这个加密的QueryString的问题是什么 - Base-64 char数组的长度无效

时间:2021-09-06 18:30:16

I am encrypting a text and sending it via QueryString.


"8ZnSq13yv2yYVDsehDnNUNp/yIFqsAQh4XNPbV1eLMpk/dMWpc/YnMMEBy29MlgcYqpV2XPOf/Rpiz5S85VN/fkLbGTCkL/clBHh983Cp s="

The Decrypt Function is given Below


public static string Decrypt(string stringToDecrypt)//Decrypt the content
        byte[] key = Convert2ByteArray(DESKey);
        byte[] IV = Convert2ByteArray(DESIV);
        int len = stringToDecrypt.Length;
        byte[] inputByteArray = Convert.FromBase64String(stringToDecrypt);

        DESCryptoServiceProvider des = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();
        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); 

        CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, des.CreateDecryptor(key, IV), CryptoStreamMode.Write);
        cs.Write(inputByteArray, 0, inputByteArray.Length);


        Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF8; return encoding.GetString(ms.ToArray());
    catch (System.Exception ex)
        throw ex;

What should I do to resolve this issue?


4 个解决方案


The 3rd last character is a space. I'm guessing that it was a + in the original before it was put on the query string. + is a special character on URL representing a space, so the QueryString is converting this to a space on you.

第3个最后一个字符是空格。我猜它在放入查询字符串之前是原始的+。 +是表示空格的URL上的特殊字符,因此QueryString将其转换为您的空间。

Try passing your Base64 string through



before redirecting & that will properly escape the + into a %urlchar and then pass it through



before parsing it on teh other side



I see a space at the end between p and s. That is not an allowed character in a base64 string.



The problem is likely that your string has characters that have special meaning on the request query. '/' , '=', and ' ' for instance.


You can encode the string prior to sending, or better yet, add it to the form body of the request and send it that way instead of the query string.



Looks a character short to me... Base64 strings' length should be divisible by 4, padded by trailing '=' if necessary - are you missing a trailing '=', i.e. should it be "8ZnSq13yv2yYVDsehDnNUNp/yIFqsAQh4XNPbV1eLMpk/dMWpc/YnMMEBy29MlgcYqpV2XPOf/Rpiz5S85VN/fkLbGTCkL/clBHh983Cps=="?

看起来对我来说很短的一个字符... Base64字符串的长度应该可以被4整除,如果有必要用尾随'='填充 - 你是否缺少尾随'=',即它应该是“8ZnSq13yv2yYVDsehDnNUNp / yIFqsAQh4XNPbV1eLMpk / dMWpc / YnMMEBy29MlgcYqpV2XPOf / Rpiz5S85VN / fkLbGTCkL / clBHh983Cps ==“?


The 3rd last character is a space. I'm guessing that it was a + in the original before it was put on the query string. + is a special character on URL representing a space, so the QueryString is converting this to a space on you.

第3个最后一个字符是空格。我猜它在放入查询字符串之前是原始的+。 +是表示空格的URL上的特殊字符,因此QueryString将其转换为您的空间。

Try passing your Base64 string through



before redirecting & that will properly escape the + into a %urlchar and then pass it through



before parsing it on teh other side



I see a space at the end between p and s. That is not an allowed character in a base64 string.



The problem is likely that your string has characters that have special meaning on the request query. '/' , '=', and ' ' for instance.


You can encode the string prior to sending, or better yet, add it to the form body of the request and send it that way instead of the query string.



Looks a character short to me... Base64 strings' length should be divisible by 4, padded by trailing '=' if necessary - are you missing a trailing '=', i.e. should it be "8ZnSq13yv2yYVDsehDnNUNp/yIFqsAQh4XNPbV1eLMpk/dMWpc/YnMMEBy29MlgcYqpV2XPOf/Rpiz5S85VN/fkLbGTCkL/clBHh983Cps=="?

看起来对我来说很短的一个字符... Base64字符串的长度应该可以被4整除,如果有必要用尾随'='填充 - 你是否缺少尾随'=',即它应该是“8ZnSq13yv2yYVDsehDnNUNp / yIFqsAQh4XNPbV1eLMpk / dMWpc / YnMMEBy29MlgcYqpV2XPOf / Rpiz5S85VN / fkLbGTCkL / clBHh983Cps ==“?