
时间:2021-12-10 08:50:21

I'm designing a class library for discrete mathematics, and I can't think of a way to implement an infinite set.


What I have so far is: I have an abstract base class, Set, which implements the interface ISet. For finite sets, I derive a class FiniteSet, which implements each set method. I can then use it like this:


FiniteSet<int> set1 = new FiniteSet<int>(1, 2, 3);
FiniteSet<int> set2 = new FiniteSet<int>(3, 4, 5);
Console.WriteLine(set1); //{1, 2, 3}
Console.WriteLine(set2); //{3, 4, 5}

Console.WriteLine(set1); //{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

Now I want to represent an infinite set. I had the idea of deriving another abstract class from set, InfiniteSet, and then developers using the library would have to derive from InfiniteSet to implement their own classes. I'd supply commonly used sets, such as N, Z, Q, and R.


But I have no idea how I'd implement methods like Subset and GetEnumerator - I'm even starting to think it's impossible. How do you enumerate an infinite set in a practical way, so that you can intersect/union it with another infinite set? How can you check, in code, that N is a subset of R? And as for the issue of cardinality.. Well, that's probably a separate question.


All this leads me to the conclusion that my idea for implementing an infinite set is probably the wrong way to go. I'd very much appreciate your input :).


Edit: Just to be clear, I'd also like to represent uncountably infinite sets.


Edit2: I think it's important to remember that the ultimate goal is to implement ISet, meaning that any solution has to provide (as it should) ways to implement all of ISet's methods, the most problematic of which are the enumeration methods and the IsSubsetOf method.


5 个解决方案



It is not possible to fully implement ISet<T> for uncountably infinite sets.


Here's a proof (courtesy of Bertrand Russell):


Suppose you have created a class MySet<T> that can represent an uncountably infinite set. Now let's consider some MySet<object> objects.

假设您创建了一个MySet 类,它可以表示一个不可计数的无限集。

We label a particular MySet<object>, call it instance, "abnormal" if:


instance.Contains(instance) returns true.


Similarly, we would label instance as "normal" if:


instance.Contains(instance) returns false.


Note that this distinction is well-defined for all instance.


Now consider an instance of MySet<MySet<object>> called paradox.

现在考虑MySet >的一个实例,该实例名为paradox。

We define paradox as the MySet<MySet<object>> which contains all possible normal instances of MySet<object>.

我们将悖论定义为MySet< set >,它包含MySet的所有可能的正常实例。

What should paradox.Contains(paradox) return?


If it returns true, then paradox is abnormal and should have returned false when called on itself.


If it returns false then paradox is normal, and should have returned true when called on itself.


There is no way to implement Contains to resolve this paradox, so there is no way to fully implement ISet<T> for all possible uncountable sets.


Now, if you restrict the cardinality of MySet<T> to be equal to or less than the cardinality of the continuum (|R|), then you will be able to get around this paradox.

现在,如果你限制MySet 的基数等于或小于连续体的基数(|R|),你就能绕过这个悖论。

Even then, you will not be able to implement Contains or similar methods because doing so would be equivalent to solving the halting problem. (Remember that the set of all C# programs has cardinality equal to |Z| < |R|.)

即使这样,您也不能实现包含或类似的方法,因为这样做将等同于解决停机问题。(记住,所有c#程序的集合具有基数等于|Z| < | r|)。



To be more thorough, here's is an explanation of my assertion that "doing so would be equivalent to solving the halting problem."


Consider the MySet<string> that consists of all C# programs (as strings) which halt in a finite amount of time (suppose they halt for any input, to be precise). Call it paradox2. The set is *recursively enumerable", meaning that you could implement GetEnumerator on it (not easily, but it is possible). That also means that it is well defined. However, this set is not "decidable" because its complement is not recursively enumerable.

考虑MySet ,它由所有c#程序(作为字符串)组成,在有限的时间内停止(准确地说,假设它们为任何输入停止)。称之为paradox2。集合是*递归可枚举的,这意味着您可以在它上面实现GetEnumerator(不容易实现,但这是可能的)。这也意味着它定义得很好。但是,这个集合是不可“确定的”,因为它的补语不是递归可枚举的。

Define a C# program as follows:


using ... //Everything;

public static class Decider {

    private MySet<string> _haltingSet = CreateHaltingSet();

    static void Main(string [] args) {

Compile the above program, and pass it as input to itself. What happens?


If your Contains method is properly implemented, then you've solved the halting problem. However, we know that that's not possible, so we can only conclude that it is not possible to properly implement Contains, even for countably infinite sets.


You might be able to restrict your MySet<T> class to work for all decidable sets. However, then you will still run into all sorts of problems with your function never halting in a finite amount of time.

