yum -y install gcc
./configure: error: the HTTP rewrite module requires the PCRE library.
You can either disable the module by using --without-http_rewrite_module
option, or install the PCRE library into the system, or build the PCRE library
statically from the source with nginx by using --with-pcre=<path> option.)-->只是为了研究过程,实际中不需要每次都./configure
yum install pcre-devel
You can either disable the module by using --without-http_gzip_module
option, or install the zlib library into the system, or build the zlib library
statically from the source with nginx by using --with-zlib=<path> option.
Configuration summary
+ using system PCRE library
+ OpenSSL library is not used
+ using builtin md5 code
+ sha1 library is not found
+ using system zlib library
yum install perl-Digest-SHA1.x86_64
开启ssl 模块 执行./configure --with-http_ssl_module
启用“server+status"页,执行./configure --with-http_stub_status_module
两个都启动,不用我说了。执行./configure --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_ssl_module
( -devel和非-devel的区别:
devel 包主要是供开发用,至少包括以下2个东西:
1. 头文件
2. 链接库
以 glib 和 glib-devel 为例:
如果你安装基于 glib 开发的程序,只需要安装 glib 包就行了。
但是如果你要编译使用了 glib 的源代码,则需要安装 glib-devel。)
$ cd /usr/local/
$ wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.8.0.tar.gz
$ tar -zxvf nginx-1.8.0.tar.gz
$ cd nginx-1.8.0
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nginx
$ make
$ make install
--with-pcre=/usr/local/pcre-8.36 指的是pcre-8.36 的源码路径。
--with-zlib=/usr/local/zlib-1.2.8 指的是zlib-1.2.8 的源码路径
执行make 命令
执行make install 命令
至此,nginx 执行成功了
$ /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx