
时间:2021-07-27 18:57:20

Question is


I get "HAX is not working and emulator runs in emulation mode", is this related to Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM) installation and running avd with cpu set to CPU Intel Atom (x86)? And even though it feels like AVD runs faster after i installed HAXM, does this message indicates that AVD performance is hindered. Should it be fixed and if so, how?

我得到的是“HAX不工作,仿真器运行在模拟模式”,这与Intel x86仿真器加速器(HAXM)安装和运行avd和cpu的cpu (x86) cpu有关吗?尽管在我安装HAXM后感觉上AVD运行得更快,但这条消息表明AVD性能受到了阻碍。它应该是固定的吗?

I am running on mac os x 10.9.1.

我在mac os x 10.9.1上运行。

Listing what is installed on my system via android sdk manager:

通过android sdk管理器列出我的系统上安装了什么:

  • Tools
    • Android SDK Tools Rev 22.3
    • Android SDK工具Rev 22.3。
    • Android SDK Platform-tools rev 19.0.1
    • Android SDK平台工具rev 19.0.1。
    • Android SDK Build-tools Rev 19.0.1
    • Android SDK构建工具Rev 19.0.1。
    • Android SDK Build-tools Rev 19
    • Android SDK构建工具Rev 19。
  • Android SDK工具Rev 22.3 Android SDK平台工具Rev 19.0.1 Android SDK构建工具Rev 19.0.1 Android SDK构建工具Rev 19。


= =

  • Android 4.4.2 (API 19)
    • SDK Platform
    • SDK平台
    • ARM EABI v7a System Image
    • ARM EABI v7a系统图像。
    • Intel x86 Ato System Image
    • Intel x86 Ato系统映像。
    • Google APIs
    • Google api
    • Sources for Android SDK
    • Android SDK来源
  • Android 4.4.2 (API 19) SDK平台ARM EABI v7a系统图像Intel x86 Ato System Image谷歌API源代码Android SDK。


= =

  • Extras
    • Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM) AND I ALSO run dmg installer as well, and installed hot fix, after i found out about it.
    • Intel x86仿真加速器(HAXM)和我也运行dmg安装程序,并安装了热修复,在我发现它之后。
  • 额外的Intel x86仿真加速器(HAXM)和我也运行dmg安装程序,并安装了热修复,在我发现它之后。

AVD set up


  • Platform 4.4.2
  • 平台10/24/11
  • API Level 19
  • API级别19
  • CPU Intel Atom (x86)
  • CPU英特尔Atom(x86)

Once i run avd:


(ruby-2.0.0-p353) .android   $ tools/emulator -avd 1AVD -wipe-data -no-boot-anim -cpu-delay 0

i get following and emulator eventually loads


emulator: The memory needed by this VM exceeds the driver limit.

HAX is not working and emulator runs in emulation mode

17 个解决方案



Yes it should be fixed, HAXM isn't working. How much RAM is set for use inside your AVD configuration ?

是的,它应该是固定的,HAXM没有工作。在您的AVD配置中使用了多少RAM ?

768M is a good number for it, but most importantly this number has to be lower or equal to the memory usage you have set during the installation of HAXM. You can launch its installation again to modify it.




If you are on a mac you can install haxm using homebrew via cask which is a built-in extension (as of 2015) which allows installing non-open-source and desktop apps (i.e. chrome, firefox, eclipse, etc.):


brew cask install intel-haxm 



The way I solved it is by setting the AVD memory limit and HAXM memory to be equal in size which is 1 GB = 1024 MB. The AVD cannot have higher memory limit than the HAXM.