您可能可以将MySet 类限制为所有可决定集的工作。然而,你仍然会遇到各种各样的问题你的函数永远不会在有限的时间内停止。

As an example, let's pretend we have an arbitrary precision real type called Real, and let's let nonHalting be an instance of MySet<Real> that includes all the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann Zeta function (this is a decidable set). If you can properly implement IsProperSubsetOf on nonHalting to return in a finite amount of time when passed the set of all complex numbers with real part 1/2 (also a decidable set), then you'll win a Millennium Prize.

举个例子,假设我们有一个任意精度的实类型,叫做实数,让我们让非停止成为MySet< real >的一个实例,它包含了Riemann Zeta函数的所有非平凡的零(这是一个可判定的集合)。如果您能够正确地实现IsProperSubsetOf on non - halt,并在有限的时间内返回所有实部1/2(也是一个可决定的集合)的复数集,那么您将获得千年奖。



You're going to have to generalize what you mean by Set.


If you are going to have an infinite set, you won't be able to get a meaningful Enumeration over it, so you won't define set operations with operations on enumerations.


If you define a Set<f> in terms of a bool IsMember(f obj) method, it can be used for infinite sets.

如果您用bool IsMember(f obj)方法定义一个集合 ,它可以用于无限集。

You define a union or intersection of two sets as the logical and or or of the IsMember method of the two sets.




represent uncountably infinite sets


Lets examine this statement in the context of how it is done in practice. For example, when asking weather a set A is a subset of set Z (positive integers) the subject is not Z. Every number in Z is not analyzed. What is analyzed is the set in question, A. Because there is no way to compare Ak (A sub k where k is a number between 1 and |A|) to every value of Z (infinite), every value of A must be compared to the properties which constitute Z. If every value in A satisfies the properties of Z then A is a subset of Z.

让我们在实践中如何实现这个语句的上下文中进行检查。例如,当问是否集合a是集合Z(正整数)的子集时,主语不是Z。分析是设置问题,因为没有办法比较Ak(下标k,k是一个数字1 - | |)每个Z(无限)的价值,每一个价值必须与属性构成Z如果每个值满足Z的属性是Z的一个子集。

how can you represent in code R union N


Same process as above. The properties of R are "any real number" - in code this could be "any double that doesn't throw an exception" (Obviously Math.Pow(-1,.5) will give issues and is not in R as a result). The properties of N are "any integer" - in code this could be any number where Math.Floor != Math.Ceiling. The union of these two is the union of their properties. Any number which adheres to the properties of R or N - in code this would be any number which does not throw an exception to create or which Math.Floor != Math.Ceiling.

同样的过程。R的属性是“任意实数”——在代码中,这可以是“任何不会抛出异常的双精度浮点数”(显然,Math.Pow(-1,.5)会产生问题,因此不会出现在R中)。N的性质是“任意整数”——在代码中,这可以是数学中的任意数。地板! = Math.Ceiling。这两者的结合就是他们的财产的结合。任何符合R或N属性的数——在代码中,这将是任何不抛出异常的数,或者是哪个数学。地板! = Math.Ceiling。



To represent uncountable infinite sets, use their properties not their values.




N ⊆ R ?

N⊆R ?

Lets go back to the properties idea since that is the theme I would pursue. Is N a subset of R? For N to be a subset of R then the properties of N must satisfy all of the properties of R. The list of properties will need to be accurate. To represent the numeric value of infinity, I would suggest using a class which contains a nullable int number and a normal int sign.


public class Infinite
 public int? Number { get; set; }
 public int Sign { get; set; }

Something along those lines. Number.Value == null implies infinite. The Sign can be used to show negative (-1), +- (0), or positive (1).

的事情等。号码。Value == null表示无限。这个符号可以用来表示负数(-1)、正数(0)或正数(1)。

Back to the N subset of R situation. Aside from the properties listed earlier, N would also have Infinite.Number == null and Infinite.Sign == 0 as a bounds for its properties. As would R. So, N would be able to satisfy the boundary property. Next would be the properties defined above. I actually got stuck here. I am not sure how to prove in code that every number which .Floor == .Ceiling will not cause an exception. However, since there are only 9 of these types of super sets (Rational, Irrational, Integer, Real, Complex, Imaginary, Transcendental, Algebraic, Natural) you could specially define their interactions on the infinite scale and then use a simpler implementation for finite comparisons.

回到R的N个子集。除了前面列出的属性之外,N也有无穷大。Number = null和Infinite。符号== 0是它的性质的边界。就像r, N可以满足边界性质。接下来是上面定义的属性。我被困在这里了。我不知道如何在代码中证明. floor = . ceiling = . ceiling的每一个数字都不会引发异常。然而,由于只有9种类型的超集(理性的、不合理的、整数的、真实的、复杂的、虚构的、超越的、代数的、自然的),您可以在无限的范围内定义它们的交互,然后用一个更简单的实现来进行有限的比较。



What exactly are you going to do with it. You can't enumerate it.


