
时间:2021-11-08 19:36:21

Let's say I have I have an online store with a "shopping cart" feature and I want to implement an "empty cart" link in a RESTful way.


For simplicity, let's say my resources are a Cart that contains CartItems, each of which has a Product. My URIs might be:


# add a product to the current user's Cart
POST /products/product_id/cart_items/

# remove a product from the current user's Cart
DELETE /cart_items/cart_item_id/

If so, what would the RESTful URI for the "empty cart" link look like?

如果是这样,“空车”链接的RESTful URI会是什么样子?

Instead, I could think of the Cart as a general-purpose holder for Actions (as described here):


# add a product
# form data contains e.g., product_id=123&action=add
POST /carts/cart_id/actions/

# remove a product
# action_id is the id of the action adding product 123
DELETE actions/action_id

# empty cart
# form data contains action=clear
POST /carts/cart_id/actions/

This approach seems more complicated than it needs to be. What would be a better way?


3 个解决方案


Don't do the second approach. Funneling different actions through one endpoint does not feel RESTful IMO.

不要做第二种方法。通过一个端点汇集不同的操作并不会感觉RESTful IMO。

You have DELETE /cart_items/cart_item_id/ that removes cart_item_id from their cart. What about DELETE /cart_items/ to clear the cart itself?

你有DELETE / cart_items / cart_item_id /从他们的购物车中删除cart_item_id。 DELETE / cart_items /如何清除购物车本身?


Adding an item to a cart:


POST carts/{cartid}/items

Retrieving a specific item from the cart:


GET carts/{cartid}/items/{itemid}

Deleting a specific item from the cart:


DELETE carts/{cartid}/items/{itemid}

Getting the state of the cart:


GET carts/{cartid}/state

(Could return a value like 0,1 that indicates the number of items in the cart)


Emptying the cart:


PUT carts/{cartid}/state?state=0

Does this look intuitive?



DELETE /cart_items/ is an interesting idea that has also been discussed here.

DELETE / cart_items /是一个有趣的想法,这里也讨论过。


Don't do the second approach. Funneling different actions through one endpoint does not feel RESTful IMO.

不要做第二种方法。通过一个端点汇集不同的操作并不会感觉RESTful IMO。

You have DELETE /cart_items/cart_item_id/ that removes cart_item_id from their cart. What about DELETE /cart_items/ to clear the cart itself?

你有DELETE / cart_items / cart_item_id /从他们的购物车中删除cart_item_id。 DELETE / cart_items /如何清除购物车本身?


Adding an item to a cart:


POST carts/{cartid}/items

Retrieving a specific item from the cart:


GET carts/{cartid}/items/{itemid}

Deleting a specific item from the cart:


DELETE carts/{cartid}/items/{itemid}

Getting the state of the cart:


GET carts/{cartid}/state

(Could return a value like 0,1 that indicates the number of items in the cart)


Emptying the cart:


PUT carts/{cartid}/state?state=0

Does this look intuitive?



DELETE /cart_items/ is an interesting idea that has also been discussed here.

DELETE / cart_items /是一个有趣的想法,这里也讨论过。