
时间:2022-02-12 18:55:20

Can anybody provide examples or links on how to establish a JDBC connection pool?


From searching google I see many different ways of doing this and it is rather confusing.


Ultimately I need the code to return a java.sql.Connection object, but I am having trouble getting started..any suggestions welcome.


Update: Doesn't javax.sql or java.sql have pooled connection implementations? Why wouldn't it be best to use these?


13 个解决方案



If you need a standalone connection pool, my preference goes to C3P0 over DBCP (that I've mentioned in this previous answer), I just had too much problems with DBCP under heavy load. Using C3P0 is dead simple. From the documentation:


ComboPooledDataSource cpds = new ComboPooledDataSource();
cpds.setDriverClass( "org.postgresql.Driver" ); //loads the jdbc driver
cpds.setJdbcUrl( "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/testdb" );

// the settings below are optional -- c3p0 can work with defaults

// The DataSource cpds is now a fully configured and usable pooled DataSource 

But if you are running inside an application server, I would recommend to use the built-in connection pool it provides. In that case, you'll need to configure it (refer to the documentation of your application server) and to retrieve a DataSource via JNDI:


DataSource ds = (DataSource) new InitialContext().lookup("jdbc/myDS");



Usually if you need a connection pool you are writing an application that runs in some managed environment, that is you are running inside an application server. If this is the case be sure to check what connection pooling facilities your application server providesbefore trying any other options.


The out-of-the box solution will be the best integrated with the rest of the application servers facilities. If however you are not running inside an application server I would recommend the Apache Commons DBCP Component. It is widely used and provides all the basic pooling functionality most applications require.

开箱即用的解决方案将是与其他应用服务器设施集成的最佳方案。如果您没有在应用服务器中运行,我建议使用Apache Commons DBCP组件。它被广泛使用,并提供大多数应用程序所需的所有基本池功能。



I would recommend using the commons-dbcp library. There are numerous examples listed on how to use it, here is the link to the move simple one. The usage is very simple:

我建议使用common -dbcp库。关于如何使用它,列出了许多示例,这里是move simple的链接。用法很简单:

 BasicDataSource ds = new BasicDataSource();
 Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

You only need to create the data source once, so make sure you read the documentation if you do not know how to do that. If you are not aware of how to properly write JDBC statements so you do not leak resources, you also might want to read this Wikipedia page.




Don't reinvent the wheel.


Try one of the readily available 3rd party components:


  • Apache DBCP - This one is used internally by Tomcat, and by yours truly.
  • Apache DBCP——Tomcat内部使用这个版本,您也可以真正地使用它。
  • c3p0
  • c3p0

Apache DBCP comes with different example on how to setup a pooling javax.sql.DataSource. Here is one sample that can help you get started.

Apache DBCP提供了关于如何设置池java .sql. datasource的不同示例。这里有一个例子可以帮助你开始。




It's modern, it's fast, it's simple. I use it for every new project. I prefer it a lot over C3P0, don't know the other pools too well.




In the app server we use where I work (Oracle Application Server 10g, as I recall), pooling is handled by the app server. We retrieve a javax.sql.DataSource using a JNDI lookup with a javax.sql.InitialContext.

在我工作的应用服务器(我记得是Oracle Application server 10g)中,池是由应用服务器处理的。我们检索javax.sql。使用带有java .sql. initialcontext的JNDI查找的数据源。

it's done something like this


try {     
   context = new InitialContext();
   jdbcURL = (DataSource) context.lookup("jdbc/CachedDS");
   System.out.println("Obtained Cached Data Source ");
catch(NamingException e)   
    System.err.println("Error looking up Data Source from Factory: "+e.getMessage());

(We didn't write this code, it's copied from this documentation.)




As answered by others, you will probably be happy with Apache Dbcp or c3p0. Both are popular, and work fine.

正如其他人回答的那样,您可能会对Apache Dbcp或c3p0感到满意。两者都很受欢迎,工作也不错。

Regarding your doubt


Doesn't javax.sql or java.sql have pooled connection implementations? Why wouldn't it be best to use these?


