I've been digging around the Stack Overflow threads, and can't seem to find this issue addressed exactly. I set up and Angular app, and I would like to be able to call methods on a YouTube API from within multiple controllers and directives (such as playVideo()
and pauseVideo()
我一直在挖掘Stack Overflow线程,似乎无法准确地解决这个问题。我设置了Angular应用程序,我希望能够在多个控制器和指令(例如playVideo()和pauseVideo()等)中调用YouTube API上的方法。
The video will be persistent throughout the site.
I initially set up the API via a service and subsequently injected it into the various controllers. I used a $rootscope.$broadcast
to send a message when the player was ready, but I could never get the actual player returned, just an empty object.
我最初通过服务设置API,然后将其注入各种控制器。我使用$ rootscope。$ broadcast在播放器准备就绪时发送消息,但我永远无法让实际播放器返回,只是一个空对象。
To make matters worse, I rebuilt the site statically so have no example code to show here, but was hoping someone might be able to outline the basic procedure here.
Thanks, James
1 个解决方案
YouTube Topic explorer uses iframe inside the angular script. You can basically create your own function or directive to use the iFrame.
YouTube Topic explorer uses iframe inside the angular script. You can basically create your own function or directive to use the iFrame.