
时间:2023-01-07 19:38:44

I am writing an application where memory, and to a lesser extent speed, are vital. I have found from profiling that I spend a great deal of time in Map and Set operations. While I look at ways to call these methods less, I am wondering whether anyone out there has written, or come across, implementations that significantly improve on access time or memory overhead? or at least, that can improve these things given some assumptions?


From looking at the JDK source I can't believe that it can't be made faster or leaner.


I am aware of Commons Collections, but I don't believe it has any implementation whose goal is to be faster or leaner. Same for Google Collections.

我知道Commons Collections,但我不相信它有任何实现,其目标是更快或更精简。 Google Collections也是如此。

Update: Should have noted that I do not need thread safety.


17 个解决方案


Normally these methods are pretty quick. There are a couple of things you should check: are your hash codes implemented? Are they sufficiently uniform? Otherwise you'll get rubbish performance.


http://trove4j.sourceforge.net/ <-- this is a bit quicker and saves some memory. I saved a few ms on 50,000 updates

http://trove4j.sourceforge.net/ < - 这有点快,节省了一些内存。我在50,000次更新时节省了几毫秒

Are you sure that you're using maps/sets correctly? i.e. not trying to iterate over all the values or something similar. Also, e.g. don't do a contains and then a remove. Just check the remove.


Also check if you're using Double vs double. I noticed a few ms performance improvements on ten's of thousands of checks.

还要检查你是否使用Double vs double。我注意到数以万计的支票上有几个ms的性能提升。

Have you also set up the initial capacity correctly/appropriately?



Have you looked at Trove4J ? From the website:


Trove aims to provide fast, lightweight implementations of the java.util.Collections API.

Trove旨在提供java.util.Collections API的快速轻量级实现。

Benchmarks provided here.



Here are the ones I know, in addition to Google and Commons Collections:

除Google和Commons Collections外,以下是我所知道的:

Of course you can always implement your own data structures which are optimized for your use cases. To be able to help better, we would need to know you access patterns and what kind of data you store in the collections.



Try improving the performance of your equals and hashCode methods, this could help speed up the standard containers use of your objects.



You can extend AbstractMap and/or AbstractSet as a starting point. I did this not too long ago to implement a binary trie based map (the key was an integer, and each "level" on the tree was a bit position. left child was 0 and right child was 1). This worked out well for us because the key was EUI-64 identifiers, and for us most of the time the top 5 bytes were going to be the same.


To implement an AbstractMap, you need to at the very least implement the entrySet() method, to return a set of Map.Entry, each of which is a key/value pair.


To implement a set, you extend AbstractSet and supply implementations of size() and iterator().


That's at the very least, however. You will want to also implement get and put, since the default map is unmodifiable, and the default implementation of get iterates through the entrySet looking for a match.



You can possibly save a little on memory by:


(a) using a stronger, wider hash code, and thus avoiding having to store the keys;


(b) by allocating yourself from an array, avoiding creating a separate object per hash table entry.


In case it's useful, here's a no-frills Java implementation of the Numerical Recipies hash table that I've sometimes found useful. You can key directly on a CharSequence (including Strings), or else you must yourself come up with a strong-ish 64-bit hash function for your objects.


Remember, this implementation doesn't store the keys, so if two items have the same hash code (which you'd expect after hashing in the order of 2^32 or a couple of billion items if you have a good hash function), then one item will overwrite the other:

请记住,此实现不存储密钥,因此如果两个项目具有相同的哈希代码(如果您具有良好的哈希函数,则在2 ^ 32的顺序中进行散列后可以预期,或者如果您具有良好的哈希函数,则需要几十亿个项目)然后一个项目将覆盖另一个项目:

public class CompactMap<E> implements Serializable {
  static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  private static final int MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 1 << 24;
  private static final int MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE_WITH_FILL_FACTOR = 1 << 20;

  private static final long[] byteTable;
  private static final long HSTART = 0xBB40E64DA205B064L;
  private static final long HMULT = 7664345821815920749L;