我解决它的方法是设置AVD内存限制和HAXM内存大小为1 GB = 1024 MB的大小。AVD不能比HAXM有更高的内存限制。

1. Setting the HAXM memory to be 1024 M

1。将HAXM内存设置为1024 M。

The only way to change the HAXM memory is by installing it again. I did it using the terminal. Locate Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager in your machine. Then change directory that folder to run the installation script.


cd ~/Library/Android/sdk/extras/intel/Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager


cd ~/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx/extras/intel/Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager

May need to change permissions:


sudo chmod 755 "HAXM installation"



./HAXM\ installation -m 1024


sudo ./"HAXM installation" -m 1024

2. Setting the virtual device the same size with HAXM memory limit



This works for me. Good luck!




install the latest HAXM from intel: https://software.intel.com/en-us/android/articles/intel-hardware-accelerated-execution-manager

从英特尔安装最新的HAXM: https://software.intel.com/en-us/android/articles/intel-hardware-accelerated- executionmanager。

After this it's working




For Windows.


In Android Studio:


Tools > Android > AVD Manager > Your Device > Pencil Icon> Show Advanced Settings > Memory and Storage > RAM > Set RAM to your preferred size.

你的设备>铅笔图标>显示先进的设置>内存和存储> RAM >内存到你的首选大小。

In Control Panel:


Programs and Features > Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager > Change > Set manually > Set RAM to your preferred size.


It is better for RAM sizes set in both places to be the same.




Check the latest version of Has on Intel website and install it. Let the ram in recommended size "preset 2048", then try to run the app. Things should work fine.




Yes it should be fixed, HAXM isn't working.


HAXM sometimes works; experience with HAXM is currently sporadic across platforms.


For instance, I've got late 2009 iMac running 10.8.5 and i7 processor @2.8Ghz, Android SDK 22.6 with all the goodies updated this morning (03/05/14). API17 will build emulators with HAXM acceleration on this iMac machine, API19 chokes out.

例如,我在2009年晚些时候运行了10.8.5和i7处理器@2.8Ghz, Android SDK 22.6,今天早上更新了所有的好东西(03/05/14)。API17将在这个iMac机器上用HAXM加速构建仿真器。

I also have early 2013 MBP 15" Retina running 10.8.5 and i7 processor @2.7Ghz, Android SDK 22.6 with all the goodies updated this morning (03/05/14). API17 will build emulators with HAXM acceleration, API19 works great too.

我也有2013年早期的MBP 15“视网膜运行10.8.5和i7处理器@2.7Ghz, Android SDK 22.6,今天早上更新了所有的goodies(03/05/14)。API17将构建具有HAXM加速的仿真器,API19也很好用。

Ditto for my (personal) late 2013 MBP Retina 13" with dual-core i5 and Mavericks.


There is something going on for virtualization at the chip level missing from older CPU's (even i7's) that the new API19 x86 images need for HAXM to work. If API19 is not working, give API17 or even 16 a try.

在老式CPU(甚至是i7)的芯片级上,有一些正在进行的虚拟化技术,新的API19 x86映像需要使用HAXM来工作。如果API19不工作,给API17甚至16试一次。



On your mac Open the finder then Ctr + Alt + G after type this /Users/${yourMacNameHere}/Library/Android/sdk/extras/intel/Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager

在你的mac上打开finder,然后在输入这个/用户/${yourMacNameHere}/库/Android/sdk/附加/intel/Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager之后,打开finder . Ctr + Alt + G。

your gonna to find installer of the emulator accelerator so run it and set up the memory you need modify it and retry to run your android application




if you are running Intel processor make sure HAXM (Intel® Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager) installer is install via SDK Manager by checking this option in SDK Manager. and then run the HAXM installer ext via the path below



also check the ram size allocated while doing HAX installation so it fits the ram size of your emulator.


This video shows all the required steps which may help you to solve the problem.


This video will also help you if you face problem after installing HAXM.




Either increase the ram size allocated while doing HAX installation , so as to fit exactly or a bit more higher space than the ram size of the emulator which you want to launch in "Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM) " mode,

要么增加在进行HAX安装时分配的ram大小,以便与您想要在“Intel x86仿真器加速器(HAXM)”中启动的仿真器的ram大小正好或更高的空间匹配。”模式,

Once you succeed with that, you can now able to view this in the console /log





You have to verify than the size allocated while doing HAX installation is the same than the size in the AVD emulator configuration.