I thinking I be treating it as a descendant of the universal set.


I think I'd start from the other end


Define a Universal set where Ismember is always true Then a descendant where IsMember is true if it's a representation of a natural number {1,2,3,4} is a further restriction of N


A thought anyway




It's possible with lots of limitations, just like symbolic expression handling.


Here is a little example:


class IntSet
    int m_first;
    int m_delta;

    public IntSet(int first, int delta)
        m_first = first;
        m_delta = delta;

    public override string ToString()
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        sb.Append(m_first + m_delta);

        return sb.ToString();

    public IEnumerable<int> GetNumbers()
        yield return m_first;

        int next = m_first;

        while (true)
            next += m_delta;

            yield return next;



It is not possible to fully implement ISet<T> for uncountably infinite sets.


Here's a proof (courtesy of Bertrand Russell):


Suppose you have created a class MySet<T> that can represent an uncountably infinite set. Now let's consider some MySet<object> objects.

假设您创建了一个MySet 类,它可以表示一个不可计数的无限集。

We label a particular MySet<object>, call it instance, "abnormal" if:


instance.Contains(instance) returns true.


Similarly, we would label instance as "normal" if:


instance.Contains(instance) returns false.


Note that this distinction is well-defined for all instance.


Now consider an instance of MySet<MySet<object>> called paradox.

现在考虑MySet >的一个实例,该实例名为paradox。

We define paradox as the MySet<MySet<object>> which contains all possible normal instances of MySet<object>.

我们将悖论定义为MySet< set >,它包含MySet的所有可能的正常实例。

What should paradox.Contains(paradox) return?


If it returns true, then paradox is abnormal and should have returned false when called on itself.


If it returns false then paradox is normal, and should have returned true when called on itself.


There is no way to implement Contains to resolve this paradox, so there is no way to fully implement ISet<T> for all possible uncountable sets.


Now, if you restrict the cardinality of MySet<T> to be equal to or less than the cardinality of the continuum (|R|), then you will be able to get around this paradox.

现在,如果你限制MySet 的基数等于或小于连续体的基数(|R|),你就能绕过这个悖论。

Even then, you will not be able to implement Contains or similar methods because doing so would be equivalent to solving the halting problem. (Remember that the set of all C# programs has cardinality equal to |Z| < |R|.)

即使这样,您也不能实现包含或类似的方法,因为这样做将等同于解决停机问题。(记住,所有c#程序的集合具有基数等于|Z| < | r|)。



To be more thorough, here's is an explanation of my assertion that "doing so would be equivalent to solving the halting problem."


Consider the MySet<string> that consists of all C# programs (as strings) which halt in a finite amount of time (suppose they halt for any input, to be precise). Call it paradox2. The set is *recursively enumerable", meaning that you could implement GetEnumerator on it (not easily, but it is possible). That also means that it is well defined. However, this set is not "decidable" because its complement is not recursively enumerable.

考虑MySet ,它由所有c#程序(作为字符串)组成,在有限的时间内停止(准确地说,假设它们为任何输入停止)。称之为paradox2。集合是*递归可枚举的,这意味着您可以在它上面实现GetEnumerator(不容易实现,但这是可能的)。这也意味着它定义得很好。但是,这个集合是不可“确定的”,因为它的补语不是递归可枚举的。

Define a C# program as follows:


using ... //Everything;

public static class Decider {

    private MySet<string> _haltingSet = CreateHaltingSet();

    static void Main(string [] args) {

Compile the above program, and pass it as input to itself. What happens?


If your Contains method is properly implemented, then you've solved the halting problem. However, we know that that's not possible, so we can only conclude that it is not possible to properly implement Contains, even for countably infinite sets.


You might be able to restrict your MySet<T> class to work for all decidable sets. However, then you will still run into all sorts of problems with your function never halting in a finite amount of time.

您可能可以将MySet 类限制为所有可决定集的工作。然而,你仍然会遇到各种各样的问题你的函数永远不会在有限的时间内停止。

As an example, let's pretend we have an arbitrary precision real type called Real, and let's let nonHalting be an instance of MySet<Real> that includes all the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann Zeta function (this is a decidable set). If you can properly implement IsProperSubsetOf on nonHalting to return in a finite amount of time when passed the set of all complex numbers with real part 1/2 (also a decidable set), then you'll win a Millennium Prize.

举个例子,假设我们有一个任意精度的实类型,叫做实数,让我们让非停止成为MySet< real >的一个实例,它包含了Riemann Zeta函数的所有非平凡的零(这是一个可判定的集合)。如果您能够正确地实现IsProperSubsetOf on non - halt,并在有限的时间内返回所有实部1/2(也是一个可决定的集合)的复数集,那么您将获得千年奖。



You're going to have to generalize what you mean by Set.


