Difference Between Mod_Python & Mod_Wsgi | eHow

时间:2023-03-08 16:59:26
Difference Between Mod_Python & Mod_Wsgi | eHow

Difference Between Mod_Python & Mod_Wsgi | eHow

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        Difference Between Mod_Python & Mod_Wsgi

    Difference Between Mod_Python & Mod_Wsgi
    By Paul Argodale, eHow Contributor
    Paul Argodale

    Paul Argodale has written for the "Village Voice" in New York City, as well as several specialized academic journals. He holds a Master of Arts in applied linguistics and a Bachelor of Arts in mathematics and philosophy.

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    Difference Between Mod_Python & Mod_Wsgi thumbnail mod_python and mod_wsgi turn the Apache web server into an application server.

    Web developers have a variety of proprietary and open-source tools available to create the rich experiences of social networking e-commerce, and electronic publishing that we have come to expect. Two open source tools based on the Python programming language are mod_python and python_wsgi. Both can be used to create interactive, database-driven websites, but each offers certain advantages and disadvantages. Have a question? Get an answer from online tech support now!
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            Developed as a means of improving on the speed of cgi requests, mod_python embeds a Python interpreter within the Apache web server. This creates a more streamlined approach to running server side scripts than the perl-based cgi approach, which required the server to create a new process for each request. It also gave Python programmers access to the internals of Apache, allowing them to take advantage of Apache's logging functions. A set of standard handlers in mod_Python allows the creation of robust web applications.

            Like mod_python, mod_wsgi is also an Apache module. It implements the WSGI specification, a means of standardizing the interfaces between web servers and Python-based web application servers and web frameworks. It can run in embedded mode, similar to mod_python, where the Apache web server interprets Python code directly, without creating the overhead of additional processes. It also offers a second operational mode in which it executes Python code in its own dedicated process