
时间:2021-03-02 19:33:50

I'm building a very simple Java parser, to look for some specific usage models. This is in no way lex/yacc or any other form of interpreter/compiler for puposes of running the code.

我正在构建一个非常简单的Java解析器,以寻找一些特定的使用模型。对于运行代码的目的,这绝不是lex / yacc或任何其他形式的解释器/编译器。

When I encounter a word or a set of two words separated by a dot ("word.word"), I would like to know if that's a standard Java class (and method), e.g. "Integer", or some user defined name. I'm not interested in whether the proper classes were included/imported in the code (i.e. if the code compiles well), and the extreme cases of user defined classes that override the names of standard Java classes also does not interest me. In other words: I'm okay with false negative, I'm only interesting in being "mostly" right.


If there a place wher I could find a simple list of all the names of all Java standard classes and methods, in the form easily saved into a text file or database? (J2SE is okay, but J2EE is better). I'm familiar with http://java.sun.com/j2se/ etc, but it seems I need a terrible amount of manual work to extract all the names from there. Also, the most recent JDK is not neccesary, I can live with 1.4 or 1.5.

如果有一个地方我可以找到所有Java标准类和方法的所有名称的简单列表,在表单中容易保存到文本文件或数据库中? (J2SE没问题,但J2EE更好)。我熟悉http://java.sun.com/j2se/等,但似乎我需要大量的手工工作才能从中提取所有名称。此外,最新的JDK不是必需的,我可以使用1.4或1.5。

Clarification: I'm not working in Java but in Python, so I can't use Java-specific commands in my parsing mechanism.



6 个解决方案


What's wrong with the javadoc? The index lists all classes, methods, and static variables. You can probably grep for parenthesis.



To get all classes and methods you can look at the index on http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/index-files/index-1.html


This will be 10's of thousands classes and method which can be overwhelming.


I suggest instead you use auto-complete in your IDE. This will show you all the matching classes/methods appropriate based on context. e.g. say you have a variable


long time = System.


This will show you all the methods in System which return a long value, such as


long time = System.nanoTime();

long time = System.nanoTime();

Even if you know a lot of the method/classes, this can save you a lot of typing.



If you just want to create a list of all classes in Java and their methods (so that you can populate a database or an XML file), you may want to write an Eclipse-plugin that looks at the entire JavaCore model, and scans all of its classes (e.g., by searching all subtypes of Object). Then enumerate all the methods. You can do that technically to any library by including it in your context.



IBM had a tool for creating XML from JavaDocs, if I am not mistaken: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-tipjdoc/index.html



There's also an option to either parse classlist file from jre/lib folder or open the jsse.jar file, list all classes there and make a list of them in dot-separated form by yourself.

还有一个选项可以从jre / lib文件夹解析classlist文件或打开jsse.jar文件,列出所有类,并自己以点分隔的形式列出它们。


When I encounter a word or a set of two words separated by a dot ("word.word"), I would like to know if that's a standard Java class (and method), e.g. "Integer", or some user defined name.


If thats what you're after, you could do without a (limited) list of Java Classes by using some simple reflection: http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/ALT/Reflection/


try {
  System.out.println("This is a valid class!");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
  System.out.println("This is not a valid class.");

Something like this should be enough for your purposes, with he added benefit of not being limited to a subset of classes, and extensible by any libraries on the classpath.



What's wrong with the javadoc? The index lists all classes, methods, and static variables. You can probably grep for parenthesis.



To get all classes and methods you can look at the index on http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/index-files/index-1.html


This will be 10's of thousands classes and method which can be overwhelming.


I suggest instead you use auto-complete in your IDE. This will show you all the matching classes/methods appropriate based on context. e.g. say you have a variable


long time = System.


This will show you all the methods in System which return a long value, such as


long time = System.nanoTime();

long time = System.nanoTime();

Even if you know a lot of the method/classes, this can save you a lot of typing.



If you just want to create a list of all classes in Java and their methods (so that you can populate a database or an XML file), you may want to write an Eclipse-plugin that looks at the entire JavaCore model, and scans all of its classes (e.g., by searching all subtypes of Object). Then enumerate all the methods. You can do that technically to any library by including it in your context.



IBM had a tool for creating XML from JavaDocs, if I am not mistaken: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-tipjdoc/index.html



There's also an option to either parse classlist file from jre/lib folder or open the jsse.jar file, list all classes there and make a list of them in dot-separated form by yourself.

还有一个选项可以从jre / lib文件夹解析classlist文件或打开jsse.jar文件,列出所有类,并自己以点分隔的形式列出它们。


When I encounter a word or a set of two words separated by a dot ("word.word"), I would like to know if that's a standard Java class (and method), e.g. "Integer", or some user defined name.


If thats what you're after, you could do without a (limited) list of Java Classes by using some simple reflection: http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/ALT/Reflection/


try {
  System.out.println("This is a valid class!");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
  System.out.println("This is not a valid class.");

Something like this should be enough for your purposes, with he added benefit of not being limited to a subset of classes, and extensible by any libraries on the classpath.