They don't provide implementations, rather interfaces and some support classes, only revelant to the programmers that implement third party libraries (pools or drivers). Normally you don't even look at that. Your code should deal with the connections from your pool just as they were "plain" connections, in a transparent way.




Vibur DBCP is another library for that purpose. Several examples showing how to configure it for use with Hibernate, Spring+Hibernate, or programatically, can be found on its website: http://www.vibur.org/

Vibur DBCP是另一个用于此目的的库。可以在它的网站http://www.vibur.org/上找到几个示例,展示如何配置它以使用Hibernate、Spring+Hibernate或编程方式

Also, see the disclaimer here.





  • Pooling Mechanism is the way of creating the Objects in advance. When a class is loaded.
  • 池机制是预先创建对象的方法。加载类时。
  • It improves the application performance [By re using same object's to perform any action on Object-Data] & memory [allocating and de-allocating many objects creates a significant memory management overhead].
  • 它改进了应用程序的性能[通过使用相同的对象来对对象数据执行任何操作]&内存[分配和分配许多对象会产生大量的内存管理开销]。
  • Object clean-up is not required as we are using same Object, reducing the Garbage collection load.
  • 对象清理是不需要的,因为我们使用的是同一个对象,减少了垃圾收集负载。

« Pooling [ Object pool, String Constant Pool, Thread Pool, Connection pool]


String Constant pool


  • String literal pool maintains only one copy of each distinct string value. which must be immutable.
  • 字符串文字池只维护每个不同字符串值的一个副本。这一定是不可变的。
  • When the intern method is invoked, it check object availability with same content in pool using equals method. « If String-copy is available in the Pool then returns the reference. « Otherwise, String object is added to the pool and returns the reference.
  • 当调用intern方法时,它使用equals方法检查池中具有相同内容的对象可用性。«如果池中有字符串拷贝,那么返回引用。«否则,字符串对象将被添加到池中并返回引用。

Example: String to verify Unique Object from pool.


public class StringPoolTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) { // Integer.valueOf(), String.equals()
        String eol = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //java7 System.lineSeparator();

        String s1 = "Yash".intern();
        System.out.format("Val:%s Hash:%s SYS:%s "+eol, s1, s1.hashCode(), System.identityHashCode(s1));
        String s2 = "Yas"+"h".intern();
        System.out.format("Val:%s Hash:%s SYS:%s "+eol, s2, s2.hashCode(), System.identityHashCode(s2));
        String s3 = "Yas".intern()+"h".intern();
        System.out.format("Val:%s Hash:%s SYS:%s "+eol, s3, s3.hashCode(), System.identityHashCode(s3));
        String s4 = "Yas"+"h";
        System.out.format("Val:%s Hash:%s SYS:%s "+eol, s4, s4.hashCode(), System.identityHashCode(s4));

Connection pool using Type-4 Driver using 3rd party libraries[ DBCP2, c3p0, Tomcat JDBC]

使用第4类型驱动程序使用第三方库的连接池[DBCP2, c3p0, Tomcat JDBC]

Type 4 - The Thin driver converts JDBC calls directly into the vendor-specific database protocol Ex[Oracle - Thick, MySQL - Quora]. wiki

类型4 -瘦驱动程序直接将JDBC调用转换为特定于供应商的数据库协议Ex[Oracle - Thick, MySQL - Quora]。维基

In Connection pool mechanism, when the class is loaded it get's the physical JDBC connection objects and provides a wrapped physical connection object to user. PoolableConnection is a wrapper around the actual connection.


  • getConnection() pick one of the free wrapped-connection form the connection objectpool and returns it.
  • getConnection()从connection objectpool中选择一个免费的封装连接并返回它。
  • close() instead of closing it returns the wrapped-connection back to pool.
  • close()而不是close,它返回包装连接到池。

Example: Using ~ DBCP2 Connection Pool with Java 7[try-with-resources]

