Xamarin Android Player / Visual Studio:坚持“启动模拟器”

时间:2021-10-28 18:54:08

Using Visual Studio and Xamarin Android Player (XAP), I suddenly cannot get my app to deploy to the emulated device. The whole debug process gets stuck attempting to start the device and, after an hour or so, never gets any further. The emulator itself actually does start, and it runs fine.

使用Visual Studio和Xamarin Android Player (XAP),我突然不能让我的应用程序部署到仿真设备上。整个调试过程在试图启动设备时遇到了困难,大约一个小时后,就再也无法继续了。仿真器本身确实启动了,并且运行良好。

Interestingly, when the device is running, Visual Studio lists it as an unsupported device, and will not even try to deploy to it:

有趣的是,当设备运行时,Visual Studio将它列为不受支持的设备,甚至不会尝试部署到它:

Xamarin Android Player / Visual Studio:坚持“启动模拟器”

I have tried running this and other projects in Xamarin Studio and Visual Studio to no avail. I have also tried updating / clean installation of the XAP, VirtualBox, JDK, and Android SDK/NDK.

我尝试过在Xamarin Studio和Visual Studio中运行这个和其他项目,但都没有成功。我也尝试过更新/清理XAP、VirtualBox、JDK和Android SDK/NDK的安装。

Any ideas on how I can get XAP to work again?


3 个解决方案



This is a bug in the newest Xamarin.Android version. The bug is caused by an emulator name having spaces in it. The default emulator names all have spaces. The easiest way to avoid the bug is to rename the emulators in Xamarin Android Player so they don't contain any spaces.

这是最新的海蓝宝石中的一个缺陷。Android版本。这个错误是由一个包含空格的仿真器名称引起的。默认的模拟器名称都有空格。避免这个错误的最简单方法是重命名Xamarin Android Player中的模拟器,这样它们就不会包含任何空格。



If you still have the problem, try going to configuration manager in the drop down that says Any CPU and make sure Deploy is checked for your app.

如果您仍然有问题,请尝试到下拉菜单中的configuration manager,显示任何CPU,并确保为应用程序检查Deploy。



I'm using vs2015 community + Win10 Home 64 + newest android player 64, they work fine. The download link is included in this page: http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/android/getting_started/installation/android-player/

我正在使用vs2015社区+ Win10 Home 64 +最新的android player 64,它们运行良好。下载链接包含在这个页面:http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/android/getting_started/installation/android-player/中



This is a bug in the newest Xamarin.Android version. The bug is caused by an emulator name having spaces in it. The default emulator names all have spaces. The easiest way to avoid the bug is to rename the emulators in Xamarin Android Player so they don't contain any spaces.

这是最新的海蓝宝石中的一个缺陷。Android版本。这个错误是由一个包含空格的仿真器名称引起的。默认的模拟器名称都有空格。避免这个错误的最简单方法是重命名Xamarin Android Player中的模拟器,这样它们就不会包含任何空格。



If you still have the problem, try going to configuration manager in the drop down that says Any CPU and make sure Deploy is checked for your app.

如果您仍然有问题,请尝试到下拉菜单中的configuration manager,显示任何CPU,并确保为应用程序检查Deploy。



I'm using vs2015 community + Win10 Home 64 + newest android player 64, they work fine. The download link is included in this page: http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/android/getting_started/installation/android-player/

我正在使用vs2015社区+ Win10 Home 64 +最新的android player 64,它们运行良好。下载链接包含在这个页面:http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/android/getting_started/installation/android-player/中