
时间:2022-01-14 09:53:40

I have an anchor tag that has a local href value, and a JavaScript function that uses the href value but directs it to a slightly different place than it would normally go. The tag looks like


<a onclick="return follow(this);" href="sec/IF00.html"></a>

and a JavaScript function that looks like


baseURL = 'http://www.someotherdomain.com/';
function follow(item) {
    location.href = baseURL + item.href;

I would expect that item.href would just return a short string of "sec/IF00.html", but instead it returns the full href, "http://www.thecurrentdomain.com/sec/IF00.html". Is there a way that I can pull out just the short href as put in the anchor <a> tag? Or do I lose that by natural HTML behavior?

我希望item.href只返回一个短的字符串“sec / IF00.html”,而是返回完整的href,“http://www.thecurrentdomain.com/sec/IF00.html”。有没有办法可以拉出锚点标签中的短href?或者我通过自然的HTML行为失去了它?

I suppose I could use a string manipulation to do this, but it gets tricky because my local page may actually be "http://www.thecurrentdomain.com/somedir/somepath/sec/IF00.html", and my href field may or may not have a subdirectory in it (for ex href="page.html" vs. href="sub/page.html"), so I cannot always just remove every thing before the last slash.

我想我可以使用字符串操作来执行此操作,但它变得棘手,因为我的本地页面实际上可能是“http://www.thecurrentdomain.com/somedir/somepath/sec/IF00.html”,并且我的href字段可能或者可能没有子目录(对于ex href =“page.html”与href =“sub / page.html”),所以我不能总是在最后一个斜杠之前删除所有内容。

You may wonder why I am requesting this, and it is because it will just make the page a lot cleaner. If it is not possible to get just the short href (as put in the anchor <a> tag), then I could probably just insert an extra field into the tag, like link="sec/IF00.html", but again, that would be a little messier.

你可能想知道为什么我要求这个,这是因为它只会使页面更清洁。如果不可能只获得短的href(如锚标签中所示),那么我可能只是在标签中插入一个额外的字段,如link =“sec / IF00.html”,但同样,这会有点麻烦。

5 个解决方案



The below code gets the full path, where the anchor points:


document.getElementById("aaa").href; // http://example.com/sec/IF00.html

while the one below gets the value of the href attribute:


document.getElementById("aaa").getAttribute("href"); // sec/IF00.html



document.getElementById("link").getAttribute("href"); If you have more than one <a> tag, for example:

的document.getElementById( “链接”)的getAttribute(的 “href”);如果您有多个标记,例如:

    <a href="1"></a>
    <a href="2"></a>
    <a href="3"></a>

You can do it like this: document.getElementById("link")[0].getAttribute("href"); to access the first array of <a> tags, or depends on the condition you make.

你可以这样做:document.getElementById(“link”)[0] .getAttribute(“href”);访问第一个标签数组,或取决于您所做的条件。



The href property sets or returns the value of the href attribute of a link.


  var hello = domains[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].getAttribute('href');
    var url="https://www.google.com/";
    console.log( url+hello);



document.getElementById("aaa").href; //for example: http://example.com/sec/IF00.html



Sad to see how many people gave such uncomfortable and inconvenient answers. Here is the easiest way to retrieve href:


      var hash = this.hash;

All done in just one line of code. This is flexible and doesn't rely on getting elementId like previous answers.




The below code gets the full path, where the anchor points:


document.getElementById("aaa").href; // http://example.com/sec/IF00.html

while the one below gets the value of the href attribute:


document.getElementById("aaa").getAttribute("href"); // sec/IF00.html



document.getElementById("link").getAttribute("href"); If you have more than one <a> tag, for example:

的document.getElementById( “链接”)的getAttribute(的 “href”);如果您有多个标记,例如:

    <a href="1"></a>
    <a href="2"></a>
    <a href="3"></a>

You can do it like this: document.getElementById("link")[0].getAttribute("href"); to access the first array of <a> tags, or depends on the condition you make.

你可以这样做:document.getElementById(“link”)[0] .getAttribute(“href”);访问第一个标签数组,或取决于您所做的条件。



The href property sets or returns the value of the href attribute of a link.


  var hello = domains[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].getAttribute('href');
    var url="https://www.google.com/";
    console.log( url+hello);



document.getElementById("aaa").href; //for example: http://example.com/sec/IF00.html



Sad to see how many people gave such uncomfortable and inconvenient answers. Here is the easiest way to retrieve href:


      var hash = this.hash;

All done in just one line of code. This is flexible and doesn't rely on getting elementId like previous answers.