示例:使用~ DBCP2连接池与Java 7[带有资源的try]

public class ConnectionPool {
    static final BasicDataSource ds_dbcp2 = new BasicDataSource();
    static final ComboPooledDataSource ds_c3p0 = new ComboPooledDataSource();
    static final DataSource ds_JDBC = new DataSource();

    static Properties prop = new Properties();
    static {
        try {

            ds_dbcp2.setDriverClassName( prop.getProperty("DriverClass") );
            ds_dbcp2.setUrl( prop.getProperty("URL") );
            ds_dbcp2.setUsername( prop.getProperty("UserName") );
            ds_dbcp2.setPassword( prop.getProperty("Password") );
            ds_dbcp2.setInitialSize( 5 );

            ds_c3p0.setDriverClass( prop.getProperty("DriverClass") );
            ds_c3p0.setJdbcUrl( prop.getProperty("URL") );
            ds_c3p0.setUser( prop.getProperty("UserName") );
            ds_c3p0.setPassword( prop.getProperty("Password") );

            PoolProperties pool = new PoolProperties();
            pool.setUrl( prop.getProperty("URL") );
            pool.setDriverClassName( prop.getProperty("DriverClass") );
            pool.setUsername( prop.getProperty("UserName") );
            pool.setPassword( prop.getProperty("Password") );
            pool.setValidationQuery("SELECT 1");// SELECT 1(mysql) select 1 from dual(oracle)

            ds_JDBC.setPoolProperties( pool );
        } catch (IOException e) {   e.printStackTrace();
        } catch (PropertyVetoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }

    public static Connection getDBCP2Connection() throws SQLException {
        return ds_dbcp2.getConnection();

    public static Connection getc3p0Connection() throws SQLException {
        return ds_c3p0.getConnection();

    public static Connection getJDBCConnection() throws SQLException {
        return ds_JDBC.getConnection();
public static boolean exists(String UserName, String Password ) throws SQLException {
    boolean exist = false;
    String SQL_EXIST = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=? AND password=?";
    try ( Connection connection = ConnectionPool.getDBCP2Connection();
          PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(SQL_EXIST); ) {
        pstmt.setString(1, UserName );
        pstmt.setString(2, Password );

        try (ResultSet resultSet = pstmt.executeQuery()) {
            exist = resultSet.next(); // Note that you should not return a ResultSet here.
    System.out.println("User : "+exist);
    return exist;

jdbc:<DB>:<drivertype>:<HOST>:<TCP/IP PORT>:<dataBaseName> jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:myDBName jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/myDBName

jdbc:< DB >:< drivertype >: <主机> :< TCP / IP端口>: <数据库名> jdbc:oracle:薄:@localhost:1521:myDBName jdbc:mysql:/ / localhost:3306 / myDBName



URL         : jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/myDBName
DriverClass : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
UserName    : root
Password    :

Web Application: To avoid connection problem when all the connection's are closed[MySQL "wait_timeout" default 8 hours] in-order to reopen the connection with underlying DB.

Web应用程序:为了避免连接问题,当所有连接都关闭时[MySQL "wait_timeout"默认为8小时],以便重新打开与底层数据库的连接。

You can do this to Test Every Connection by setting testOnBorrow = true and validationQuery= "SELECT 1" and donot use autoReconnect for MySQL server as it is deprecated. issue

您可以通过设置testOnBorrow = true和validationQuery= "SELECT 1"来测试每个连接,并且不会在MySQL服务器上使用autoReconnect,因为它不被使用。问题

===== ===== context.xml ===== =====
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- The contents of this file will be loaded for a web application -->
    <Resource name="jdbc/MyAppDB" auth="Container" 

        initialSize="5" minIdle="5" maxActive="15" maxIdle="10"


            validationQuery="SELECT 1"

        username="yash" password="777"

===== ===== web.xml ===== =====
    <description>DB Connection</description>
===== ===== DBOperations ===== =====
servlet «   init() {}
Normal call used by sevlet  « static {}

static DataSource ds;
static {
    try {
        Context ctx=new InitialContext();
        Context envContext = (Context)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env");
        ds  =   (DataSource) envContext.lookup("jdbc/MyAppDB");
    } catch (NamingException e) {   e.printStackTrace();    }

See these also:




Apache Commons has a library for that purpose: DBCP. Unless you have strange requirements around your pools, I'd use a library as it's bound to be trickier and more subtle than you would hope.

