麻烦在Ruby / Rails中使用ssl_requirement和restful_authentication

时间:2023-01-12 19:38:52

I'm trying to use the ssl requirement plugin with the restful authentication plugin and I have a question that I'm having trouble finding the answer to.


When allowing a user to login from a non-SSL action/page, should I require SSL on the session's create action for increased security, or is that overkill?


If so, how do I get the create action to work going from non-SSL to SSL? It throws a ActionController::MethodNotAllowed exception stating "Only post and delete requests are allowed".

如果是这样,我如何让创建操作从非SSL到SSL工作?它抛出一个ActionController :: MethodNotAllowed异常,指出“只允许发布和删除请求”。


1 个解决方案


I'm working on the same thing here. I think that you should set up the SSL requirement to be used on the session create, because that is the moment when you are handling sensitive information to the server.



I'm working on the same thing here. I think that you should set up the SSL requirement to be used on the session create, because that is the moment when you are handling sensitive information to the server.
