
时间:2022-03-01 19:01:00

I am working on a application where I am playing a live radio from a url. I want to record the radio and save it to local file system.


1 个解决方案



This might help:


iPhone Coding: Recording Audio


You need to use CFURLRef to point to the file you want to record to. For example:


NSMutableString *fullpathname = @"/var/root/foo.amr";
CFURLRef url;
CFStringRef sref;

sref = CFStringCreateWithCString(nil, 
[fullpathname cStringUsingEncoding:
[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]],

url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(nil, sref, 
kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, 0);

Start recording by initializing. Once you get this far, it's just a matter of bookkeeping to get your recorder started. Here's the relevant code. Allocate and initiate the recorder instance, activate it and assign it the CFURLRef URL you've created. Then tell it to start. Recording starts instantly.

通过初始化开始录制。一旦你做到这一点,只需要记账就可以让你的录音机启动。这是相关的代码。分配并启动录像机实例,激活它并为其分配您创建的CFURLRef URL。然后告诉它开始。录音立即开始。

// Start recording
recorder = [[AVRecorder alloc] init];
[recorder activate:self];
[recorder setFilePath:url];
[recorder start];

Stop the recording with "stop". When you're ready to finish recording, just send a stop message to your recorder and deactivate it. The file has already saved automatically to disk. If you want, you can query the number of bytes written before deactivating by sending a recordedFileSizeInBytes message.


[recorder stop];
[recorder deactivate];



This might help:


iPhone Coding: Recording Audio


You need to use CFURLRef to point to the file you want to record to. For example:


NSMutableString *fullpathname = @"/var/root/foo.amr";
CFURLRef url;
CFStringRef sref;

sref = CFStringCreateWithCString(nil, 
[fullpathname cStringUsingEncoding:
[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]],

url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(nil, sref, 
kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, 0);

Start recording by initializing. Once you get this far, it's just a matter of bookkeeping to get your recorder started. Here's the relevant code. Allocate and initiate the recorder instance, activate it and assign it the CFURLRef URL you've created. Then tell it to start. Recording starts instantly.

通过初始化开始录制。一旦你做到这一点,只需要记账就可以让你的录音机启动。这是相关的代码。分配并启动录像机实例,激活它并为其分配您创建的CFURLRef URL。然后告诉它开始。录音立即开始。

// Start recording
recorder = [[AVRecorder alloc] init];
[recorder activate:self];
[recorder setFilePath:url];
[recorder start];

Stop the recording with "stop". When you're ready to finish recording, just send a stop message to your recorder and deactivate it. The file has already saved automatically to disk. If you want, you can query the number of bytes written before deactivating by sending a recordedFileSizeInBytes message.


[recorder stop];
[recorder deactivate];