XCode 8:基本MKMapView导致警告。

时间:2021-04-06 19:15:02

In an XCode 8 Swift 3 project, I have a ViewController that contains nothing but a MKMapView. Whenever I segue to this ViewController, I get the following warning printout...

在XCode 8 Swift 3项目中,我有一个ViewController,它只包含一个MKMapView。每当我segue到这个ViewController时,我得到下面的警告打印输出…

MyProject[2141:497518] [LogMessageLogging] 6.1 <private>
Painter Z index: 1023 is too large (max 255)
Painter Z index: 1023 is too large (max 255)
Painter Z index: 1023 is too large (max 255)
Painter Z index: 1023 is too large (max 255)
Painter Z index: 1023 is too large (max 255)
Painter Z index: 1023 is too large (max 255)
ERROR /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/VectorKit/VectorKit-1228. 1763: InfoLog SolidRibbonShader:
ERROR /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/VectorKit/VectorKit-1228. 1764: WARNING: Output of vertex shader 'v_gradient' not read by fragment shader

Painter Z index: 1023 is too large (max 255)
Painter Z index: 1023 is too large (max 255)
Painter Z index: 1023 is too large (max 255)
Painter Z index: 1023 is too large (max 255)
Painter Z index: 1023 is too large (max 255)

I don't know why this happening nor how to resolve it. This is simply a ViewController with a map, nothing more, so I don't see why there are these problems.


3 个解决方案



I'm also facing the same issue in my app. But I noticed that this issue is related to MKMapType and Zooming the map i.e. Standard and Hybrid MKMapType shows this error when you set region of map view or zoom map view. I solved this by changing the MKMapType Standard to Satellite and this is happing only when app test on simulator but in real device there is no such kind of warning. Hope this will help you.






Maybe you forget to write the "[self.manager requestAlwaysAuthorization];" this method is a method of CLLocationManager;




          let locManager = CLLocationManager()

Was getting the exact same warning/breakpoint which made my app stop. I am not 100 percent sure why but adding this after the creation of my locManager did the trick.



Reason could be


  1. The locManager access to your location might have being denied at some point in time and you need to always ask so that another user has the chance of accepting.


  2. You never asked for it. If you ask once and the user accepts your map will always work fine.


You might have to restart your app. That's what I had to do.


The other thing I noticed is that this message is related to your Phone Carrier being Private (In my case was none as I don't have a chip on my iphone). In the other hand when my carrier had a carrier(Sprint,etc) it worked. Still not sure why but hopefully this give you an starting point. But I believe the carrier has nothing to do with the location manager though.




I'm also facing the same issue in my app. But I noticed that this issue is related to MKMapType and Zooming the map i.e. Standard and Hybrid MKMapType shows this error when you set region of map view or zoom map view. I solved this by changing the MKMapType Standard to Satellite and this is happing only when app test on simulator but in real device there is no such kind of warning. Hope this will help you.






Maybe you forget to write the "[self.manager requestAlwaysAuthorization];" this method is a method of CLLocationManager;




          let locManager = CLLocationManager()

Was getting the exact same warning/breakpoint which made my app stop. I am not 100 percent sure why but adding this after the creation of my locManager did the trick.



Reason could be


  1. The locManager access to your location might have being denied at some point in time and you need to always ask so that another user has the chance of accepting.


  2. You never asked for it. If you ask once and the user accepts your map will always work fine.


You might have to restart your app. That's what I had to do.


The other thing I noticed is that this message is related to your Phone Carrier being Private (In my case was none as I don't have a chip on my iphone). In the other hand when my carrier had a carrier(Sprint,etc) it worked. Still not sure why but hopefully this give you an starting point. But I believe the carrier has nothing to do with the location manager though.