Apache Commons为此提供了一个库:DBCP。除非您对池有奇怪的要求,否则我将使用库,因为它肯定比您希望的更复杂、更微妙。



In late 2017 Proxool, BoneCP, C3P0, DBCP are mostly defunct at this time. HikariCP (created in 2012) seems promising, blows the doors off anything else I know of. http://www.baeldung.com/hikaricp

在2017年末,Proxool, BoneCP, C3P0, DBCP在这个时候已经基本失效。HikariCP(创建于2012年)似乎很有前途,它能把我所知道的一切都打破。http://www.baeldung.com/hikaricp

Proxool has a number of issues:
- Under heavy load can exceed max number of connections and not return below max
- Can manage to not return to min connections even after connections expire
- Can lock up the entire pool (and all server/client threads) if it has trouble connecting to the database during HouseKeeper thread (does not use .setQueryTimeout)
- HouseKeeper thread, while having connection pool lock for its process, requests the Prototyper thread to recreate connections (sweep) which can result in race condition/lockup. In these method calls the last parameter should always be sweep:false during the loop, only sweep:true below it.
- HouseKeeper only needs the single PrototypeController sweep at the end and has more [mentioned above]
- HouseKeeper thread checks for testing of connections before seeing what connections may be expired [some risk of testing expired connection that may be broken/terminated through other timeouts to DB in firewall, etc.]
- The project has unfinished code (properties that are defined but not acted upon)
- The Default max connection life if not defined is 4 hours (excessive)
- HouseKeeper thread runs every five seconds per pool (excessive)

You can modify the code and make these improvements. But as it was created in 2003, and updated in 2008, its lacking nearly 10 years of java improvements that solutions like hikaricp utilize.




You should consider using UCP. Universal Connection Pool (UCP) is a Java connection pool. It is a features rich connection pool and tightly integrated with Oracle's Real Application Clusters (RAC), ADG, DG databases.


Refer to this page for more details about UCP.




MiniConnectionPoolManager is a one-java-file implementation, if you're looking for an embeddable solution and are not too concerned about performances (though I haven't tested it in that regard).


It is multi-licensed EPL, LGPL and MPL.

它是多授权的EPL, LGPL和MPL。

Its documentation also gives alternatives worth checking (on top of DBCP and C3P0):




If you need a standalone connection pool, my preference goes to C3P0 over DBCP (that I've mentioned in this previous answer), I just had too much problems with DBCP under heavy load. Using C3P0 is dead simple. From the documentation:


ComboPooledDataSource cpds = new ComboPooledDataSource();
cpds.setDriverClass( "org.postgresql.Driver" ); //loads the jdbc driver
cpds.setJdbcUrl( "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/testdb" );

// the settings below are optional -- c3p0 can work with defaults

// The DataSource cpds is now a fully configured and usable pooled DataSource 

But if you are running inside an application server, I would recommend to use the built-in connection pool it provides. In that case, you'll need to configure it (refer to the documentation of your application server) and to retrieve a DataSource via JNDI:


DataSource ds = (DataSource) new InitialContext().lookup("jdbc/myDS");



Usually if you need a connection pool you are writing an application that runs in some managed environment, that is you are running inside an application server. If this is the case be sure to check what connection pooling facilities your application server providesbefore trying any other options.


The out-of-the box solution will be the best integrated with the rest of the application servers facilities. If however you are not running inside an application server I would recommend the Apache Commons DBCP Component. It is widely used and provides all the basic pooling functionality most applications require.

开箱即用的解决方案将是与其他应用服务器设施集成的最佳方案。如果您没有在应用服务器中运行,我建议使用Apache Commons DBCP组件。它被广泛使用,并提供大多数应用程序所需的所有基本池功能。



I would recommend using the commons-dbcp library. There are numerous examples listed on how to use it, here is the link to the move simple one. The usage is very simple:

我建议使用common -dbcp库。关于如何使用它,列出了许多示例,这里是move simple的链接。用法很简单:

 BasicDataSource ds = new BasicDataSource();
 Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

You only need to create the data source once, so make sure you read the documentation if you do not know how to do that. If you are not aware of how to properly write JDBC statements so you do not leak resources, you also might want to read this Wikipedia page.