You can see in French here : http://blerow.blogspot.fr/2015/01/android-studio.html




geckob's solution works perfectly. Caution: The HAXM that you provide is used across all running devices. So if you are testing on a phone and Tablet at the same time and each has a requirement of 1G. Then make sure your HAXM alloted is atleast 2G.




In my case, this error was fixed when I set HAXM memory equal to AVD memory. HAXM memory 1024 MB = AVD memory 1024 MB

在我的例子中,当我设置HAXM内存等于AVD内存时,这个错误是固定的。HAXM内存1024 MB = AVD内存1024 MB。

Hax is enabled
Hax ram_size 0x40000000
HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode.

Upto this point the error should be fixed.


Now I'm listing my specific environment in case it could be of some help for someone using OS X.

现在,我列出了我的特定环境,以防它可能对使用OS X的人有所帮助。

OS X EI Capitan 10.11.4

OS X EI Capitan 10.11.4。

MacBook (13-inch), 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB Ram.

MacBook(13英寸),2ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4gb内存。

Android Studio 2.1

Android Studio 2.1

Marshmallow (23) x86 didn't pass the flashing android icon screen for even hours.


Lollipop (22) x86 passed the flashing android icon screen and then showed

Lollipop (22) x86通过了闪烁的android图标屏幕,然后显示。

  • Starting Android (Optimizing x out of y apps)
  • 启动Android(从y应用中优化x)
  • Starting Android (Starting apps)
  • 从Android(启动应用程序)
  • Starting Android (Updating Contacts Database)
  • 启动Android(更新联系人数据库)
  • Starting Android (Finishing boot) and remained stuck here for hours.
  • 启动Android(完成开机),并在这里停留数小时。

KitKat (19) x86 worked successfully and I could install the hello world there.

KitKat (19) x86工作成功,我可以安装hello world。



Download HAXM from SDK Manager


Open your SDK Manager from Android Studio, click the icon shown in the screen shot.

从Android Studio打开您的SDK管理器,点击屏幕截图中显示的图标。


Click on "Launch Standalone SDK Manager" on the "Default Settings" Dialog.



Check node "Extras > Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM installer)" and proceed with HAXM download.

检查节点“额外的> Intel x86仿真加速器(HAXM安装程序)”,然后继续下载HAXM。


Installing or Modifying HAXM


You can now access with installation (or modifying existing installtino) of HAXM by accessing the download location. Enter this path in "run"



% localappdata % \ Android \ sdk \配件\ \ Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager英特尔

and double click the file "intelhaxm-android.exe"


You can increase the size of memory allocated to HAXM while modifying existing HAXM install. I have a machine with 32 GB of RAM and would like to launch multiple AVDs at same time (for automated testing etc.) so I have allocated 8 GB to HAXM.




If you are running one AVD of one 1 GB and allocated 2 GB to HAXM, you cannot run another AVD with RAM more than 1 GB. Please make sure that Android Device Monitor is not running when you are modifying or installing HAXM (just to avoid any suprises).

如果您正在运行一个1 GB的AVD,并将2 GB分配给HAXM,那么您就不能使用RAM超过1 GB来运行另一个AVD。请确保在修改或安装HAXM时,Android设备监视器不运行(只是为了避免任何意外)。


These steps are tested on Windows platform, but generally could be applied to other platforms too with slight modification.




