
时间:2021-02-24 19:33:08

I use Asp.net 4 C# and MicrosoftAjax Minifier.

我使用Asp.net 4 c#和MicrosoftAjax Minifier。

Please look at my code here; Using <Target Name="AfterBuild"> I'm able to minify all files .js and .css. The problem is that this code minify even the original files in my project solution, so would be almost impossible to edit theme once again.

请看我的代码;使用 ,我可以缩小所有文件。js和。css。问题是,这段代码甚至缩小了我的项目解决方案中的原始文件,因此几乎不可能再次编辑主题。

I need instead minify all .js and .css on my solution after publishing it to a local folder.


In this way I can keep my original files in my project folder intact and have instead the site compiled and minified into another local folder.


I change my scripting using <Target Name="Publish">, I do not receive any error but It does not work.

我使用 修改脚本,我没有收到任何错误,但它不起作用。

Could you tell me what I'm missing here, and if there is a better approach to solve this problem? Thanks


<!-- Minify all JavaScript files that were embedded as resources -->
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\MicrosoftAjax\ajaxmin.tasks" />
<Target Name="Publish">
        <JS Include="**\*.js" Exclude="**\*.min.js;Scripts\*.js" />
        <CSS Include="**\*.css" Exclude="**\*.min.css" />
        JsSourceFiles="@(JS)"  JsSourceExtensionPattern="\.js$" JsTargetExtension=".js"
        CssSourceFiles="@(CSS)" CssSourceExtensionPattern="\.css$" CssTargetExtension=".css"  />

1 个解决方案



(copied from questions)


To deal with losing the original js/css files, ensure the target filenames include .min, eg. JsTargetExtension=".min.js" and CssTargetExtension=".min.css". See article on using MsAjax minifier: http://www.asp.net/ajaxlibrary/ajaxminquickstart.ashx

要处理丢失原始js/css文件的问题,请确保目标文件名包含.min,例如。JsTargetExtension = " .min。js”和CssTargetExtension = " .min.css”。请参阅有关使用MsAjax minifier的文章:http://www.asp.net/ajaxlibrary/ajaxminquickstart.ashx。

To then be able to publish the minified files, see this article: Using Microsoft AJAX Minifier with Visual Studio 2010 1-click publish

要发布缩小的文件,请参阅本文:使用Microsoft AJAX缩小器和Visual Studio 2010 1-click publish

At my workplace, we are solving the minifying issue quite differently by using Chirpy addin for Visual Studio. It automatically minifies files to a .min version upon saving. See http://chirpy.codeplex.com/

在我的工作场所,我们通过在Visual Studio中使用Chirpy addin来解决缩小的问题。它在保存时自动将文件缩小到.min版本。参见http://chirpy.codeplex.com/



(copied from questions)


To deal with losing the original js/css files, ensure the target filenames include .min, eg. JsTargetExtension=".min.js" and CssTargetExtension=".min.css". See article on using MsAjax minifier: http://www.asp.net/ajaxlibrary/ajaxminquickstart.ashx

要处理丢失原始js/css文件的问题,请确保目标文件名包含.min,例如。JsTargetExtension = " .min。js”和CssTargetExtension = " .min.css”。请参阅有关使用MsAjax minifier的文章:http://www.asp.net/ajaxlibrary/ajaxminquickstart.ashx。

To then be able to publish the minified files, see this article: Using Microsoft AJAX Minifier with Visual Studio 2010 1-click publish

要发布缩小的文件,请参阅本文:使用Microsoft AJAX缩小器和Visual Studio 2010 1-click publish

At my workplace, we are solving the minifying issue quite differently by using Chirpy addin for Visual Studio. It automatically minifies files to a .min version upon saving. See http://chirpy.codeplex.com/

在我的工作场所,我们通过在Visual Studio中使用Chirpy addin来解决缩小的问题。它在保存时自动将文件缩小到.min版本。参见http://chirpy.codeplex.com/