将具有子项的实体类型发布到(MVC Web Api)OData服务

时间:2021-01-31 19:34:30

I've been looking around for an answer to the following questions, but have so far not found one.


  1. Does the OData standard support doing a POST request containing an entity object with child entity objects?
  2. OData标准是否支持执行包含具有子实体对象的实体对象的POST请求?

  3. If so, does the ASP.NET MVC Web Api OData framework (EntitySetController) support this out of the box?
  4. 如果是这样,ASP.NET MVC Web Api OData框架(EntitySetController)是否支持开箱即用?

The scenario I have in mind goes something like the following. You have a Parent object, containing several Child objects. Could you then do a POST with a body like this?


{ "Property1" : "Property value", "Property2" : 100 
     "Children" : [
          { "ChildProperty" : "Some value" },
          { "ChildProperty" : "Some other value" },
          { "ChildProperty" : "Some third value" }

Also, if I later would like to add another child to the Parent object through POSTing a single child, is there a standardized way of linking them together? Something like


 { "ChildProperty" : "Fourth child property val", "Parent" : 321 }

where '321' is the ID of the parent object?


Many thanks for any pointers!


1 个解决方案



Yes, OData supports this and web API OData supports it as well. OData calls it deep insert. Here is the link to the spec.

是的,OData支持这一点,Web API OData也支持它。 OData称之为深插入。这是规范的链接。

Now there can be two types of deep inserts,


1) The nested item is new as well and should be created. An example of the json payload looks like this,

1)嵌套项也是新的,应该创建。 json有效负载的示例如下所示,

    ‘Property1’: 42,
    ‘Property2’: ‘Contoso’,
    ‘Children’: [
        ‘ChildProperty’: 1,
        ‘ChildProperty’: 2,

2) The nested items already exist, the parent item is new and must be linked to the nested items. OData protocol calls this bind. Sample payload looks like,

2)嵌套项已经存在,父项是新项,必须链接到嵌套项。 OData协议调用此绑定。示例负载看起来像,

    ‘Property1’: 42,
    ‘Property2’: ‘Contoso’,
    ‘Children@odata.bind’: [

Web API OData supports first kind of deep inserts and doesn't have support for binds (the second example). In case of the first payload, your controller would receive a Parent object with the Children collection properly populated.

Web API OData支持第一种深度插入,并且不支持绑定(第二个示例)。如果是第一个有效负载,您的控制器将收到一个父对象,其中正确填充了Children集合。

And regarding your second question, you have two options,


1) POST the child to ~/Parents(321)/Children URL

1)将孩子张贴到〜/ Parents(321)/ Children URL

2) POST the child to ~/Children and then POST the ID link of this child from this response to the URL ~/Parents(321)/$links/Children.

2)将孩子张贴到〜/ Children,然后将此孩子的ID链接从此回复POST到URL~ / Parents(321)/ $ links / Children。

You could refer to this link for this part of the OData spec.




Yes, OData supports this and web API OData supports it as well. OData calls it deep insert. Here is the link to the spec.

是的,OData支持这一点,Web API OData也支持它。 OData称之为深插入。这是规范的链接。

Now there can be two types of deep inserts,


1) The nested item is new as well and should be created. An example of the json payload looks like this,

1)嵌套项也是新的,应该创建。 json有效负载的示例如下所示,

    ‘Property1’: 42,
    ‘Property2’: ‘Contoso’,
    ‘Children’: [
        ‘ChildProperty’: 1,
        ‘ChildProperty’: 2,

2) The nested items already exist, the parent item is new and must be linked to the nested items. OData protocol calls this bind. Sample payload looks like,

2)嵌套项已经存在,父项是新项,必须链接到嵌套项。 OData协议调用此绑定。示例负载看起来像,

    ‘Property1’: 42,
    ‘Property2’: ‘Contoso’,
    ‘Children@odata.bind’: [

Web API OData supports first kind of deep inserts and doesn't have support for binds (the second example). In case of the first payload, your controller would receive a Parent object with the Children collection properly populated.

Web API OData支持第一种深度插入,并且不支持绑定(第二个示例)。如果是第一个有效负载,您的控制器将收到一个父对象,其中正确填充了Children集合。

And regarding your second question, you have two options,


1) POST the child to ~/Parents(321)/Children URL

1)将孩子张贴到〜/ Parents(321)/ Children URL

2) POST the child to ~/Children and then POST the ID link of this child from this response to the URL ~/Parents(321)/$links/Children.

2)将孩子张贴到〜/ Children,然后将此孩子的ID链接从此回复POST到URL~ / Parents(321)/ $ links / Children。

You could refer to this link for this part of the OData spec.