My problem was that I could no longer run an emulator that had worked because I had quit the emulator application but the process wasn't fully ended, so I was trying to launch another emulator while the previous one was still running. On a mac, I had to use the Activity Monitor to see the other process and kill it. Steps:


  1. Open Activity Monitor (in Utilities or using Command+Space)
  2. 打开活动监视器(在实用程序中或使用命令+空间)
  3. Locate the process name, in my case, qemu-system...
  4. 定位进程名称,在我的例子中,qemu系统…
  5. Select the process.
  6. 选择的过程。
  7. Force the process to quit using the 'x' button in the top left.
  8. 使用左上角的“x”按钮迫使进程停止。
  9. I didn't have to use 'Force Quit', just the plain 'Quit', but you can use either.
  10. 我不需要使用“强制退出”,只是简单的“退出”,但你也可以使用。



Re-open your AVD device configuration. by editing device in the AVD manager. proceed to select the AVD Android version. At the right pane a recommendation is displayed follow that recommendation and all will be fixed.

重新打开AVD设备配置。在AVD管理器中编辑设备。继续选择AVD Android版本。在右边的面板上显示了一个建议,按照这个建议,所有的都将被修复。



Default memory assigned to HAX is 1024MB. And the emulator has 1536MB apparently for Nexus 5x api 25.

分配给HAX的默认内存是1024MB。而且模拟器的Nexus 5x api有1536MB。

if you're using Android Studio,

如果你使用的是Android Studio,

  • just go to tools -> AVD manager.
  • 只要去工具-> AVD管理器。
  • Then select the emulator and click on pencil button on the right for editing.
  • 然后选择模拟器,点击右边的铅笔按钮进行编辑。
  • Go to advanced settings in the new window and change the RAM value to 1024
  • 进入新窗口的高级设置,将RAM值更改为1024。

Works like a charm. :)





Yes it should be fixed, HAXM isn't working. How much RAM is set for use inside your AVD configuration ?

是的,它应该是固定的,HAXM没有工作。在您的AVD配置中使用了多少RAM ?

768M is a good number for it, but most importantly this number has to be lower or equal to the memory usage you have set during the installation of HAXM. You can launch its installation again to modify it.




If you are on a mac you can install haxm using homebrew via cask which is a built-in extension (as of 2015) which allows installing non-open-source and desktop apps (i.e. chrome, firefox, eclipse, etc.):


brew cask install intel-haxm 



The way I solved it is by setting the AVD memory limit and HAXM memory to be equal in size which is 1 GB = 1024 MB. The AVD cannot have higher memory limit than the HAXM.

我解决它的方法是设置AVD内存限制和HAXM内存大小为1 GB = 1024 MB的大小。AVD不能比HAXM有更高的内存限制。

1. Setting the HAXM memory to be 1024 M

1。将HAXM内存设置为1024 M。

The only way to change the HAXM memory is by installing it again. I did it using the terminal. Locate Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager in your machine. Then change directory that folder to run the installation script.


cd ~/Library/Android/sdk/extras/intel/Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager


cd ~/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx/extras/intel/Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager

May need to change permissions:


sudo chmod 755 "HAXM installation"



./HAXM\ installation -m 1024


sudo ./"HAXM installation" -m 1024

2. Setting the virtual device the same size with HAXM memory limit



This works for me. Good luck!




install the latest HAXM from intel: https://software.intel.com/en-us/android/articles/intel-hardware-accelerated-execution-manager

从英特尔安装最新的HAXM: https://software.intel.com/en-us/android/articles/intel-hardware-accelerated- executionmanager。

After this it's working




For Windows.


In Android Studio:


Tools > Android > AVD Manager > Your Device > Pencil Icon> Show Advanced Settings > Memory and Storage > RAM > Set RAM to your preferred size.

你的设备>铅笔图标>显示先进的设置>内存和存储> RAM >内存到你的首选大小。

In Control Panel:


Programs and Features > Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager > Change > Set manually > Set RAM to your preferred size.


It is better for RAM sizes set in both places to be the same.




Check the latest version of Has on Intel website and install it. Let the ram in recommended size "preset 2048", then try to run the app. Things should work fine.




Yes it should be fixed, HAXM isn't working.


HAXM sometimes works; experience with HAXM is currently sporadic across platforms.


