
时间:2021-11-05 19:33:47

Ruby 2.0.0, Rails 4.0.3, Windows 8.1 Update, PostgreSQL 9.3.3

Ruby 2.0.0, Rails 4.0.3, Windows 8.1更新,PostgreSQL 9.3.3

I have code that uses JavaScript to power dependent selects. To do so, it references a controller method that retrieves the data for the following select. I'm told that, because that method is non-standard, this is not RESTful.


I understand that REST is a set of specific constraints regarding client/server communications. I've read some information about it but certainly don't have in-depth knowledge. I am curious about the impact and resolution. So, regarding the question about my configuration and REST: First, would that be accurate that it is not RESTful? Second, how does that impact my application? Third, what should/could I do to resolve that? Providing one example:


The route is: (probably the concern?)


post 'cars/make_list', to: 'cars#make_list'

This is the first select: (OBTW, I use ERB but removed less than/percent)


= f.input(:ymm_year_id, {input_html: {form: 'edit_car', car: @car, value: @car.year}, collection: YmmYear.all.order("year desc").collect { |c| [c.year, c.id] }, prompt: "Year?"}) 

This is the dependent select:


= render partial: "makes", locals: {form: 'edit_car', car: @car}

This is the partial:


= simple_form_for car,
                    defaults: {label: false},
                    remote: true do |f|
     makes ||= "" 
     make    = "" 
     make = car.make_id if car.class == Car and Car.exists?(car.id) 
     if !makes.blank? 
        = f.input :ymm_make_id, {input_html: {form: form, car: car, value: make}, collection: makes.collect { |s| [s.make, s.id] }, prompt: "Make?"} 
        = f.input :ymm_make_id, {input_html: {form: form, car: car, value: make}, collection: [], prompt: "Make?"} 



$(document).ready(function () {
    // when the #year field changes
    $("#car_ymm_year_id").change(function () {
        var year = $('select#car_ymm_year_id :selected').val();
        var form = $('select#car_ymm_year_id').attr("form");
        var car  = $('select#car_ymm_year_id').attr("car");
                form: form,
                year: year,
                car: car
            function (data) {
        return false;

And the method:


  def make_list
    makes = params[:year].blank? ? "" : YmmMake.where(ymm_year_id: params[:year]).order(:make)
    render partial: "makes", locals: {car: params[:car], form: params[:form], makes: makes}

1 个解决方案



If I had to describe if, being RESTful means that:


  1. You provide meaningful resources names
  2. 您提供了有意义的资源名称
  3. You use the HTTP verbs to express your intents
  4. 您使用HTTP谓词来表达您的意图
  5. You make proper use of HTTP codes to indicate status
  6. 适当地使用HTTP代码来表示状态

Provide meaningful resource names


As you probably heard it before, everything in REST is about resources. But from the outside, it's just the paths you expose. Your resources are then just a bunch of paths such as:


GET /burgers # a collection of burgers

GET /burger/123 # a burger identified with id 123

GET /burger/123/nutrition_facts # the nutrition facts of burger 123

POST /burgers # with data: {name: "humble jack", ingredients: [...]} to create a new burger

PUT /burger/123 # with data: {name: "chicken king"} to change the name of burger 123

For instance, if you had a path with the url


GET /burger_list?id=123

That would not be considered good practice.


It means you need to think hard about the names you give your resources to make sure the intent is explicit.


Use HTTP verbs to express your intents


It basically means using:


  • GET to read a resource identified by an identifier (id) or a collection of resources
  • 获取通过标识符(id)或资源集合标识的资源
  • PUT to update a specific resource that you identify by an identifier (id)
  • 使用标识符(id)来更新指定的资源
  • DELETE to destroy a specific resource that you identify by an id
  • 删除以销毁您通过id标识的特定资源
  • POST to create a new resource
  • 发布以创建新的资源

Usually, in Rails, those verbs are, by convention, used to map specific actions in your controller.


