oracle从入门到精通 之 一.sql基础笔记

时间:2022-05-09 19:37:06

-- 在sys用户下,操作类似如下: 
-- *1. 先创建表空间: 
create tablespace ivy datafile '/ivy_tbs.dbf' size 100M; 
-- *2. 再创建用户并且指定此用户的默认表空间为上面创建的表空间: 
create user ivy identified by admin default tablespace ivy; 
-- *3. 给上面新创建的用户授权访问 
grant create session, resource to ivy; 
-- *4. 给 第2步新创建的用户 划分 第1步创建的表空间 的 “空间限额” 
alter user ivy quota unlimited on ivy; 
-- 上面表示:用户user_name 可以无限占用tablespace_name表空间的所有空间 
alter user ivy quota 100M on ivy; 
-- 上面表示:用户user_name最多可以使用tablespace_name表空间100M的空间。 

create table productinfo
ProId varchar2(10),

ProName varchar2(20),

ProPrice  number(3,2),

Quantity number(10),

ProCategory varchar2(10),

Description varchar2(1000),

Origin varchar2(20)

alter table  productinfo
add remark varchar2(20);

alter table productinfo 
modify ProPrice number(8,2)

alter table productinfo
modify ProCategory varchar2(30)

alter table productinfo
drop column remark

/*grant create session,resource to liuw

create  table  categoryinfo
CategoryName  varchar2(20),
CategoryId  varchar2(10),
primary key(CategoryId)

alter table productinfo
add constraints dwdw primary key(ProId)

alter table productinfo
drop constraint dwdw

alter table productinfo
add constraint waijian foreign key(ProCategory)
references categoryinfo(CategoryId)
on delete cascade
create table custominfo
customid varchar2(10),
Name varchar2(10),
age varchar2(2),
gender varchar2(2),
tel varchar2(11),
adress varchar2(50),
primary key(customid),
constraint checkno check(age>=18 and age<=30)

alter table custominfo 
add constraint checkno1 check(gender='男' or gender='女')

create table orderinfo
orderid varchar2(10),
produtid varchar2(10),
customid varchar2(10),
orderdate date,
orderquantity number(10),
senddate varchar2(10),
primary key(orderid),
constraint foreign1 foreign key(produtid)
references productinfo(ProId),
constraint foreign2 foreign key(customid)
references custominfo(customid),
constraint weiyi unique(produtid)

alter table orderinfo
modify  orderdate varchar2(10);

alter table orderinfo
add constraint order123 unique(customid)

create table manageinfo
managerid varchar2(10),
loginName varchar2(10) not null,
password varchar2(10) not null,
name     varchar2(10),
tel      varchar2(11),
primary key(managerid)

alter table manageinfo 
modify name not null;

insert into manageinfo(managerid,loginName,password,name) values(1,'admin','super','liuwei')
insert into manageinfo(managerid,loginName,password,name) values(2,'ivy','super','yanyan')
insert into manageinfo(managerid,loginName,password,name) values(3,'nate','super','weiwei')

create table logininfo as select loginname,password from manageinfo

select * from logininfo

delete from logininfo
update manageinfo set name='weiwei' where loginname='admin'

delete from manageinfo where managerid=1

select * from manageinfo

merge into logininfo
using manageinfo
on (logininfo.loginname=manageinfo.loginname)
when matched then update set logininfo.password=manageinfo.password
when not matched then insert values(manageinfo.loginname,manageinfo.password)


select managerid as ID,manageinfo.loginname as 登录名,manageinfo.password as 密码  from manageinfo


insert into productinfo(ProId,ProName,ProPrice,Quantity,Procategory,description,origin) values (1,'三星5830i',3000,50,01,'三星手机','anycall')

insert into productinfo(ProId,ProName,ProPrice,Quantity,Procategory,description,origin) values (2,'三星9100i',4000,30,01,'三星手机','anycall')

insert into productinfo(ProId,ProName,ProPrice,Quantity,Procategory,description,origin) values (3,'iphone4',3000,12,02,'苹果手机','apple')

insert into productinfo(ProId,ProName,ProPrice,Quantity,Procategory,description,origin) values (6,'iphone4',3000,12,02,'苹果手机','apple')

insert into productinfo(ProId,ProName,ProPrice,Quantity,Procategory,description,origin) values (4,'nokia5300',1000,50,03,'诺基亚手机','nokia')

insert into productinfo(ProId,ProName,ProPrice,Quantity,Procategory,description,origin) values (5,'iphone5',5000,50,02,'5s手机','apple')


insert into categoryinfo(categoryinfo.categoryid,categoryinfo.categoryname) values (01,'三星')
insert into categoryinfo(categoryinfo.categoryid,categoryinfo.categoryname) values (02,'苹果')
insert into categoryinfo(categoryinfo.categoryid,categoryinfo.categoryname) values (03,'nokia')
insert into categoryinfo(categoryinfo.categoryid,categoryinfo.categoryname) values (04,'摩托罗拉')

select * from productinfo

select * from categoryinfo

select distinct ProId ID,
                ProName 名称,
                ProPrice || '*' || '1.25' || '=' || ProPrice * 1.25 as  价格,
  from productinfo
 order by 价格 desc Nulls first,quantity asc
--order by用法

select distinct ProId ID,
                ProName 名称,
                ProPrice || '*' || '1.25' || '=' || ProPrice * 1.25 as 价格,
                ProPrice * quantity as ww
  from productinfo
 order by ProPrice * quantity desc Nulls first

--字段位置 3表示价格字段
select distinct ProId ID,
                ProName 名称,
                ProPrice || '*' || '1.25' || '=' || ProPrice * 1.25 as 价格,
                ProPrice * quantity as ww
  from productinfo
 order by 3 desc Nulls first


select distinct ProId ID,
                ProName as 名称,
                ProPrice || '*' || '1.25' || '=' || ProPrice * 1.25 as 价格,
                ProPrice * quantity as ww
  from productinfo
  where quantity between 10 and 50
  and ProName like '三星%'
 order by 3 desc Nulls first

select distinct ProId ID,
                ProName as 名称,
  from productinfo
 where quantity between 10 and 50
 group by Procategory, ProId, ProName, ProPrice
 having AVG(ProPrice)<4500
 order by 3 desc Nulls first
--having只对group by负责

select distinct ProId ID,
                ProName as 名称,
  from productinfo
 where ProPrice < (select Max(proprice) from productinfo)
 and ProPrice > (select Min(proprice) from productinfo)
 group by Procategory, ProId, ProName, ProPrice
having AVG(ProPrice) < 4500
 order by 3 desc Nulls first

select distinct ProId ID,
                ProName as 名称,
  from productinfo
 where ProPrice > some (select MiN(proprice) from productinfo)
 group by Procategory, ProId, ProName, ProPrice
having AVG(ProPrice) < 4500

--   +号外连接
select * from productinfo,categoryinfo where productinfo.procategory(+)=categoryinfo.categoryid

select * from productinfo p inner join categoryinfo c on p.procategory = c.categoryid
select * from productinfo p  join categoryinfo c on p.procategory = c.categoryid

select *
  from productinfo p
  join productinfo pr
    on p.quantity = pr.quantity
   and p.proid != pr.proid
   and p.rowid > pr.rowid
   update productinfo set procategory = '' where  proid=6
select *
  from productinfo p
  left join categoryinfo c
    on p.procategory = c.categoryid

select *
  from productinfo p
 right join categoryinfo c
    on p.procategory = c.categoryid

select *
  from productinfo p
 full join categoryinfo c
    on p.procategory = c.categoryid
