Flashback Tips
The following tips and restrictions apply to using flashback features.
Flashback Tips – Performance
For better performance, generate statistics on all tables involved in a Flashback Query by using the
package, and keep the statistics current. Flashback Query always uses the cost-based optimizer, which relies on these statistics.为了获得更好的性能,用dbms_stats收集统计所有在闪回查询中要应用的表并且保持这些信息最新。闪回查询总是使用基于成本的优化,这依赖于这些统计数据。
The performance of a query into the past depends on how much undo data must be accessed. For better performance, use queries to select small sets of past data using indexes, not to scan entire tables. If you must do a full table scan, consider adding a parallel hint to the query.
一个查询到过去的取决于多少的undo数据需要访问。为了获得更好的性能,利用 索引来查询。如果你必须做一次全表扫描,可以考虑添加一个并行提示查询
The performance cost in I/O is the cost of paging in data and undo blocks that are not already in the buffer cache. The performance cost in CPU use is the cost of applying undo information to affected data blocks. When operating on changes in the recent past, flashback features essentially CPU bound.
Use index structures for Flashback Version Query: the database keeps undo data for index changes as well as data changes. Performance of index lookup-based Flashback Version Query is an order of magnitude faster than the full table scans that are otherwise needed.
使用索引结构的闪回版本查询:数据库保存索引及数据库在 undo中。索引查找基于性能的闪回版本查询是一个数量级的速度比其他需要全表扫描要快。
In a Flashback Transaction Query, the type of the
column isRAW(8)
. To take advantage of the index built on thexid
column, use theHEXTORAW
conversion function:HEXTORAW(xid)
.闪回事务查询 中,列名xid属性为RAW,利用 xid列建立索引,可以用hextoraw函数 转换
Flashback Query against a materialized view does not take advantage of query rewrite optimizations.
See Also:
Flashback Tips – General
Use the
package or other flashback features? UseENABLE
calls to theDBMS_FLASHBACK
package around SQL code that you do not control, or when you want to use the same past time for several consecutive queries. Use Flashback Query, Flashback Version Query, or Flashback Transaction Query for SQL that you write, for convenience. A Flashback Query, for example, is flexible enough to do comparisons and store results in a single query.To obtain an SCN to use later with a flashback feature, use
.You can compute or retrieve a past time to use in a query by using a function return value as a timestamp or SCN argument. For example, you can perform date and time calculations by adding or subtracting an
value to the value of theSYSTIMESTAMP
You can query locally or remotely (Flashback Query, Flashback Version Query, or Flashback Transaction Query). for example here is a remote Flashback Query:
(SELECT * FROM employees@some_remote_host AS OF
TIMESTAMP (SYSTIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '60' MINUTE);闪回查询,闪回事物查询,闪回版本查询可以用于本地或者是远程
To ensure database consistency, always perform a
operation before querying past data.为了保证数据库的一致性,始终执行COMMIT或ROLLBACK操作前查询之前的数据。
Remember that all flashback processing is done using the current session settings, such as national language and character set, not the settings that were in effect at the time being queried.
Some DDLs that alter the structure of a table, such as drop/modify column, move table, drop partition, and truncate table/partition, invalidate any existing undo data for the table. It is not possible to retrieve data from a point earlier than the time such DDLs were executed. Trying such a query results in error ORA-1466. This restriction does not apply to DDL operations that alter the storage attributes of a table, such as
Use an SCN to query past data at a precise time. If you use a timestamp, the actual time queried might be up to 3 seconds earlier than the time you specify. Internally, Oracle Database uses SCNs; these are mapped to timestamps at a granularity of every 3 seconds.
For example, assume that the SCN values 1000 and 1005 are mapped to the times 8:41 and 8:46 AM respectively. A query for a time between 8:41:00 and 8:45:59 AM is mapped to SCN 1000; a Flashback Query for 8:46 AM is mapped to SCN 1005.
例如,假设指定SCN值1000和1005映射到次41 8:46上午和8点46。一种8:41:00和8:45:59是之间的时间查询映射到SCN 1000;一种是8:46闪回查询映射到SCN 1005。
Due to this time-to-SCN mapping, if you specify a time that is slightly after a DDL operation (such as a table creation) the database might actually use an SCN that is just before the DDL operation. This can result in error ORA-1466.
在时间和scn映射上,如果 你指定的时间在DDL操作之后实际使用的scn在DDL操作之前,那么有可能 结果会产生ora-1466操作
You cannot retrieve past data from a
view in the data dictionary. Performing a query on such a view always returns the current data. You can, however, perform queries on past data in other views of the data dictionary, such asUSER_TABLES