
时间:2021-09-11 09:49:28

This problem is a little bizarre and I'm curious if anyone has any idea what's going on. You can get the CSS,HTMl and JS here, but the behavior I see on my local machine isn't the same as in the fiddle. The intent is was that a user will click on a span tag inside of a div and and a modal will pop up (which I haven't gotten to yet) and the user will be able to edit and save changes. You can see in the update function a text box is appended to the #hidden element. Although I never set the value of the text box, when a span tag is clicked a text box is appended to the element with (almost) the entire value of the view state hidden ASP.net field. I changed the id of the hidden element to garbage thinking maybe hidden was a bad ID to use, but I still got the same effect. Does anyone have idea what's going on?


EDIT: the '#hidden' element is the same thing as '#asdf' full code:


<script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
            var personArray = [{
                name: 'firstName',
                gender: 'male',
                age: 30
            }, {
                name: 'secondName',
                gender: 'female',
                age: 20

            //finds over object in the array and every property on that object
            //and makes a control out of it and styles is.
            function pretty(array) {
                var divArray = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
                    var $div = $('<div>').addClass('person');
                    for (var prop in array[i]) {
                        var $span = $('<span>').text(prop + ': ' + array[i][prop]);
                return divArray;


            $('.person span').click(function () {

            function update(control) {
                var $spans = $(control).children('span');
                for (var i = 0; i < $spans.length; i++) {
                    $('#asdf').append($spans[i]).css('float', 'left');
                    var textBox = $('input').attr('type', 'textbox').css('float', 'right');
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <div id="asdf" style="float:right" class="updatePanel"></div>


1 个解决方案



On this line


var textBox = $('input').attr('type', 'textbox').css('float', 'right');

You probably want to do:


var textBox = $('<input>').attr('type', 'textbox').css('float', 'right');

ViewState is stored in a hidden input element, and doing $("input") will select all input elements on the page. The ViewState element is probably the first one on the page.

ViewState存储在隐藏的输入元素中,执行$(“input”)将选择页面上的所有输入元素。 ViewState元素可能是页面上的第一个元素。



On this line


var textBox = $('input').attr('type', 'textbox').css('float', 'right');

You probably want to do:


var textBox = $('<input>').attr('type', 'textbox').css('float', 'right');

ViewState is stored in a hidden input element, and doing $("input") will select all input elements on the page. The ViewState element is probably the first one on the page.

ViewState存储在隐藏的输入元素中,执行$(“input”)将选择页面上的所有输入元素。 ViewState元素可能是页面上的第一个元素。