Don't reinvent the wheel.


Try one of the readily available 3rd party components:


  • Apache DBCP - This one is used internally by Tomcat, and by yours truly.
  • Apache DBCP——Tomcat内部使用这个版本,您也可以真正地使用它。
  • c3p0
  • c3p0

Apache DBCP comes with different example on how to setup a pooling javax.sql.DataSource. Here is one sample that can help you get started.

Apache DBCP提供了关于如何设置池java .sql. datasource的不同示例。这里有一个例子可以帮助你开始。




It's modern, it's fast, it's simple. I use it for every new project. I prefer it a lot over C3P0, don't know the other pools too well.




In the app server we use where I work (Oracle Application Server 10g, as I recall), pooling is handled by the app server. We retrieve a javax.sql.DataSource using a JNDI lookup with a javax.sql.InitialContext.

在我工作的应用服务器(我记得是Oracle Application server 10g)中,池是由应用服务器处理的。我们检索javax.sql。使用带有java .sql. initialcontext的JNDI查找的数据源。

it's done something like this


try {     
   context = new InitialContext();
   jdbcURL = (DataSource) context.lookup("jdbc/CachedDS");
   System.out.println("Obtained Cached Data Source ");
catch(NamingException e)   
    System.err.println("Error looking up Data Source from Factory: "+e.getMessage());

(We didn't write this code, it's copied from this documentation.)




As answered by others, you will probably be happy with Apache Dbcp or c3p0. Both are popular, and work fine.

正如其他人回答的那样,您可能会对Apache Dbcp或c3p0感到满意。两者都很受欢迎,工作也不错。

Regarding your doubt


Doesn't javax.sql or java.sql have pooled connection implementations? Why wouldn't it be best to use these?


They don't provide implementations, rather interfaces and some support classes, only revelant to the programmers that implement third party libraries (pools or drivers). Normally you don't even look at that. Your code should deal with the connections from your pool just as they were "plain" connections, in a transparent way.




Vibur DBCP is another library for that purpose. Several examples showing how to configure it for use with Hibernate, Spring+Hibernate, or programatically, can be found on its website: http://www.vibur.org/

Vibur DBCP是另一个用于此目的的库。可以在它的网站http://www.vibur.org/上找到几个示例,展示如何配置它以使用Hibernate、Spring+Hibernate或编程方式

Also, see the disclaimer here.





  • Pooling Mechanism is the way of creating the Objects in advance. When a class is loaded.
  • 池机制是预先创建对象的方法。加载类时。
  • It improves the application performance [By re using same object's to perform any action on Object-Data] & memory [allocating and de-allocating many objects creates a significant memory management overhead].
  • 它改进了应用程序的性能[通过使用相同的对象来对对象数据执行任何操作]&内存[分配和分配许多对象会产生大量的内存管理开销]。
  • Object clean-up is not required as we are using same Object, reducing the Garbage collection load.
  • 对象清理是不需要的,因为我们使用的是同一个对象,减少了垃圾收集负载。

« Pooling [ Object pool, String Constant Pool, Thread Pool, Connection pool]


String Constant pool


  • String literal pool maintains only one copy of each distinct string value. which must be immutable.
  • 字符串文字池只维护每个不同字符串值的一个副本。这一定是不可变的。
  • When the intern method is invoked, it check object availability with same content in pool using equals method. « If String-copy is available in the Pool then returns the reference. « Otherwise, String object is added to the pool and returns the reference.
  • 当调用intern方法时,它使用equals方法检查池中具有相同内容的对象可用性。«如果池中有字符串拷贝,那么返回引用。«否则,字符串对象将被添加到池中并返回引用。

Example: String to verify Unique Object from pool.


public class StringPoolTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) { // Integer.valueOf(), String.equals()
        String eol = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //java7 System.lineSeparator();