  • GET goes to show or index
  • GET用于显示或索引
  • PUT goes to update
  • 将会更新
  • DELETE goes to destroy
  • 删除去摧毁
  • POST goes to create
  • 后去创建

That's why people usually say that if you have actions in your controllers that don't follow that pattern, you're not "RESTful". But in the end, only the routes you expose count. Not really your controller actions. It is a convention of course, and conventions are useful for readability and maintainability.


You make proper use of HTTP codes to indicate status


You already know the usual suspects:


  • 200 means OK, everything went fine.
  • 200意味着一切顺利。
  • 404 means NOT FOUND, could not find resource
  • 404表示找不到,找不到资源
  • 401 means UNAUTHORIZED, authentication failed, auth token invalid
  • 401表示未授权、身份验证失败、身份令牌无效
  • 500 means INTERNAL SERVER ERROR, in other words: kaput
  • 500表示内部服务器错误,换句话说:kaput

But there are more that you could be using in your responses:


  • 201 means CREATED, it means the resource was successfully created
  • 201表示已创建,表示已成功创建资源
  • 403 means FORBIDDEN, you don't have the privileges to access that resource
  • 403表示禁止,您没有权限访问该资源
  • ...

You get the picture, it's really about replying with the right HTTP code that represents clearly what happens.


Answering your questions


would that be accurate that it is not RESTful?


From what I see, the first issue is your path.


post 'cars/make_list', to: 'cars#make_list'

What I understand is that you are retrieving a collection of car makes. Using a POST to retrieve a collection is against REST rules, you should be using a GET instead. That should answer your first question.


how does that impact my application?


Well, the impact of not being restful in your case is not very big. It's mainly about readability, clarity and maintainability. Separating concerns and putting them in the right place etc... It's not impacting performance, nor is it a dangerous issue. You're just not RESTful and that makes it more complicated to understand your app, in your case of course.


what should/could I do to resolve that?


Besides the route problem, the other issue is that your action is called make_list and that doesn't follow Rails REST conventions. Rails has a keyword to create RESTful routes:

除了路由问题之外,另一个问题是您的操作被称为make_list,它不遵循Rails REST约定。Rails有一个关键字来创建RESTful路由:

resources :car_makes, only: [:index] # GET /car_makes , get the list of car makes

This route expresses your intent much better than the previous one and is now a GET request. You can then use query parameters to filter the results. But it means we need to create a new controller to deal with it.


class CarMakesController < ApplicationController
  def index
    makes = params[:year].blank? ? "" : YmmMake.where(ymm_year_id: params[:year]).order(:make)
    render partial: "makes", locals: {car: params[:car], form: params[:form], makes: makes}

  # Strong parameters stuff...

And of course we also need to change your jquery to make a GET request instead of a POST.


$(document).ready(function () {
// when the #year field changes
  $("#car_ymm_year_id").change(function () {
    // ...
        url: '/car_makes',
        data: {
          form: form,
          year: year,
          car: car
        success: function (data) {
    return false;

This is a much better solution, and it doesn't require too much work.


There is an excellent tutorial on REST on REST API tutorial, if you want to know more about the specifics. I don't know much about the small details, mostly what is useful on a day to day basis.

如果您想了解更多关于REST API教程的细节,这里有一个关于REST的优秀教程。我不太了解这些小细节,主要是日常生活中有用的东西。

Hope this helps.




If I had to describe if, being RESTful means that:


  1. You provide meaningful resources names
  2. 您提供了有意义的资源名称
  3. You use the HTTP verbs to express your intents
  4. 您使用HTTP谓词来表达您的意图
  5. You make proper use of HTTP codes to indicate status
  6. 适当地使用HTTP代码来表示状态

Provide meaningful resource names


As you probably heard it before, everything in REST is about resources. But from the outside, it's just the paths you expose. Your resources are then just a bunch of paths such as:


GET /burgers # a collection of burgers

GET /burger/123 # a burger identified with id 123

GET /burger/123/nutrition_facts # the nutrition facts of burger 123

POST /burgers # with data: {name: "humble jack", ingredients: [...]} to create a new burger

PUT /burger/123 # with data: {name: "chicken king"} to change the name of burger 123

For instance, if you had a path with the url


GET /burger_list?id=123

That would not be considered good practice.


