在Zend框架中为Android / Iphone应用程序创建Json Web服务时要使用的内容

时间:2022-01-01 19:34:50

I using Zend Framework for Developing my web application , I want to create a Web services for an Android application , the content type will be JSON.

我使用Zend Framework开发我的Web应用程序,我想为Android应用程序创建Web服务,内容类型将是JSON。

what is the best way to create this webservice ? is it a Controller and this Controller will extend the Action controller


class ApiController extends Frontend_Controller_Action

or to use Zend_Json_Server . I am little confused , what the zend Json Server will help better than ApiController ?

或者使用Zend_Json_Server。我有点困惑,Zend Json Server比ApiController有什么帮助?

1 个解决方案



Read about Zend_Rest_Controller. Use it instead of Zend_Controller_Action. It very simple. Zend_Rest_Controller is just an abstract controller with a list of predefined Actions that you should implement in your Controllers. Short example, I used it like Index Controller in Api module:

阅读Zend_Rest_Controller。使用它而不是Zend_Controller_Action。这很简单。 Zend_Rest_Controller只是一个抽象控制器,其中包含您应在控制器中实现的预定义操作列表。简单的例子,我在Api模块中使用它像Index Controller:

class Api_IndexController extends Zend_Rest_Controller 
    public function init()
        $bootstrap = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap');

     public function indexAction()
         $method = $this->getRequest()->getParam('method');
         $response = new StdClass();
         $response->status = 1;

         if($method != null){
             $response->method = $method;
             switch ($method) {
                case 'category':
                case 'products':
                $response->error = "Method '" . $response->method . "' not exist!!!";

         $content = $this->_helper->json($response);

     private function sendResponse($content){
           ->setHeader('Content-Type', 'json')

     public function getAction()

     public function postAction()

     public function putAction()

     public function deleteAction()



Read about Zend_Rest_Controller. Use it instead of Zend_Controller_Action. It very simple. Zend_Rest_Controller is just an abstract controller with a list of predefined Actions that you should implement in your Controllers. Short example, I used it like Index Controller in Api module:

阅读Zend_Rest_Controller。使用它而不是Zend_Controller_Action。这很简单。 Zend_Rest_Controller只是一个抽象控制器,其中包含您应在控制器中实现的预定义操作列表。简单的例子,我在Api模块中使用它像Index Controller:

class Api_IndexController extends Zend_Rest_Controller 
    public function init()
        $bootstrap = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap');

     public function indexAction()
         $method = $this->getRequest()->getParam('method');
         $response = new StdClass();
         $response->status = 1;

         if($method != null){
             $response->method = $method;
             switch ($method) {
                case 'category':
                case 'products':
                $response->error = "Method '" . $response->method . "' not exist!!!";

         $content = $this->_helper->json($response);

     private function sendResponse($content){
           ->setHeader('Content-Type', 'json')

     public function getAction()

     public function postAction()

     public function putAction()

     public function deleteAction()