For instance, I've got late 2009 iMac running 10.8.5 and i7 processor @2.8Ghz, Android SDK 22.6 with all the goodies updated this morning (03/05/14). API17 will build emulators with HAXM acceleration on this iMac machine, API19 chokes out.

例如,我在2009年晚些时候运行了10.8.5和i7处理器@2.8Ghz, Android SDK 22.6,今天早上更新了所有的好东西(03/05/14)。API17将在这个iMac机器上用HAXM加速构建仿真器。

I also have early 2013 MBP 15" Retina running 10.8.5 and i7 processor @2.7Ghz, Android SDK 22.6 with all the goodies updated this morning (03/05/14). API17 will build emulators with HAXM acceleration, API19 works great too.

我也有2013年早期的MBP 15“视网膜运行10.8.5和i7处理器@2.7Ghz, Android SDK 22.6,今天早上更新了所有的goodies(03/05/14)。API17将构建具有HAXM加速的仿真器,API19也很好用。

Ditto for my (personal) late 2013 MBP Retina 13" with dual-core i5 and Mavericks.


There is something going on for virtualization at the chip level missing from older CPU's (even i7's) that the new API19 x86 images need for HAXM to work. If API19 is not working, give API17 or even 16 a try.

在老式CPU(甚至是i7)的芯片级上,有一些正在进行的虚拟化技术,新的API19 x86映像需要使用HAXM来工作。如果API19不工作,给API17甚至16试一次。



On your mac Open the finder then Ctr + Alt + G after type this /Users/${yourMacNameHere}/Library/Android/sdk/extras/intel/Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager

在你的mac上打开finder,然后在输入这个/用户/${yourMacNameHere}/库/Android/sdk/附加/intel/Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager之后,打开finder . Ctr + Alt + G。

your gonna to find installer of the emulator accelerator so run it and set up the memory you need modify it and retry to run your android application




if you are running Intel processor make sure HAXM (Intel® Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager) installer is install via SDK Manager by checking this option in SDK Manager. and then run the HAXM installer ext via the path below



also check the ram size allocated while doing HAX installation so it fits the ram size of your emulator.


This video shows all the required steps which may help you to solve the problem.


This video will also help you if you face problem after installing HAXM.




Either increase the ram size allocated while doing HAX installation , so as to fit exactly or a bit more higher space than the ram size of the emulator which you want to launch in "Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM) " mode,

要么增加在进行HAX安装时分配的ram大小,以便与您想要在“Intel x86仿真器加速器(HAXM)”中启动的仿真器的ram大小正好或更高的空间匹配。”模式,

Once you succeed with that, you can now able to view this in the console /log





You have to verify than the size allocated while doing HAX installation is the same than the size in the AVD emulator configuration.


You can see in French here : http://blerow.blogspot.fr/2015/01/android-studio.html




geckob's solution works perfectly. Caution: The HAXM that you provide is used across all running devices. So if you are testing on a phone and Tablet at the same time and each has a requirement of 1G. Then make sure your HAXM alloted is atleast 2G.




In my case, this error was fixed when I set HAXM memory equal to AVD memory. HAXM memory 1024 MB = AVD memory 1024 MB

在我的例子中,当我设置HAXM内存等于AVD内存时,这个错误是固定的。HAXM内存1024 MB = AVD内存1024 MB。

Hax is enabled
Hax ram_size 0x40000000
HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode.

Upto this point the error should be fixed.


Now I'm listing my specific environment in case it could be of some help for someone using OS X.

现在,我列出了我的特定环境,以防它可能对使用OS X的人有所帮助。

OS X EI Capitan 10.11.4

OS X EI Capitan 10.11.4。

MacBook (13-inch), 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB Ram.

MacBook(13英寸),2ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4gb内存。

Android Studio 2.1

Android Studio 2.1

Marshmallow (23) x86 didn't pass the flashing android icon screen for even hours.


