The 9th and 10th 100 Words
1. action
2. addition
3. afraid
4. afternoon
5. ahead
6. amount
7. ancient
8. anyone
9. arm
10. bad
11. bear
12. beyond
13. bit
14. blood
15. board
16. Bob
17. born
18. break
19. British
20. broken
21. brother
22. brown
23. busy
24. capital
25. cat
26. cattle
27. cause
28. century
29. chance
30. clean
31. clothes
32. coast
33. control
34. cool
35. corn
36. corner
37. cover
38. cross
39. Dan
40. dead
41. deal
42. death
43. decide
44. difficult
45. doesn't
46. drive
47. engine
48. evening
49. farmer
50. faster
51. fight
52. fill
53. finger
54. force
55. forward
56. France
57. fresh
58. garden
59. general
60. glad
61. greater
62. greatest
63. guess
64. happen
65. Henry
66. higher
67. hit
68. hole
69. hope
70. huge
71. interest
72. island
73. isn't
74. jack
75. lady
76. largest
77. lead
78. led
79. level
80. love
81. Mary
82. material
83. meant
84. meat
85. method
86. missing
87. needs
88. nor
89. nose
90. note
91. opposite
92. pair
93. party
94. pass
95. period
96. please
97. position
98. pound
99. practice
100. pretty
101. produce
102. pull
103. quiet
104. race
105. radio
106. region
107. result
108. return
109. rich
110. ride
111. ring
112. rule
113. sand
114. science
115. section
116. seed
117. send
118. sense
119. sets
120. sharp
121. sight
122. sign
123. silver
124. similar
125. sit
126. son
127. song
128. spent
129. spread
130. stick
131. stone
132. tail
133. team
134. teeth
135. temperature
136. test
137. there's
138. therefore
139. thick
140. thin
141. train
142. various
143. wait
144. Washington
145. wave
146. we'll
147. weight
148. west
149. wife
150. wouldn't
151. wrong
152. you'll