Spring MVC - 提交带下拉列表的表单时缺少字段的HTTP状态代码400(错误请求)

时间:2021-06-07 18:32:08

I'm using spring mvc with thymeleaf to save a form with a dropdown value. The problem is when saving, I get the error 400 bad request only when I append the foreign key field in the form as a dropdown with th:field="studentTypeCode".

我正在使用带有百万美元的spring mvc来保存一个带有下拉值的表单。问题是在保存时,只有当我将表单中的外键字段附加为th:field =“studentTypeCode”的下拉列表时,才会收到错误400错误请求。

<select id="typeSelect" class="text_box" th:field="*{studentTypeCode}">
    <div th:each="studentTypeCode : ${studentTypeCodes}" th:remove="tag">
        <option th:value="${studentTypeCode.typeId}" th:text="${studentTypeCode.typeName}" />


public class Student{
    private String name;
    //... other fields
    StudentTypeCode studentTypeCode;

    //getters and setters

And in the controller I get the Student object using the th:object with the


@ModelAttribute Student student param. Saving the form throws me 400 bad request since the field studentTypeCode is not correctly sent in the request.


1 个解决方案



I just found that since I'm using the @ModelAttribute I just need to send the proper value to the Student object with the student type code id. Declaring th:field="*{studentTypeCode.studentTypeId}" gives me the exact value(int) selected in the dropdown and I can save this value.

我刚刚发现因为我正在使用@ModelAttribute,所以我只需要使用学生类型代码id将正确的值发送到Student对象。声明:field =“* {studentTypeCode.studentTypeId}”给出了下拉列表中选中的确切值(int),我可以保存此值。

The following code,


<select id="typeSelect" class="text_box" th:field="*{studentTypeCode.studentTypeId}">
    <div th:each="studentTypeCode : ${studentTypeCodes}" th:remove="tag">
        <option th:value="${studentTypeCode.typeId}" th:text="${studentTypeCode.typeName}" />

solved my issue. Also add the BindingResult error after your @ModelAttribute field in the @RequestMapping. Read more this article.




I just found that since I'm using the @ModelAttribute I just need to send the proper value to the Student object with the student type code id. Declaring th:field="*{studentTypeCode.studentTypeId}" gives me the exact value(int) selected in the dropdown and I can save this value.

我刚刚发现因为我正在使用@ModelAttribute,所以我只需要使用学生类型代码id将正确的值发送到Student对象。声明:field =“* {studentTypeCode.studentTypeId}”给出了下拉列表中选中的确切值(int),我可以保存此值。

The following code,


<select id="typeSelect" class="text_box" th:field="*{studentTypeCode.studentTypeId}">
    <div th:each="studentTypeCode : ${studentTypeCodes}" th:remove="tag">
        <option th:value="${studentTypeCode.typeId}" th:text="${studentTypeCode.typeName}" />

solved my issue. Also add the BindingResult error after your @ModelAttribute field in the @RequestMapping. Read more this article.
