操作说明文档PDF :http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pBSZp
tcpreplay: Command line arguments required
tcpreplay (tcpreplay) - Replay network traffic stored in pcap files
USAGE: tcpreplay [ -<flag> [<val>] | --<name>[{=| }<val>] ]... <pcap_file(s)>
-q, --quiet Quiet mode
-T, --timer=str Select packet timing mode: select, ioport, rdtsc, gtod, nano, abstime
--sleep-accel=num Reduce the amount of time to sleep by specified usec
--rdtsc-clicks=num Specify the RDTSC clicks/usec
-v, --verbose Print decoded packets via tcpdump to STDOUT
-A, --decode=str Arguments passed to tcpdump decoder
-K, --enable-file-cache Enable caching of packets to internal memory
--preload-pcap Preloads packets into RAM before sending
-c, --cachefile=str Split traffic via a tcpprep cache file
-i, --intf1=str Server/primary traffic output interface
-I, --intf2=str Client/secondary traffic output interface
--listnics List available network interfaces and exit
-l, --loop=num Loop through the capture file X times
--pktlen Override the snaplen and use the actual packet len
-L, --limit=num Limit the number of packets to send
-x, --multiplier=str Modify replay speed to a given multiple
-p, --pps=num Replay packets at a given packets/sec
-M, --mbps=str Replay packets at a given Mbps
-t, --topspeed Replay packets as fast as possible
-o, --oneatatime Replay one packet at a time for each user input
--pps-multi=num Number of packets to send for each time interval
-P, --pid Print the PID of tcpreplay at startup
--stats=num Print statistics every X seconds
-V, --version Print version information
-h, --less-help Display less usage information and exit
-H, --help Display usage information and exit
-!, --more-help Extended usage information passed thru pager
--save-opts[=arg] Save the option state to a config file
--load-opts=str Load options from a config file
Options are specified by doubled hyphens and their name
or by a single hyphen and the flag character.
tcpreplay is a tool for replaying network traffic from files saved with
tcpdump or other tools which write pcap(3) files.
tcpprep -a client -i test.tcpdump -o test.cache
tcprewrite -e --enet-dmac=00:15:17:2b:ca:14,00:15:17:2b:ca:15 --enet-smac=00:10:f3:19:79:86,00:10:f3:19:79:87 -c test.cache -i test.tcpdump -o 1.pcap
tcpreplay -i eth0 -I eth1 -l 1000 -t -c /dev/shm/test.cache /dev/shm/1.pcap
直接播放 可以解析的pcap报文,播放的源ip地址仍为录制的pcap文件中的源ip地址
tcpreplay -i eth1 -l 1000 -t /root/snort.log.1381554309