
时间:2022-10-08 19:02:17






* 网络状态
* @param context
* @return
public static boolean IsNetwork(Context context) {
boolean flag = true;
ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) context
NetworkInfo networkInfo = connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
if (networkInfo != null) {
flag = true;
} else {
flag = false;
return flag;

* 获取机器ip地址
* @return
public static String getLocalIpAddress(Context context) {
String ip = null;
if (isWifiEnabled(context)) {
ip = getWifiIpAddress(context);
Log.d(Constants.TAG, "===获取wifi网络ip===" + ip);
} else {
ip = get3GIp();
Log.e(Constants.TAG, "===获取3g网络ip===" + ip);
return ip;


package com.uhuibao.hupeng;

* @ClassName: BaseApplication
* @Description: TODO 全局配置文件
* @author huangmz&AricMiao
* @date 2014-12-16 上午9:31:41
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor;
import android.util.Log;

import com.lidroid.xutils.DbUtils;
import com.lidroid.xutils.HttpUtils;
import com.lidroid.xutils.exception.DbException;
import com.lidroid.xutils.exception.HttpException;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.RequestParams;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.ResponseInfo;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.callback.RequestCallBack;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.client.HttpRequest;
import com.nostra13.universalimageloader.cache.disc.impl.UnlimitedDiscCache;
import com.nostra13.universalimageloader.cache.disc.naming.Md5FileNameGenerator;
import com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.ImageLoader;
import com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.ImageLoaderConfiguration;
import com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.assist.QueueProcessingType;
import com.uhuibao.hupeng.answer.AnswerDraftBean;
import com.uhuibao.hupeng.ask.AskDraftBean;
import com.uhuibao.hupeng.config.ConfigUrls;
import com.uhuibao.hupeng.config.Constants;
import com.uhuibao.hupeng.utils.ParseJsonUtils;
import com.uhuibao.hupeng.utils.SharedPreUtils;
import com.uhuibao.hupeng.utils.StorageUtils;

public class BaseApplication extends FrontiaApplication {
/** 日志输出标签 */
private static final String TAG = BaseApplication.class.getName();
/** 调试模式开关 */
public static final boolean DEBUG = true;
private static BaseApplication mInstance = null;
/** XUtils框架里的数据库操作模块 */
public DbUtils dbUtils;
/** XUtils框架里的Http请求模块 */
public HttpUtils httpUtils;
// public UserBean user;
public UserInfoBean mUser;
public Map askDrafts = new HashMap ();
public Map answerDrafts = new HashMap ();

public int interfaceType = -1;
private Map mapInfos = new HashMap ();

public void onCreate() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
mInstance = this;
// 在使用百度 SDK 各组件之前初始化 context信息,传入 ApplicationContext
// 生产全局数据库操作类
dbUtils = DbUtils.create(this);
// 生产全局网络操作类
httpUtils = new HttpUtils();
httpUtils.configSoTimeout(60 * 1000);
httpUtils.configTimeout(5 * 1000);
// 生产全局图片操作类

if (SharedPreUtils.getInstance().getInt(Constants.xmlUserId, 0) == 0) {// 未登录状态
mUser = new UserInfoBean();
} else {// 登录状态
try {
mUser = dbUtils.findById(UserInfoBean.class, SharedPreUtils.getInstance().getInt(Constants.xmlUserId, 0));
} catch (DbException e) {
mUser = new UserInfoBean();

/** 获取BaseApplication全局配置文件的单例 */
public static BaseApplication getApp() {
return mInstance;

public Map getMapInfos(){
if(mapInfos == null || mapInfos.isEmpty()){
if(!ParseJsonUtils.parseJsonInterface(getCacheServerInfo())){ //本操作先去缓存
findServerInfo(); //再去网络地址
return mapInfos;

public void putMapInfo(String type, String url){
mapInfos.put(type, url);

* 在缓存将接口信息读出
* @return json
private String getCacheServerInfo() {
SharedPreferences shared = getSharedPreferences("interface",
String json = shared.getString("json", "");
return json;

* 图片加载universal image loader框架配置
* @param context
* 内容上下文
public static void initImageLoader(Context context) {
// This configuration tuning is custom. You can tune every option, you
// may tune some of them,
// or you can create default configuration by
// ImageLoaderConfiguration.createDefault(this);
// method.
File cache = StorageUtils.getImageDir();
ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(
context).threadPoolSize(5)// 设置线程池大小,默认5个
.threadPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 2) // 设置正在运行任务的所有线程在系统中的优先级
.diskCache(new UnlimitedDiscCache(cache)) // 设置本地图片缓存文件夹
.denyCacheImageMultipleSizesInMemory() // 强制UIL在内存中不能存储内容相同但大小不同的图像。
.diskCacheFileNameGenerator(new Md5FileNameGenerator()) // 使用md5算法为本地图片文件名
.diskCacheSize(100 * 1024 * 1024) // 设置本地图片缓存文件夹大小为100
// Mb,超出组件自动删除
// .writeDebugLogs() // 调试模式,正式版需去除Remove for release app
.build(); // 配置保存
// Initialize ImageLoader with configuration.

private void findServerInfo() {
RequestParams params = new RequestParams();// 声明封装请求参数类
params.addBodyParameter(ConfigUrls.COMMON_RARAM, ConfigUrls.getServerInfo(mInstance));// 获取请求参数JSON
/** 发送网络请求 */
BaseApplication.getApp().httpUtils.send(HttpRequest.HttpMethod.POST,ConfigUrls.SERVER_URL, params,
new RequestCallBack () {
public void onFailure(HttpException arg0, String arg1) {
if (BaseApplication.DEBUG)
Log.e(TAG, "findServerInfo onFailure=" + arg1);
public void onSuccess(ResponseInfo arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (BaseApplication.DEBUG)
Log.e(TAG, "findServerInfo:onSuccess="+ arg0.result);
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(arg0.result);
String reqCode = jsonObject.getString(ConfigUrls.RESP_CODE);
if (reqCode.equals(ConfigUrls.CODE_OK)) {
// 解析Json
JSONArray dataArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray(ConfigUrls.RESP_DATA);
if (dataArray != null && dataArray.length() > 0) {
String json = dataArray.getString(0);
if (ParseJsonUtils.parseJsonInterface(json)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (BaseApplication.DEBUG)
Log.e(TAG, "findServerInfo Exception=", e);

* 将接口信息保存在缓存
* @param json
private void setCacheServerInfo(String json) {
SharedPreferences shared = getSharedPreferences("interface",
Editor editor = shared.edit();
editor.putString("json", json);
