
时间:2023-02-10 18:55:44

I have the following scenario:


I have a given program which provides a JSON interface to which I can connect using a socket connection. Since I want to integrate that interface into my web-application, I'm trying to use the PHP sockets for the communication between server and client. The communication is bidirectional, which means my PHP client is sending requests to the server and the server is also sending requests to my PHP "client". I have no problems with the connection between my PHP and the JSON interface. The only problem is, since I have to wait for requests on the PHP side, I have to run it in an infinity loop. I want to 'echo' some responses and requests i get somewhere into my web-application without having that infinity loop.


My question is, is there a good way to create one php file which can:


  • create an own socket server so I can send stuff to it from my web application without being stuck in an infinity loop
  • 创建一个自己的套接字服务器,这样我就可以从我的Web应用程序发送内容而不会陷入无限循环

  • the stuff I sent to it can be redirected to the JSON server
  • 我发送给它的东西可以重定向到JSON服务器

  • the response I get from my JSON server redirecting to my web application
  • 我从我的JSON服务器重定向到我的Web应用程序的响应

Use case I have a solution for: I have a NFC card reader which provides me the functions and informations of a card (uniqueid) and it's connected to my network. The JSON server sends me a request on "card detected" and I respond with "allowed" or "not allowed". (There the infinity loop doesn't matter)

用例我有一个解决方案:我有一个NFC读卡器,它提供了卡(uniqueid)的功能和信息,并且它连接到我的网络。 JSON服务器向我发送“卡检测到”的请求,我回复“允许”或“不允许”。 (那里的无限循环并不重要)

Use case I don't have a solution for: I have my web application open and I want to write the "uniqueid" parameter into an input field to assign that card to a person. I want to do it this way: - Click a button "assign card" - Hold card over the card reader - Write uniqueid into input field

用例我没有解决方案:我打开了我的Web应用程序,并且我想将“uniqueid”参数写入输入字段以将该卡分配给某个人。我想这样做: - 单击“分配卡”按钮 - 将卡保持在读卡器上 - 将唯一ID写入输入字段

I don't want to make a direct connection from the web application to the JSON server. I want to make a temporary connection from the web application to the PHP server which has a permanent connection to the JSON server.


I hope this is understandable.


1 个解决方案



Yes you can. Look into using Ratchet in your application. It seems to fit your requirements. It has bi-directional communication via Websockets.


Your browser will connect to a Ratchet based application in your server listening in a certain port and you will be able to send and receive messages using that connection.


The alternative is long-polling. You can learn more in this * answer (which also features Websockets).




Yes you can. Look into using Ratchet in your application. It seems to fit your requirements. It has bi-directional communication via Websockets.


Your browser will connect to a Ratchet based application in your server listening in a certain port and you will be able to send and receive messages using that connection.


The alternative is long-polling. You can learn more in this * answer (which also features Websockets).