  static {
    byteTable = new long[256];
    long h = 0x544B2FBACAAF1684L;
    for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < 31; j++) {
        h = (h >>> 7) ^ h;
        h = (h << 11) ^ h;
        h = (h >>> 10) ^ h;
      byteTable[i] = h;

  private int maxValues;
  private int[] table;
  private int[] nextPtrs;
  private long[] hashValues;
  private E[] elements;
  private int nextHashValuePos;
  private int hashMask;
  private int size;

  public CompactMap(int maxElements) {
    int sz = 128;
    int desiredTableSize = maxElements;
    if (desiredTableSize < MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE_WITH_FILL_FACTOR) {
      desiredTableSize = desiredTableSize * 4 / 3;
    desiredTableSize = Math.min(desiredTableSize, MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE);
    while (sz < desiredTableSize) {
      sz <<= 1;
    this.maxValues = maxElements;
    this.table = new int[sz];
    this.nextPtrs = new int[maxValues];
    this.hashValues = new long[maxValues];
    this.elements = (E[]) new Object[sz];
    Arrays.fill(table, -1);
    this.hashMask = sz-1;

  public int size() {
    return size;

  public E put(CharSequence key, E val) {
    return put(hash(key), val);

  public E put(long hash, E val) {
    int hc = (int) hash & hashMask;
    int[] table = this.table;
    int k = table[hc];
    if (k != -1) {
      int lastk;
      do {
        if (hashValues[k] == hash) {
          E old = elements[k];
          elements[k] = val;
          return old;
        lastk = k;
        k = nextPtrs[k];
      } while (k != -1);
      k = nextHashValuePos++;
      nextPtrs[lastk] = k;
    } else {
      k = nextHashValuePos++;
      table[hc] = k;
    if (k >= maxValues) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Hash table full (size " + size + ", k " + k);
    hashValues[k] = hash;
    nextPtrs[k] = -1;
    elements[k] = val;
    return null;

  public E get(long hash) {
    int hc = (int) hash & hashMask;
    int[] table = this.table;
    int k = table[hc];
    if (k != -1) {
      do {
        if (hashValues[k] == hash) {
          return elements[k];
        k = nextPtrs[k];
      } while (k != -1);
    return null;

  public E get(CharSequence hash) {
    return get(hash(hash));

  public static long hash(CharSequence cs) {
    if (cs == null) return 1L;
    long h = HSTART;
    final long hmult = HMULT;
    final long[] ht = byteTable;
    for (int i = cs.length()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
      char ch = cs.charAt(i);
      h = (h * hmult) ^ ht[ch & 0xff];
      h = (h * hmult) ^ ht[(ch >>> 8) & 0xff];
    return h;



Check out GNU Trove:

查看GNU Trove:



There is at least one implementation in commons-collections that is specifically built for speed: Flat3Map it's pretty specific in that it'll be really quick as long as there are no more than 3 elements.


I suspect that you may get more milage through following @thaggie's advice add look at the equals/hashcode method times.

我怀疑你可以通过跟随@ thaggie的建议获得更多的milage添加查看equals / hashcode方法的时间。


You said you profiled some classes but have you done any timings to check their speed? I'm not sure how you'd check their memory usage. It seems like it would be nice to have some specific figures at hand when you're comparing different implementations.



There are some notes here and links to several alternative data-structure libraries: http://www.leepoint.net/notes-java/data/collections/ds-alternatives.html


I'll also throw in a strong vote for fastutil. (mentioned in another response, and on that page) It has more different data structures than you can shake a stick at, and versions optimized for primitive types as keys or values. (A drawback is that the jar file is huge, but you can presumably trim it to just what you need)

我也会对fastutil进行强烈投票。 (在另一个响应中提到,并在该页面上)它具有比您可以动摇的更多不同的数据结构,以及针对基本类型作为键或值优化的版本。 (缺点是jar文件很大,但你可以把它修剪成你需要的)


I went through something like this a couple of years ago -- very large Maps and Sets as well as very many of them. The default Java implementations consumed way too much space. In the end I rolled my own, but only after I examined the actual usage patterns that my code required. For example, I had a known large set of objects that were created early on and some Maps were sparse while others were dense. Other structures grew monotonically (no deletes) while in other places it was faster to use a "collection" and do the occasional but harmless extra work of processing duplicate items than it was to spend the time and space on avoiding duplicates. Many of the implementations I used were array-backed and exploited the fact that my hashcodes were sequentially allocated and thus for dense maps a lookup was just an array access.

