
时间:2020-12-16 18:56:30

I have installed android SDK and android eclipse plugin successfully on Ubuntu.

我在Ubuntu上成功安装了android SDK和android eclipse插件。

Every thing was working fine until I removed Ubuntu and installed Linux Mint. I installed the SDK again and used the same eclipse copy I was using on Ubuntu but now all the android applications contain errors and I can not start the emulator.

在我删除Ubuntu并安装Linux Mint之前,一切都很正常。我再次安装了SDK,使用了我在Ubuntu上使用的相同的eclipse拷贝,但是现在所有的android应用程序都有错误,我无法启动模拟器。

When starting the emulator this message appears


Starting emulator for AVD 'test' Failed to start emulator: Cannot run program "/home/anas/android//tools/emulator": error=2, No such file or directory

While the android SDK is installed in the specified path and the file (emulator) is exists in the same path.

虽然android SDK安装在指定的路径中,而文件(模拟器)也存在于相同的路径中。

Also all my applications contains the same error R can not be resolved to a variable


What is the problem here?


7 个解决方案



  1. Installed on Ubuntu successfully. but not running avd


    If you're running a 64-bit system, you need to install ia32-libs


  sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
  1. R can not be resolved to a variable
  2. R不能被解析为一个变量。

This can be due to following Reason


  • class is not the part of that package add proper package


  • not properly defined in manifest file class path define it properly


clear and run the avd it will work




If cmd from fist comment doesn't work like in my case (64bit Crunchbang) then you may also try with :

如果来自拳头部门的cmd不像我的情况(64bit Crunchbang),那么你也可以试试:

sudo aptitude install ia32-libs lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6

sudo倾向安装ia32-libs lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6。



I solved it doing a backup of the "emulator" and creating a symbolic link to the correct emulator:


mv emulator emulator_bup
ln -s emulator64-arm emulator



I used the command-line tool android (android avd), and used Tools->Manage SDK to install 64 bit emulators. I then mv'ed emulator to emulator.old, and emulator64-arm to emulator. Now the AVD starts up.

我使用了命令行工具android (android avd)和使用工具->管理SDK来安装64位模拟器。然后用mv'ed模拟器进行仿真。旧的,和仿真器-arm仿真器。现在AVD开始了。



You do not need install packages any more!


In directory tools, there are many types of emulator, while my computer works with emulator64-arm! My system is Linux Mint 16 amd64! Good luck!

在目录工具中,有许多类型的仿真器,而我的计算机使用的是仿真器-arm!我的系统是Linux Mint 16 amd64!好运!

./emulator64-arm @yxphone -sdcard yxsd -scale 0.8



Like you have written the specified path and the files are exists in the same path, but i suggest to check that one more time.


and like you are getting R cannot be resolved to a variable, do not worry:




  1. Check Package name in Manifest File
  2. 检查清单文件中的包名。
  3. If you are already getting something like this: import com.version.bajrang.january.R; so first of all try to change package name here, or secondly just delete this line and clean your program
  4. 如果你已经得到了这样的东西:导入com.version.bajrang.january.R;因此,首先尝试改变包的名称,或者,然后删除这条线并清理程序。
  5. If you are not getting something like: import com.version.bajrang.january.R; then add import packagename.R;
  6. 如果您没有得到类似的东西:导入com.version.bajrang.january.R;然后添加进口packagename.R;

I believe that you will get your answer.....




It looks like your SDK path in eclipse has a mistake:


Cannot run program "/home/anas/android//tools/emulator"

不能运行程序“/ home /轶事/ android / /工具/模拟器”

That double "//" may be the problem. Check in Eclipse: Window -> Preferences -> Android. There should be a field there pointing the SDK Location. Edit it.

这个“//”可能是问题所在。查看Eclipse:窗口->首选项-> Android。应该有一个指向SDK位置的字段。编辑它。

Check your path : /home/anas/android/ to see if it really is where you put your SDK . If not repeat these steps to have it


The missing R resource message is a compile error right? Then in this case your emulator should not be the problem. However, if your SDK path is incorrect like I suspect, then .. you can expect this compile error along with any other android libraries import




  1. Installed on Ubuntu successfully. but not running avd


    If you're running a 64-bit system, you need to install ia32-libs


  sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
  1. R can not be resolved to a variable
  2. R不能被解析为一个变量。

This can be due to following Reason


  • class is not the part of that package add proper package


  • not properly defined in manifest file class path define it properly


clear and run the avd it will work




If cmd from fist comment doesn't work like in my case (64bit Crunchbang) then you may also try with :

如果来自拳头部门的cmd不像我的情况(64bit Crunchbang),那么你也可以试试:

sudo aptitude install ia32-libs lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6

sudo倾向安装ia32-libs lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6。



I solved it doing a backup of the "emulator" and creating a symbolic link to the correct emulator:


mv emulator emulator_bup
ln -s emulator64-arm emulator



I used the command-line tool android (android avd), and used Tools->Manage SDK to install 64 bit emulators. I then mv'ed emulator to emulator.old, and emulator64-arm to emulator. Now the AVD starts up.

我使用了命令行工具android (android avd)和使用工具->管理SDK来安装64位模拟器。然后用mv'ed模拟器进行仿真。旧的,和仿真器-arm仿真器。现在AVD开始了。



You do not need install packages any more!


In directory tools, there are many types of emulator, while my computer works with emulator64-arm! My system is Linux Mint 16 amd64! Good luck!

在目录工具中,有许多类型的仿真器,而我的计算机使用的是仿真器-arm!我的系统是Linux Mint 16 amd64!好运!

./emulator64-arm @yxphone -sdcard yxsd -scale 0.8



Like you have written the specified path and the files are exists in the same path, but i suggest to check that one more time.


and like you are getting R cannot be resolved to a variable, do not worry:




  1. Check Package name in Manifest File
  2. 检查清单文件中的包名。
  3. If you are already getting something like this: import com.version.bajrang.january.R; so first of all try to change package name here, or secondly just delete this line and clean your program
  4. 如果你已经得到了这样的东西:导入com.version.bajrang.january.R;因此,首先尝试改变包的名称,或者,然后删除这条线并清理程序。
  5. If you are not getting something like: import com.version.bajrang.january.R; then add import packagename.R;
  6. 如果您没有得到类似的东西:导入com.version.bajrang.january.R;然后添加进口packagename.R;

I believe that you will get your answer.....




It looks like your SDK path in eclipse has a mistake:


Cannot run program "/home/anas/android//tools/emulator"

不能运行程序“/ home /轶事/ android / /工具/模拟器”

That double "//" may be the problem. Check in Eclipse: Window -> Preferences -> Android. There should be a field there pointing the SDK Location. Edit it.

这个“//”可能是问题所在。查看Eclipse:窗口->首选项-> Android。应该有一个指向SDK位置的字段。编辑它。

Check your path : /home/anas/android/ to see if it really is where you put your SDK . If not repeat these steps to have it


The missing R resource message is a compile error right? Then in this case your emulator should not be the problem. However, if your SDK path is incorrect like I suspect, then .. you can expect this compile error along with any other android libraries import
