Sybase ODBC驱动程序客户端无法建立连接

时间:2022-11-09 18:55:43

I am trying to hit a remote Sybase database using ODBC. I have written a C# program with the following code


         String conString = "Driver={Adaptive Server Enterprise};server=ipAddress;port=portNumber;db=databaseName;uid=strUserName;pwd=strPassword";
         con = new OdbcConnection(conString);
       catch (Exception exp)
         con = null;


After the connection times out ,the exception message says :- ERROR [08001] [Sybase][ODBC Driver]Client unable to establish a connection

连接超时后,异常消息显示: - 错误[08001] [Sybase] [ODBC驱动程序]客户端无法建立连接

On Debugging the code when I hover on "con.Open()", the ServerVersion attribute of the connection object displays the following message 'con.ServerVersion' threw an exception type 'System.InvalidOperationException'


Can anybody help me in finding out the reason for this exception..?


1 个解决方案


I would double check first that you can connect via a normal SQL client (e.g. isql, Aqua etc) on the same hostname and port.


However that looks from a quick google like a possible Sybase Adaptive Anywhere (as opposed to Enterprise) error so are you using the right driver for the type of database? They are two different products.

然而,从快速谷歌看起来像可能的Sybase Adaptive Anywhere(而不是Enterprise)错误,所以你使用正确的驱动程序的数据库类型?它们是两种不同的产品。


I would double check first that you can connect via a normal SQL client (e.g. isql, Aqua etc) on the same hostname and port.


However that looks from a quick google like a possible Sybase Adaptive Anywhere (as opposed to Enterprise) error so are you using the right driver for the type of database? They are two different products.

然而,从快速谷歌看起来像可能的Sybase Adaptive Anywhere(而不是Enterprise)错误,所以你使用正确的驱动程序的数据库类型?它们是两种不同的产品。