        String s1 = "Yash".intern();
        System.out.format("Val:%s Hash:%s SYS:%s "+eol, s1, s1.hashCode(), System.identityHashCode(s1));
        String s2 = "Yas"+"h".intern();
        System.out.format("Val:%s Hash:%s SYS:%s "+eol, s2, s2.hashCode(), System.identityHashCode(s2));
        String s3 = "Yas".intern()+"h".intern();
        System.out.format("Val:%s Hash:%s SYS:%s "+eol, s3, s3.hashCode(), System.identityHashCode(s3));
        String s4 = "Yas"+"h";
        System.out.format("Val:%s Hash:%s SYS:%s "+eol, s4, s4.hashCode(), System.identityHashCode(s4));

Connection pool using Type-4 Driver using 3rd party libraries[ DBCP2, c3p0, Tomcat JDBC]

使用第4类型驱动程序使用第三方库的连接池[DBCP2, c3p0, Tomcat JDBC]

Type 4 - The Thin driver converts JDBC calls directly into the vendor-specific database protocol Ex[Oracle - Thick, MySQL - Quora]. wiki

类型4 -瘦驱动程序直接将JDBC调用转换为特定于供应商的数据库协议Ex[Oracle - Thick, MySQL - Quora]。维基

In Connection pool mechanism, when the class is loaded it get's the physical JDBC connection objects and provides a wrapped physical connection object to user. PoolableConnection is a wrapper around the actual connection.


  • getConnection() pick one of the free wrapped-connection form the connection objectpool and returns it.
  • getConnection()从connection objectpool中选择一个免费的封装连接并返回它。
  • close() instead of closing it returns the wrapped-connection back to pool.
  • close()而不是close,它返回包装连接到池。

Example: Using ~ DBCP2 Connection Pool with Java 7[try-with-resources]

示例:使用~ DBCP2连接池与Java 7[带有资源的try]

public class ConnectionPool {
    static final BasicDataSource ds_dbcp2 = new BasicDataSource();
    static final ComboPooledDataSource ds_c3p0 = new ComboPooledDataSource();
    static final DataSource ds_JDBC = new DataSource();

    static Properties prop = new Properties();
    static {
        try {

            ds_dbcp2.setDriverClassName( prop.getProperty("DriverClass") );
            ds_dbcp2.setUrl( prop.getProperty("URL") );
            ds_dbcp2.setUsername( prop.getProperty("UserName") );
            ds_dbcp2.setPassword( prop.getProperty("Password") );
            ds_dbcp2.setInitialSize( 5 );

            ds_c3p0.setDriverClass( prop.getProperty("DriverClass") );
            ds_c3p0.setJdbcUrl( prop.getProperty("URL") );
            ds_c3p0.setUser( prop.getProperty("UserName") );
            ds_c3p0.setPassword( prop.getProperty("Password") );

            PoolProperties pool = new PoolProperties();
            pool.setUrl( prop.getProperty("URL") );
            pool.setDriverClassName( prop.getProperty("DriverClass") );
            pool.setUsername( prop.getProperty("UserName") );
            pool.setPassword( prop.getProperty("Password") );
            pool.setValidationQuery("SELECT 1");// SELECT 1(mysql) select 1 from dual(oracle)

            ds_JDBC.setPoolProperties( pool );
        } catch (IOException e) {   e.printStackTrace();
        } catch (PropertyVetoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }

    public static Connection getDBCP2Connection() throws SQLException {
        return ds_dbcp2.getConnection();

    public static Connection getc3p0Connection() throws SQLException {
        return ds_c3p0.getConnection();

    public static Connection getJDBCConnection() throws SQLException {
        return ds_JDBC.getConnection();
public static boolean exists(String UserName, String Password ) throws SQLException {
    boolean exist = false;
    String SQL_EXIST = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=? AND password=?";
    try ( Connection connection = ConnectionPool.getDBCP2Connection();
          PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(SQL_EXIST); ) {
        pstmt.setString(1, UserName );
        pstmt.setString(2, Password );

        try (ResultSet resultSet = pstmt.executeQuery()) {
            exist = resultSet.next(); // Note that you should not return a ResultSet here.
    System.out.println("User : "+exist);
    return exist;

jdbc:<DB>:<drivertype>:<HOST>:<TCP/IP PORT>:<dataBaseName> jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:myDBName jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/myDBName

jdbc:< DB >:< drivertype >: <主机> :< TCP / IP端口>: <数据库名> jdbc:oracle:薄:@localhost:1521:myDBName jdbc:mysql:/ / localhost:3306 / myDBName



URL         : jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/myDBName
DriverClass : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
UserName    : root
Password    :

Web Application: To avoid connection problem when all the connection's are closed[MySQL "wait_timeout" default 8 hours] in-order to reopen the connection with underlying DB.