几年前我经历过类似的事情 - 非常大的地图和集合以及其中很多。默认的Java实现占用了太多空间。最后我推出了自己的,但只是在我检查了我的代码所需的实际使用模式之后。例如,我有一组已知的大型对象,这些对象是早期创建的,有些地图很稀疏而有些地图很密集。其他结构单调增长(没有删除),而在其他地方,使用“集合”更快,处理重复项目的偶尔但无害的额外工作比花费时间和空间避免重复。我使用的许多实现都是由阵列支持的,并且利用了我的哈希码被顺序分配的事实,因此对于密集映射,查找只是一个数组访问。

Take away messages:


  1. look at your algorithm,
  2. 看看你的算法,

  3. consider multiple implementations, and
  4. 考虑多个实现,和

  5. remember that most of the libraries out there are catering for general purpose use (eg insert and delete, a range of sizes, neither sparse nor dense, etc) so they're going to have overheads that you can probably avoid.
  6. 请记住,大多数库都适用于通用目的(例如插入和删除,一系列大小,既不稀疏也不密集等),因此它们可能会有可能避免的开销。

Oh, and write unit tests...



At times when I have see Map and Set operations are using a high percentage of CPU, it has indicated that I have over used Map and Set and restructuring my data has almost eliminated collections from the top 10% CPU consumer.


See if you can avoid copies of collections, iterating over collections and any other operation which results in accessing most of the elements of the collection and creating objects.



It's probably not so much the Map or Set which causing the problem, but the objects behind them. Depending upon your problem, you might want a more database-type scheme where "objects" are stored as a bunch of bytes rather than Java Objects. You could embed a database (such as Apache Derby) or do your own specialist thing. It's very dependent upon what you are actually doing. HashMap isn't deliberately big and slow...

它可能不是导致问题的Map或Set,而是它们背后的对象。根据您的问题,您可能需要更多数据库类型的方案,其中“对象”存储为一堆字节而不是Java对象。您可以嵌入数据库(例如Apache Derby)或做自己的专家。这非常依赖于你实际在做什么。 HashMap并不是故意大而慢......


Commons Collections has FastArrayList, FastHashMap and FastTreeMap but I don't know what they're worth...

Commons Collections有FastArrayList,FastHashMap和FastTreeMap,但我不知道它们的价值......


  • Commons Collections has an id map which compares through ==, which should be faster. -[Joda Primities][1] as has primitive collections, as does Trove. I experimented with Trove and found that its memory useage is better.
  • Commons Collections有一个id映射,通过==进行比较,它应该更快。 - [Joda Primities] [1]和原始集合一样,Trove也是如此。我对Trove进行了实验,发现其内存使用效果更好。

  • I was mapping collections of many small objects with a few Integers. altering these to ints saved nearly half the memory (although requiring some messier application code to compensate).
  • 我正在使用一些整数来映射许多小对象的集合。将这些更改为int可以节省近一半的内存(尽管需要一些更复杂的应用程序代码来补偿)。

  • It seems reasonable to me that sorted trees should consume less memory than hashmaps because they don't require the load factor (although if anyone can confirm or has a reason why this is actually dumb please post in the comments).
  • 对我来说,有条理的树应该比hashmaps消耗更少的内存似乎是合理的,因为它们不需要加载因子(尽管如果有人可以确认或有理由为什么这实际上是愚蠢的,请在评论中发布)。


Which version of the JVM are you using?


If you are not on 6 (although I suspect you are) then a switch to 6 may help.