It means you need to think hard about the names you give your resources to make sure the intent is explicit.


Use HTTP verbs to express your intents


It basically means using:


  • GET to read a resource identified by an identifier (id) or a collection of resources
  • 获取通过标识符(id)或资源集合标识的资源
  • PUT to update a specific resource that you identify by an identifier (id)
  • 使用标识符(id)来更新指定的资源
  • DELETE to destroy a specific resource that you identify by an id
  • 删除以销毁您通过id标识的特定资源
  • POST to create a new resource
  • 发布以创建新的资源

Usually, in Rails, those verbs are, by convention, used to map specific actions in your controller.


  • GET goes to show or index
  • GET用于显示或索引
  • PUT goes to update
  • 将会更新
  • DELETE goes to destroy
  • 删除去摧毁
  • POST goes to create
  • 后去创建

That's why people usually say that if you have actions in your controllers that don't follow that pattern, you're not "RESTful". But in the end, only the routes you expose count. Not really your controller actions. It is a convention of course, and conventions are useful for readability and maintainability.


You make proper use of HTTP codes to indicate status


You already know the usual suspects:


  • 200 means OK, everything went fine.
  • 200意味着一切顺利。
  • 404 means NOT FOUND, could not find resource
  • 404表示找不到,找不到资源
  • 401 means UNAUTHORIZED, authentication failed, auth token invalid
  • 401表示未授权、身份验证失败、身份令牌无效
  • 500 means INTERNAL SERVER ERROR, in other words: kaput
  • 500表示内部服务器错误,换句话说:kaput

But there are more that you could be using in your responses:


  • 201 means CREATED, it means the resource was successfully created
  • 201表示已创建,表示已成功创建资源
  • 403 means FORBIDDEN, you don't have the privileges to access that resource
  • 403表示禁止,您没有权限访问该资源
  • ...

You get the picture, it's really about replying with the right HTTP code that represents clearly what happens.


Answering your questions


would that be accurate that it is not RESTful?


From what I see, the first issue is your path.


post 'cars/make_list', to: 'cars#make_list'

What I understand is that you are retrieving a collection of car makes. Using a POST to retrieve a collection is against REST rules, you should be using a GET instead. That should answer your first question.


how does that impact my application?


Well, the impact of not being restful in your case is not very big. It's mainly about readability, clarity and maintainability. Separating concerns and putting them in the right place etc... It's not impacting performance, nor is it a dangerous issue. You're just not RESTful and that makes it more complicated to understand your app, in your case of course.


what should/could I do to resolve that?


Besides the route problem, the other issue is that your action is called make_list and that doesn't follow Rails REST conventions. Rails has a keyword to create RESTful routes:

除了路由问题之外,另一个问题是您的操作被称为make_list,它不遵循Rails REST约定。Rails有一个关键字来创建RESTful路由:

resources :car_makes, only: [:index] # GET /car_makes , get the list of car makes

This route expresses your intent much better than the previous one and is now a GET request. You can then use query parameters to filter the results. But it means we need to create a new controller to deal with it.


class CarMakesController < ApplicationController
  def index
    makes = params[:year].blank? ? "" : YmmMake.where(ymm_year_id: params[:year]).order(:make)
    render partial: "makes", locals: {car: params[:car], form: params[:form], makes: makes}

  # Strong parameters stuff...

And of course we also need to change your jquery to make a GET request instead of a POST.


$(document).ready(function () {
// when the #year field changes
  $("#car_ymm_year_id").change(function () {
    // ...
        url: '/car_makes',
        data: {
          form: form,
          year: year,
          car: car
        success: function (data) {
    return false;

This is a much better solution, and it doesn't require too much work.


There is an excellent tutorial on REST on REST API tutorial, if you want to know more about the specifics. I don't know much about the small details, mostly what is useful on a day to day basis.

如果您想了解更多关于REST API教程的细节,这里有一个关于REST的优秀教程。我不太了解这些小细节,主要是日常生活中有用的东西。

Hope this helps.