If you are going to have an infinite set, you won't be able to get a meaningful Enumeration over it, so you won't define set operations with operations on enumerations.


If you define a Set<f> in terms of a bool IsMember(f obj) method, it can be used for infinite sets.

如果您用bool IsMember(f obj)方法定义一个集合 ,它可以用于无限集。

You define a union or intersection of two sets as the logical and or or of the IsMember method of the two sets.




represent uncountably infinite sets


Lets examine this statement in the context of how it is done in practice. For example, when asking weather a set A is a subset of set Z (positive integers) the subject is not Z. Every number in Z is not analyzed. What is analyzed is the set in question, A. Because there is no way to compare Ak (A sub k where k is a number between 1 and |A|) to every value of Z (infinite), every value of A must be compared to the properties which constitute Z. If every value in A satisfies the properties of Z then A is a subset of Z.

让我们在实践中如何实现这个语句的上下文中进行检查。例如,当问是否集合a是集合Z(正整数)的子集时,主语不是Z。分析是设置问题,因为没有办法比较Ak(下标k,k是一个数字1 - | |)每个Z(无限)的价值,每一个价值必须与属性构成Z如果每个值满足Z的属性是Z的一个子集。

how can you represent in code R union N


Same process as above. The properties of R are "any real number" - in code this could be "any double that doesn't throw an exception" (Obviously Math.Pow(-1,.5) will give issues and is not in R as a result). The properties of N are "any integer" - in code this could be any number where Math.Floor != Math.Ceiling. The union of these two is the union of their properties. Any number which adheres to the properties of R or N - in code this would be any number which does not throw an exception to create or which Math.Floor != Math.Ceiling.

同样的过程。R的属性是“任意实数”——在代码中,这可以是“任何不会抛出异常的双精度浮点数”(显然,Math.Pow(-1,.5)会产生问题,因此不会出现在R中)。N的性质是“任意整数”——在代码中,这可以是数学中的任意数。地板! = Math.Ceiling。这两者的结合就是他们的财产的结合。任何符合R或N属性的数——在代码中,这将是任何不抛出异常的数,或者是哪个数学。地板! = Math.Ceiling。



To represent uncountable infinite sets, use their properties not their values.




N ⊆ R ?

N⊆R ?

Lets go back to the properties idea since that is the theme I would pursue. Is N a subset of R? For N to be a subset of R then the properties of N must satisfy all of the properties of R. The list of properties will need to be accurate. To represent the numeric value of infinity, I would suggest using a class which contains a nullable int number and a normal int sign.


public class Infinite
 public int? Number { get; set; }
 public int Sign { get; set; }

Something along those lines. Number.Value == null implies infinite. The Sign can be used to show negative (-1), +- (0), or positive (1).

的事情等。号码。Value == null表示无限。这个符号可以用来表示负数(-1)、正数(0)或正数(1)。

Back to the N subset of R situation. Aside from the properties listed earlier, N would also have Infinite.Number == null and Infinite.Sign == 0 as a bounds for its properties. As would R. So, N would be able to satisfy the boundary property. Next would be the properties defined above. I actually got stuck here. I am not sure how to prove in code that every number which .Floor == .Ceiling will not cause an exception. However, since there are only 9 of these types of super sets (Rational, Irrational, Integer, Real, Complex, Imaginary, Transcendental, Algebraic, Natural) you could specially define their interactions on the infinite scale and then use a simpler implementation for finite comparisons.

回到R的N个子集。除了前面列出的属性之外,N也有无穷大。Number = null和Infinite。符号== 0是它的性质的边界。就像r, N可以满足边界性质。接下来是上面定义的属性。我被困在这里了。我不知道如何在代码中证明. floor = . ceiling = . ceiling的每一个数字都不会引发异常。然而,由于只有9种类型的超集(理性的、不合理的、整数的、真实的、复杂的、虚构的、超越的、代数的、自然的),您可以在无限的范围内定义它们的交互,然后用一个更简单的实现来进行有限的比较。



What exactly are you going to do with it. You can't enumerate it.


I thinking I be treating it as a descendant of the universal set.


I think I'd start from the other end


Define a Universal set where Ismember is always true Then a descendant where IsMember is true if it's a representation of a natural number {1,2,3,4} is a further restriction of N


A thought anyway




It's possible with lots of limitations, just like symbolic expression handling.


Here is a little example:


class IntSet
    int m_first;
    int m_delta;

    public IntSet(int first, int delta)
        m_first = first;
        m_delta = delta;

    public override string ToString()
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        sb.Append(m_first + m_delta);

        return sb.ToString();

    public IEnumerable<int> GetNumbers()
        yield return m_first;

        int next = m_first;

        while (true)
            next += m_delta;

            yield return next;