If this is a server application and is running on windows try using -server to use the correct hotspot implementation.



I use the following package (koloboke) to do a int-int hashmap, because it supports promitive type and it stores two int in a long variable, this is cool for me. koloboke

我使用下面的包(koloboke)来做一个int-int hashmap,因为它支持promiable类型,并且它在一个long变量中存储了两个int,这对我来说很酷。 koloboke


Normally these methods are pretty quick. There are a couple of things you should check: are your hash codes implemented? Are they sufficiently uniform? Otherwise you'll get rubbish performance.


http://trove4j.sourceforge.net/ <-- this is a bit quicker and saves some memory. I saved a few ms on 50,000 updates

http://trove4j.sourceforge.net/ < - 这有点快,节省了一些内存。我在50,000次更新时节省了几毫秒

Are you sure that you're using maps/sets correctly? i.e. not trying to iterate over all the values or something similar. Also, e.g. don't do a contains and then a remove. Just check the remove.


Also check if you're using Double vs double. I noticed a few ms performance improvements on ten's of thousands of checks.

还要检查你是否使用Double vs double。我注意到数以万计的支票上有几个ms的性能提升。

Have you also set up the initial capacity correctly/appropriately?



Have you looked at Trove4J ? From the website:


Trove aims to provide fast, lightweight implementations of the java.util.Collections API.

Trove旨在提供java.util.Collections API的快速轻量级实现。

Benchmarks provided here.



Here are the ones I know, in addition to Google and Commons Collections:

除Google和Commons Collections外,以下是我所知道的:

Of course you can always implement your own data structures which are optimized for your use cases. To be able to help better, we would need to know you access patterns and what kind of data you store in the collections.



Try improving the performance of your equals and hashCode methods, this could help speed up the standard containers use of your objects.



You can extend AbstractMap and/or AbstractSet as a starting point. I did this not too long ago to implement a binary trie based map (the key was an integer, and each "level" on the tree was a bit position. left child was 0 and right child was 1). This worked out well for us because the key was EUI-64 identifiers, and for us most of the time the top 5 bytes were going to be the same.


To implement an AbstractMap, you need to at the very least implement the entrySet() method, to return a set of Map.Entry, each of which is a key/value pair.


To implement a set, you extend AbstractSet and supply implementations of size() and iterator().


That's at the very least, however. You will want to also implement get and put, since the default map is unmodifiable, and the default implementation of get iterates through the entrySet looking for a match.



You can possibly save a little on memory by:


(a) using a stronger, wider hash code, and thus avoiding having to store the keys;


(b) by allocating yourself from an array, avoiding creating a separate object per hash table entry.


In case it's useful, here's a no-frills Java implementation of the Numerical Recipies hash table that I've sometimes found useful. You can key directly on a CharSequence (including Strings), or else you must yourself come up with a strong-ish 64-bit hash function for your objects.


Remember, this implementation doesn't store the keys, so if two items have the same hash code (which you'd expect after hashing in the order of 2^32 or a couple of billion items if you have a good hash function), then one item will overwrite the other:

请记住,此实现不存储密钥,因此如果两个项目具有相同的哈希代码(如果您具有良好的哈希函数,则在2 ^ 32的顺序中进行散列后可以预期,或者如果您具有良好的哈希函数,则需要几十亿个项目)然后一个项目将覆盖另一个项目:

public class CompactMap<E> implements Serializable {
  static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  private static final int MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 1 << 24;
  private static final int MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE_WITH_FILL_FACTOR = 1 << 20;

  private static final long[] byteTable;
  private static final long HSTART = 0xBB40E64DA205B064L;
  private static final long HMULT = 7664345821815920749L;

  static {
    byteTable = new long[256];
    long h = 0x544B2FBACAAF1684L;
    for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < 31; j++) {
        h = (h >>> 7) ^ h;
        h = (h << 11) ^ h;
        h = (h >>> 10) ^ h;
      byteTable[i] = h;