Web应用程序:为了避免连接问题,当所有连接都关闭时[MySQL "wait_timeout"默认为8小时],以便重新打开与底层数据库的连接。

You can do this to Test Every Connection by setting testOnBorrow = true and validationQuery= "SELECT 1" and donot use autoReconnect for MySQL server as it is deprecated. issue

您可以通过设置testOnBorrow = true和validationQuery= "SELECT 1"来测试每个连接,并且不会在MySQL服务器上使用autoReconnect,因为它不被使用。问题

===== ===== context.xml ===== =====
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- The contents of this file will be loaded for a web application -->
    <Resource name="jdbc/MyAppDB" auth="Container" 

        initialSize="5" minIdle="5" maxActive="15" maxIdle="10"


            validationQuery="SELECT 1"

        username="yash" password="777"

===== ===== web.xml ===== =====
    <description>DB Connection</description>
===== ===== DBOperations ===== =====
servlet «   init() {}
Normal call used by sevlet  « static {}

static DataSource ds;
static {
    try {
        Context ctx=new InitialContext();
        Context envContext = (Context)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env");
        ds  =   (DataSource) envContext.lookup("jdbc/MyAppDB");
    } catch (NamingException e) {   e.printStackTrace();    }

See these also:




Apache Commons has a library for that purpose: DBCP. Unless you have strange requirements around your pools, I'd use a library as it's bound to be trickier and more subtle than you would hope.

Apache Commons为此提供了一个库:DBCP。除非您对池有奇怪的要求,否则我将使用库,因为它肯定比您希望的更复杂、更微妙。



In late 2017 Proxool, BoneCP, C3P0, DBCP are mostly defunct at this time. HikariCP (created in 2012) seems promising, blows the doors off anything else I know of. http://www.baeldung.com/hikaricp

在2017年末,Proxool, BoneCP, C3P0, DBCP在这个时候已经基本失效。HikariCP(创建于2012年)似乎很有前途,它能把我所知道的一切都打破。http://www.baeldung.com/hikaricp

Proxool has a number of issues:
- Under heavy load can exceed max number of connections and not return below max
- Can manage to not return to min connections even after connections expire
- Can lock up the entire pool (and all server/client threads) if it has trouble connecting to the database during HouseKeeper thread (does not use .setQueryTimeout)
- HouseKeeper thread, while having connection pool lock for its process, requests the Prototyper thread to recreate connections (sweep) which can result in race condition/lockup. In these method calls the last parameter should always be sweep:false during the loop, only sweep:true below it.
- HouseKeeper only needs the single PrototypeController sweep at the end and has more [mentioned above]
- HouseKeeper thread checks for testing of connections before seeing what connections may be expired [some risk of testing expired connection that may be broken/terminated through other timeouts to DB in firewall, etc.]
- The project has unfinished code (properties that are defined but not acted upon)
- The Default max connection life if not defined is 4 hours (excessive)
- HouseKeeper thread runs every five seconds per pool (excessive)

You can modify the code and make these improvements. But as it was created in 2003, and updated in 2008, its lacking nearly 10 years of java improvements that solutions like hikaricp utilize.




You should consider using UCP. Universal Connection Pool (UCP) is a Java connection pool. It is a features rich connection pool and tightly integrated with Oracle's Real Application Clusters (RAC), ADG, DG databases.


Refer to this page for more details about UCP.




MiniConnectionPoolManager is a one-java-file implementation, if you're looking for an embeddable solution and are not too concerned about performances (though I haven't tested it in that regard).


It is multi-licensed EPL, LGPL and MPL.

它是多授权的EPL, LGPL和MPL。

Its documentation also gives alternatives worth checking (on top of DBCP and C3P0):