Lollipop (22) x86 passed the flashing android icon screen and then showed

Lollipop (22) x86通过了闪烁的android图标屏幕,然后显示。

  • Starting Android (Optimizing x out of y apps)
  • 启动Android(从y应用中优化x)
  • Starting Android (Starting apps)
  • 从Android(启动应用程序)
  • Starting Android (Updating Contacts Database)
  • 启动Android(更新联系人数据库)
  • Starting Android (Finishing boot) and remained stuck here for hours.
  • 启动Android(完成开机),并在这里停留数小时。

KitKat (19) x86 worked successfully and I could install the hello world there.

KitKat (19) x86工作成功,我可以安装hello world。



Download HAXM from SDK Manager


Open your SDK Manager from Android Studio, click the icon shown in the screen shot.

从Android Studio打开您的SDK管理器,点击屏幕截图中显示的图标。


Click on "Launch Standalone SDK Manager" on the "Default Settings" Dialog.



Check node "Extras > Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM installer)" and proceed with HAXM download.

检查节点“额外的> Intel x86仿真加速器(HAXM安装程序)”,然后继续下载HAXM。


Installing or Modifying HAXM


You can now access with installation (or modifying existing installtino) of HAXM by accessing the download location. Enter this path in "run"



% localappdata % \ Android \ sdk \配件\ \ Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager英特尔

and double click the file "intelhaxm-android.exe"


You can increase the size of memory allocated to HAXM while modifying existing HAXM install. I have a machine with 32 GB of RAM and would like to launch multiple AVDs at same time (for automated testing etc.) so I have allocated 8 GB to HAXM.




If you are running one AVD of one 1 GB and allocated 2 GB to HAXM, you cannot run another AVD with RAM more than 1 GB. Please make sure that Android Device Monitor is not running when you are modifying or installing HAXM (just to avoid any suprises).

如果您正在运行一个1 GB的AVD,并将2 GB分配给HAXM,那么您就不能使用RAM超过1 GB来运行另一个AVD。请确保在修改或安装HAXM时,Android设备监视器不运行(只是为了避免任何意外)。


These steps are tested on Windows platform, but generally could be applied to other platforms too with slight modification.




My problem was that I could no longer run an emulator that had worked because I had quit the emulator application but the process wasn't fully ended, so I was trying to launch another emulator while the previous one was still running. On a mac, I had to use the Activity Monitor to see the other process and kill it. Steps:


  1. Open Activity Monitor (in Utilities or using Command+Space)
  2. 打开活动监视器(在实用程序中或使用命令+空间)
  3. Locate the process name, in my case, qemu-system...
  4. 定位进程名称,在我的例子中,qemu系统…
  5. Select the process.
  6. 选择的过程。
  7. Force the process to quit using the 'x' button in the top left.
  8. 使用左上角的“x”按钮迫使进程停止。
  9. I didn't have to use 'Force Quit', just the plain 'Quit', but you can use either.
  10. 我不需要使用“强制退出”,只是简单的“退出”,但你也可以使用。



Re-open your AVD device configuration. by editing device in the AVD manager. proceed to select the AVD Android version. At the right pane a recommendation is displayed follow that recommendation and all will be fixed.

重新打开AVD设备配置。在AVD管理器中编辑设备。继续选择AVD Android版本。在右边的面板上显示了一个建议,按照这个建议,所有的都将被修复。



Default memory assigned to HAX is 1024MB. And the emulator has 1536MB apparently for Nexus 5x api 25.

分配给HAX的默认内存是1024MB。而且模拟器的Nexus 5x api有1536MB。

if you're using Android Studio,

如果你使用的是Android Studio,

  • just go to tools -> AVD manager.
  • 只要去工具-> AVD管理器。
  • Then select the emulator and click on pencil button on the right for editing.
  • 然后选择模拟器,点击右边的铅笔按钮进行编辑。
  • Go to advanced settings in the new window and change the RAM value to 1024
  • 进入新窗口的高级设置,将RAM值更改为1024。

Works like a charm. :)