  private int maxValues;
  private int[] table;
  private int[] nextPtrs;
  private long[] hashValues;
  private E[] elements;
  private int nextHashValuePos;
  private int hashMask;
  private int size;

  public CompactMap(int maxElements) {
    int sz = 128;
    int desiredTableSize = maxElements;
    if (desiredTableSize < MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE_WITH_FILL_FACTOR) {
      desiredTableSize = desiredTableSize * 4 / 3;
    desiredTableSize = Math.min(desiredTableSize, MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE);
    while (sz < desiredTableSize) {
      sz <<= 1;
    this.maxValues = maxElements;
    this.table = new int[sz];
    this.nextPtrs = new int[maxValues];
    this.hashValues = new long[maxValues];
    this.elements = (E[]) new Object[sz];
    Arrays.fill(table, -1);
    this.hashMask = sz-1;

  public int size() {
    return size;

  public E put(CharSequence key, E val) {
    return put(hash(key), val);

  public E put(long hash, E val) {
    int hc = (int) hash & hashMask;
    int[] table = this.table;
    int k = table[hc];
    if (k != -1) {
      int lastk;
      do {
        if (hashValues[k] == hash) {
          E old = elements[k];
          elements[k] = val;
          return old;
        lastk = k;
        k = nextPtrs[k];
      } while (k != -1);
      k = nextHashValuePos++;
      nextPtrs[lastk] = k;
    } else {
      k = nextHashValuePos++;
      table[hc] = k;
    if (k >= maxValues) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Hash table full (size " + size + ", k " + k);
    hashValues[k] = hash;
    nextPtrs[k] = -1;
    elements[k] = val;
    return null;

  public E get(long hash) {
    int hc = (int) hash & hashMask;
    int[] table = this.table;
    int k = table[hc];
    if (k != -1) {
      do {
        if (hashValues[k] == hash) {
          return elements[k];
        k = nextPtrs[k];
      } while (k != -1);
    return null;

  public E get(CharSequence hash) {
    return get(hash(hash));

  public static long hash(CharSequence cs) {
    if (cs == null) return 1L;
    long h = HSTART;
    final long hmult = HMULT;
    final long[] ht = byteTable;
    for (int i = cs.length()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
      char ch = cs.charAt(i);
      h = (h * hmult) ^ ht[ch & 0xff];
      h = (h * hmult) ^ ht[(ch >>> 8) & 0xff];
    return h;



Check out GNU Trove:

查看GNU Trove:



There is at least one implementation in commons-collections that is specifically built for speed: Flat3Map it's pretty specific in that it'll be really quick as long as there are no more than 3 elements.


I suspect that you may get more milage through following @thaggie's advice add look at the equals/hashcode method times.

我怀疑你可以通过跟随@ thaggie的建议获得更多的milage添加查看equals / hashcode方法的时间。


You said you profiled some classes but have you done any timings to check their speed? I'm not sure how you'd check their memory usage. It seems like it would be nice to have some specific figures at hand when you're comparing different implementations.



There are some notes here and links to several alternative data-structure libraries: http://www.leepoint.net/notes-java/data/collections/ds-alternatives.html


I'll also throw in a strong vote for fastutil. (mentioned in another response, and on that page) It has more different data structures than you can shake a stick at, and versions optimized for primitive types as keys or values. (A drawback is that the jar file is huge, but you can presumably trim it to just what you need)

我也会对fastutil进行强烈投票。 (在另一个响应中提到,并在该页面上)它具有比您可以动摇的更多不同的数据结构,以及针对基本类型作为键或值优化的版本。 (缺点是jar文件很大,但你可以把它修剪成你需要的)


I went through something like this a couple of years ago -- very large Maps and Sets as well as very many of them. The default Java implementations consumed way too much space. In the end I rolled my own, but only after I examined the actual usage patterns that my code required. For example, I had a known large set of objects that were created early on and some Maps were sparse while others were dense. Other structures grew monotonically (no deletes) while in other places it was faster to use a "collection" and do the occasional but harmless extra work of processing duplicate items than it was to spend the time and space on avoiding duplicates. Many of the implementations I used were array-backed and exploited the fact that my hashcodes were sequentially allocated and thus for dense maps a lookup was just an array access.

