    class Meta:
        permissions = (
            ("some_perm", u"A name for your default permission"),

In your related admin.py


class SomeModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
        if change:
            curr_value = SomeModel.objects.get(pk=obj.id)
            if not request.user.has_perm('<your_app>.some_perm'):
                obj.your_spec_field = curr_value.your_spec_field
            if not request.user.has_perm('<your_app>.some_perm')
                obj.your_spec_field = '' # or the default value according to your field type

In this approach, you get the state of related record before you save it and check for related permission. If the user do not have required perm. then you replace your field's value with the previous one. If this is a new record, then you set that field to any value you want.




You could check out django-authority. It lets you implement object level permissions, and even logical checks. Logical checks are not stored in the database, but are functions that can be passed values and return True or False. Shameless plug: my fork implements the django 1.2 object permission backend, so you could use it like: userA.hasperm("see_xyz")

你可以查看django-authority。它允许您实现对象级权限,甚至逻辑检查。逻辑检查不存储在数据库中,但是可以传递值并返回True或False的函数。无耻的插件:我的fork实现了django 1.2对象权限后端,所以你可以使用它:userA.hasperm(“see_xyz”)