几年前我经历过类似的事情 - 非常大的地图和集合以及其中很多。默认的Java实现占用了太多空间。最后我推出了自己的,但只是在我检查了我的代码所需的实际使用模式之后。例如,我有一组已知的大型对象,这些对象是早期创建的,有些地图很稀疏而有些地图很密集。其他结构单调增长(没有删除),而在其他地方,使用“集合”更快,处理重复项目的偶尔但无害的额外工作比花费时间和空间避免重复。我使用的许多实现都是由阵列支持的,并且利用了我的哈希码被顺序分配的事实,因此对于密集映射,查找只是一个数组访问。

Take away messages:


  1. look at your algorithm,
  2. 看看你的算法,

  3. consider multiple implementations, and
  4. 考虑多个实现,和

  5. remember that most of the libraries out there are catering for general purpose use (eg insert and delete, a range of sizes, neither sparse nor dense, etc) so they're going to have overheads that you can probably avoid.
  6. 请记住,大多数库都适用于通用目的(例如插入和删除,一系列大小,既不稀疏也不密集等),因此它们可能会有可能避免的开销。

Oh, and write unit tests...



At times when I have see Map and Set operations are using a high percentage of CPU, it has indicated that I have over used Map and Set and restructuring my data has almost eliminated collections from the top 10% CPU consumer.


See if you can avoid copies of collections, iterating over collections and any other operation which results in accessing most of the elements of the collection and creating objects.



It's probably not so much the Map or Set which causing the problem, but the objects behind them. Depending upon your problem, you might want a more database-type scheme where "objects" are stored as a bunch of bytes rather than Java Objects. You could embed a database (such as Apache Derby) or do your own specialist thing. It's very dependent upon what you are actually doing. HashMap isn't deliberately big and slow...

它可能不是导致问题的Map或Set,而是它们背后的对象。根据您的问题,您可能需要更多数据库类型的方案,其中“对象”存储为一堆字节而不是Java对象。您可以嵌入数据库(例如Apache Derby)或做自己的专家。这非常依赖于你实际在做什么。 HashMap并不是故意大而慢......


Commons Collections has FastArrayList, FastHashMap and FastTreeMap but I don't know what they're worth...

Commons Collections有FastArrayList,FastHashMap和FastTreeMap,但我不知道它们的价值......


  • Commons Collections has an id map which compares through ==, which should be faster. -[Joda Primities][1] as has primitive collections, as does Trove. I experimented with Trove and found that its memory useage is better.
  • Commons Collections有一个id映射,通过==进行比较,它应该更快。 - [Joda Primities] [1]和原始集合一样,Trove也是如此。我对Trove进行了实验,发现其内存使用效果更好。

  • I was mapping collections of many small objects with a few Integers. altering these to ints saved nearly half the memory (although requiring some messier application code to compensate).
  • 我正在使用一些整数来映射许多小对象的集合。将这些更改为int可以节省近一半的内存(尽管需要一些更复杂的应用程序代码来补偿)。

  • It seems reasonable to me that sorted trees should consume less memory than hashmaps because they don't require the load factor (although if anyone can confirm or has a reason why this is actually dumb please post in the comments).
  • 对我来说,有条理的树应该比hashmaps消耗更少的内存似乎是合理的,因为它们不需要加载因子(尽管如果有人可以确认或有理由为什么这实际上是愚蠢的,请在评论中发布)。


Which version of the JVM are you using?


If you are not on 6 (although I suspect you are) then a switch to 6 may help.


If this is a server application and is running on windows try using -server to use the correct hotspot implementation.



I use the following package (koloboke) to do a int-int hashmap, because it supports promitive type and it stores two int in a long variable, this is cool for me. koloboke

我使用下面的包(koloboke)来做一个int-int hashmap,因为它支持promiable类型,并且它在一个long变量中存储了两个int,这对我来说很酷。 koloboke